IV ABSTRACT Our world has changed considerably thanks to world-wide mass communication devices along with the rapidly progressing renovations and social changes of our time. The progress in communication technology is moving on at a head spinning velocity. The cultures of the communities of the world, social events sports activities, the news, etc which take place thousands of kilometers away can be cast on screen and watched simultanously thraugh high technology and sattelite broadcasting. The internet, which is an international information and communication network and the millenium's wonderous communication medium in the growing technology of communication and sattelite broadcating, has carried the whole world into our homes and enabled a new way of communication to be employed. When we have a look back into the past the radio in 1920' s and the television in 1960's, the former was the ears and the latter was the eyes of people. The press, on the other hand, has last nothing of its respectable place. It seems that as how the television has taken the place of the radio in the near past, the internet might threaten the throne of t.v. in the future, and perhaps in the near future it will take the place of the t.v. Mass communication devices have graduallyn been increasing its importance in our shrinking world by these decices, and they can transmit the news of any event occuring at any place, of the world according to the importance of it. When the indisputable importance of mass communication means are taken into consideration we have not only dwelt on national and international mass media, but we have particularly discussed the communication means broadcasting or publishing locally as well, and we have evaluated the effects of these communication means on the individuals and the community. In our research the province of İsparta has been selected as the sample area, and the theoretical and ampirical reseourch findings and results we have stated in our research have been evaluated according to the data of the province of İsparta. The findings and the results we have mentioned are entirely of those communication means in İsparta, and the samples have been chosen in a way to encompass the entire province.Sections of our study: Section 1 : It is the introductory part of our study and gives the methodology of our research. Section 2: The Public and the mass communication relations Section 3: Mass communication and the public -The effects of mass communication on social changes Section 4: Description of the research area (the province of İsparta). Section 5: The evaluation of the area of research and the conclusion of the rearch.