In this study, the computer use of the Interior Architecture students, theirrequirements and software preferences were investigated by considering thenecessity and development of computer use in Interior Architecture. Comparisons ofsufficiency of the Computer Aided Design courses in the education of InteriorArchitecture, and comparisons of software taught with software used by the studentswere being performed.On the other hand, the development of the Computer Aided Design in the history ofInterior Architecture education was studied. Moreover, project samples regarding theInterior Architecture education and profession areas, and student computer use werestudied.Survey studies to reveal the ideas related with Computer Aided Design of theundergraduate students of Mimar Sinan University, stanbul; Hacettepe University,Ankara; and Near East University, TRNC, which are associated to the Institution ofHigher Education, were constructed.Survey application was performed on 150 Interior Architecture students. Multiplechoice questions on computer use experiences were directed to the students.Questions include the purposes of students? computer uses, semesters of learning thecomputer use, computer courses in the curriculum and their problems. Studentsexplicitly state their thoughts in this issue as a result of the survey.The following are the views of the university students responded the surveyaccording to their answers:It was found that the majority of the students started learning using computers in thesecond year of their education.Considering the necessity and importance of the computer courses in the InteriorArchitecture, the students propose that the computer courses should start right afterthe fundamental design education.In the Interior Architecture projects, students prefer the computer aid aftercompleting the sketches by hand and only in presentations. Related with this,computer use is believed to increase the image quality of the projects.The primary reason of students to use computers is that it speed ups the design. Itwas revealed that AutoCAD and 3ds MAX were the most popular drawing softwarepreferred by the Interior Architecture students.It was found that the computer courses taught in the universities are not adequate,and also there are differences in the drawing software preferred in the universities?curriculum and those used by the students.Keywords: Computer Aided Design, Interior Architecture Education, ComputerAided Design Courses in the Universities