Savunma sanayiinde yenilik politikalarının bir aracı olarak offset uygulamaları
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Bu cali§mada, `yenilikgilik` ile Tiirkiye gibi bazi iilkelerin bulundugu cografi konumagismdan savunma sanayinin biiyiik onem ta§idigi goz oniinde bulunduralursa aralarmdaki siki vegerekli olan ili§ki bir uygulama alam olan `offset` iizerinde incelenmeye 9ali§ilmi§tir.Toplam dort boliimden olusan bu tezin:Birinci Boliimde; Yenilik kavrami tanitilmi§ ve Schumpeter'den giiniimiize yenilikkavrammm teorik ilkeleri ortaya konulmaya calisilrm§tir. Ayrica bu boliimde; kar§ilikli ticaret veoffsetin tammi, offsetin ortaya cikis. nedenleri, ge§itleri ve faydalari incelenecektir.Ikinci Boliimiinde; Savunma sanayiinin oneminden bahsedilecek, Ttirkiye'deki savunmasanayii ve en son olarakta savunma sanayinin hedeflerinden bahsedilecektir.U§uncii Boliimiinde; Savunma sanayinin, yeniligin ve offset uygulamalarimn birbiriarasmdaki ili§kiden bahsedilecek.Dordiincii ve son boliimde ise; Sonuc^ kismi yer almakta, bu kisimda tezde elde edilenbilgilerin degerlendirilmesi yapilarak varilan sonuclar bir model onerisi §eklinde a9iklanacaktir. In this study; `offset` applications are considered which have tough and needed relationswith geographical important countries like Turkey with `innovations`.This study has totaly four parts:In the first part; innovation term is expiated and theorical principles of innovation fromSchumpeter till today. Also, in this part; barter trade and offset meaning is explained; the purposes,kinds and benefits of offset is also considered.In the second part; we consider the importance of global defence industry. Turkish defenceindustry and its aims are explained.In the third part; the relations between defence industry, offset applications and innovationare explained.In the fourth and final part; with the evaluation of datas, a sample model is offered andexplained by the reached results