SUMMARY Education is a notion which consists of existence of societes, humans and in historical process, it has a func « tion with occupying the minds of intellectuals. The meaning of having different and distinct societies en the earth indicates tnat there are important orienttations for edu. cation in every area of the world. She reasons of developed countries lie on getting soci - al security for every individual and carrying out democracy. Again, developing countries are still trying to carry out social security, democracy, opporunity equality and using of democratic rights. If we think of caseation differently and immune to internal and external factors, we fall in fallacy by con « sidering it has no effect on socio _ economic structuce of societies. bo, any republic administration which is planning to make superior country toward the level of modern countries has to take into account of the significance of education and its internal and external dynamics. with Atatiirk's principles and his advices, the signif i «. cance that is given to education has attended until 1950 an so, a remarkable development has been felt between that era. After the second world war, the economic, social and political changes in the world have affected Turkey, too. These evolutions and shifts have influenced educational sector, directly. But, in tine, political scene has begun to give up secular izm partially, as a result of wrong policies, massive emigration from rural areas to urban caused to distortion of quality in urban area. I960 Military administration has starded an era of plan which is macro and micro policies approximately in every field and this also affected education and has >r~Frrrrrf^T?nT*Tüsölasted until I9ö2. After I9Ö.2, education for qualified peole has exhibited a remarkable decrease ana moreover lots of cohditates for uni - versities could not enter into it. In addition to this t some institutions for growing media -. human power and far technical people have been neglected. Sometimes, instead of technical scools, religious scools have bten supported. With 1990, we can see an investigation for qualif icatio _ nal changes in education..but, in spite of these positive efforts f it cannot be seen enough. As it will be seen in my thesis, rapid population growth, inefficiency of investments for education and negative factors in our economic arid social, structure are tne reasons of today's level.