3.76 SUMMARY This thesis is concerned with crimes against the integrity of the state, v;ith specific relevance to all subversive forces, of both domestic and international nature, directed against the Republic of Turkey. The thesis starts with an introduction, outlining the state as an enhty.After having defined the state as a concept ; an analysis is uovided for the emergence of nation-state system in Western Euro pean history. Within the same introduction, an effort has been made, to ?discuss the human (nation) 5 land (country) and legal frarae'-'orh. (cons titution) features of the state. Second, chapter is concerned ``1th terror, ansu-'chv and separatism,, These concepts are theoretically defined ; -nti ?h`- ph:' losophres behind are intr od` c ed. An e-f-rort ha. s a.lso been made to rrive contem ouar`T 6?' am..las to s^ch movement s.'` nt onlu- in 71~~vr'~`-& but also in Ti`r!`o.v. Lastly, an examination of crimes against the state follows the above analyses. The legal frame.-ork and the sanctions involved are dis cussed at great length. These crimes include espionage, treason and ot - her forms of subversive activities, which aim to change the form of.-?o- vernment and the constitution bv using force. As a conclusion, I wished to forward, the thesis that both terror and secessionist (or separatism.) have nor/ ceased to be the functions of `transnational` movements, b-'t, especially with the beginning of the seventies, become attached to the foreign -policies of various ac tors in international relations. States, which pu.rsve a gre-deterr.med goal in foreign affairs, resort to`psycholcgical '..r.rfare`, where her diplomatic and. other means end Psychological warfare, then, is made ıro of propaganda and terror combined, triggerred by the state in the pur suit of certain foreign policy aims against other actors, both friend and foe, in international platform. tf this is the current phenomenon in.world politics, than Turkey, due to her obvious geopolitical reasons, becomes the target of such activities. Therefore, Turkey should prepare her foreign and internal security strategy in the appreciation of such factors.