S U M M A R Y Alcohol and psychoactive drugs addiction which spreads according to the social structure, aiming on youth in particular, causung degenerating on national and moral values, ruining the physical, sipiritual and mental structure, threatening, families future and national defence; has become an outstanding social problem. This subject is mentioned and dealt with intersively all around the world. İn the world of development and commenication as the international affairs are increased, all nations including Turkish nation, according to their social structure, wealth, moral values, development, economical structure and geopolitical situa tion; are affected in different degrees. The usage and the sprea ding of addictive substances are the major factors threatining nations' future.In our study on the addiction and the fighting methods, firstly the disease is determined, couses for the disease are studied and the fighting methods are taken into consideration. During our work, investigations and statistical studies are carried out on the institutions such as law and security departments prisons, and the hospitals to reach the realistic determinations, comman and proposals. At the end of our study, a potential danger which can not be neglected, is observed and decided that inoculation of the historical and cultural conscious together with the national and religious values is essential in order to reach the integration of the society.