Taftazânî`nin Keşşâf hâşiyesinin tahkiki(Tevbe Sûresi)
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Tez, Zemahşerî'nin (ö.538/1144) Keşşâf adlı tefsirine yazılmış önemlihâşiyelerden biri olan Teftâzânî hâşiyesinin tahkik ve incelemesini -TevbeSûresi çerçevesinde- konu edinmektedir.Üç bölüm ve tahkik kısmından oluşan tezin birinci bölümünde,Teftâzânî'nin (ö.792/1390) yaşadığı asır ve coğrafyayı; Hicrî VIII. AsırHorasan'ını siyasî, ictimâî, ilmî ve fikrî yönleriyle kısaca tanıttık. Müellifinkısaca hayatına, hayatının sosyal ve ilmî yönlerine temas ettik.İkinci bölümde, müellifin hâşiyesini tanıttık. Hâşiye'nin müellifenispeti, eseri yazmaya sevk eden âmiller, nerede ve ne zaman telif edildiği,nüshaların özellikleri gibi hususlar üzerinde durduk. Âlimlerin hâşiyehakkındaki görüşleri, diğer belli başlı Keşşâf hâşiyeleri, müellifin hâşiyeyiyazarken takip ettiği metot, eserin kaynakları gibi hususlar bu bölümde elealdığımız alt başlıklardır.Üçüncü bölümde ise hâşiyenin ilmî açıdan bir değerlendirmesiniyaptık. Hâşiyenin takdire şâyan yönlerini ve emsalleri arasındaki yerinibelirlemeye çalıştık. Bu arada hâşiyenin eleştiriye açık yönlerine temas ettik.Müellifin Zemahşerî yönelik eleştiri ve takdirlerine aynı şekilde önemli birdiğer hâşiye müellifi olan et-Tîbî'nin (ö.743/1343) Fethu'l-Ğayb'dekiyaklaşım ve görüşlerine nasıl baktığına yer verdik.Tahkikte metot olarak İSAM tahkik esasları benimsenmiştir. This is a scientific study to Al Tawba sura from footnote ofImam Sa'ad El Din Taftazani on the interpretation of Al zamakhshariand which Alsa'ad directed his attention to what al Zamakhshari hadtaken care of the characteristics of the structures and the aspects ofinimitabilaty and also to the issues of the knowledge of the holy Quranand the principles of the holy Quran and islamic rhetoric,jurisprudence and the principles of jurisprudence, Hadith and whatelse so ever.Al Sa'ad discussed in his footnote Al Zamakhshary in a lot ofhis ideas of Mu'tazila and judged him in a lot of them.Alsa'ad's footnote was considered one of the most important bookswhich explained Alkashaf.The work in investigation required the followings: dividing themessage into two main parts: The first part was the studying partwhich included three sections:The first section was about Teftazani Era. Because Alsa'ad livedin Khorasan, it had been necessary to focus on this geographicalregion, and the most important crucial and political events in thekhorasan in the eighth hijra century, as well as the scientific andintellectual state in Teftazani era, and social status.And it would be necessary in this case to give some informationabout Alsa'ad Taftazani, his social status as his name, surname and hisnickname as well as his birth and the place where he was grown upand where his family lived.It would be necessary on this case to speak about his scientificlife, his journeys, and scientific functions. In addition to that it wouldbe necessary to speak about his teachers , students and hisaccomplishment, his creed, the praise of the scientists of that time.And what disputes had happened between him and AlshareefAljourjani. Finally the year of his death was perfectly definded.The second section was about the definition of Alsa'ad'sfootnote where this footnote to him had been attributed, his motive towrite it, the date, the place, the amount of the footnote, where it hadbeen founded and reached, and what the scientists' opinion about itwas. After that the method of AlSa'ad in the footnote was touched onwhere the way was paved with broad lines to his method, then hismethod in the explanation of Al kash'shaf , and how he was dealingwith the issues and fulfulling it. Besides his method to mention thetheologies and the sources and transfering from others as well as hismethod in quoting and the sources of AlSa'ad and his quotation.In the third section the footnote had to be put in the balance toclarify what advantages and disadvantages it had, so the way waspaved with inquiries as well as The advantages of footnote and it'svalue among its equals of footnotes and the main criticism in hisfootnote to show AlSa'ad's character in his footnote and hisindependence in his opinion. He touched on Alsa'ad's attitude ofAlZamakhshari and Alteypi and then the conclusion was mentionedand registered.The second part was made for the investigation. First, thedescription of aautographs which was depended on in theinvestigation, the original version which was confronted with the restof the versions were shown. Images as examples of autographs wereoffered. Finally the method of investigation was mentioned.