The need and demand for orthodontic treatment and perception of dental appearance in Egyptian school children
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Oklüzal özelliklerin detaylı çalışması ile birlikte IOTN'nin yaygın kullanımı toplum diş sağlığı kaynaklarının planlanması için uygundur. İstanbul'da yaşayan Mısırlı okul çağındaki çocuklarda, okul çağındaki çocukların %51'i ortodontik tedavi ihtiyacı arz etmiştir ve %49'un ortodontik bakıma ihtiyacı büyüktür. Purpose:The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of malocclusion andorthodontic treatment needs in a sample of 11-18-year-old Egyptian school children.Materials and Methods:The total number of sample subjects required for this study was 140 comprising of 45.7% malesand the remaining females. The sample was taken from two schools in Istanbul.The study took place from February to April 2018. A two-stage cluster sample was selected.Two schools were randomly selected among all junior-high schools in Istanbul (Turkey) and arandom sample of 140 children aged 11–18 years old attending these schools was selected.Parents of sampled children were notified about purposes of the study and invited to participate.All parents who provided informed written consent completed a questionnaire related tosociodemographic details (name, sex, age, employment status, education level).The test items assessed the subject's ability to recognize the presence or absence of malocclusion,knowledge to perceive the impact of mal-occlusion and attitude about orthodontic treatment.The AC is designed to complement the DHC by recording the severity of anterior aesthetic tootharrangement using 10 photographs size and color by using Microsoft Office Picture Manager.Printouts of the photographs were shown to the patients' chair-side and were scored inaccordance to the standard IOTN-AC, that graded from number 1, the best and most beautifulsituation, to number 10, the worst situation in terms of tooth aesthetics.iiResults:Based on the AC of the IOTN, 64.3% of the total number of the research population classifiedthemselves as having good occlusal condition (i.e. grade1-4). In contrast, only 2.9% of theschoolchildren put themselves in great need grade (grade 8-10).However, (50.7%) of schoolchildren fall in 'no need' area, while (49.3%) had little need fororthodontic treatment according to the DHC.The percentage of agreement (proportion of results in diagnostic agreement) between DHC andAC of the IOTN in the determination of treatment need or no need, for total sample, showed verylow agreement.Conclusions:Widespread use of the IOTN along with the detailed study of occlusal traits is suitable forplanning community dental health resources. In the Egyptian school children living in Istanbul,51% of school children presented an orthodontic treatment need and 49% have great need fororthodontic care.Key words:IOTN, Orthodontic treatment, Dental appearance, School children.