Çeşitli ekonomilerde KOBİ politikası yaklaşımları ve Türkiye
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oz n. Dünya Savaşı sonrası yeniden şekillenen iktisadi düzende, sosyalist ülke deneyimlerinin başarısızlığı (bu döneme dek kabul görmüş temel referansların yeniden gözden geçirilişi ve yaşanan toplumsal/iktisadi değişimin sınırları ve içeriği tartışmaları bir yana), üretimin/sermayenin küreselleşmesi, hızla yaygınlaşan milliyetçilik v.b. toplumsal değişiklikler, artan uluslararası rekabet ve teknolojik yenilikler, az-gelişmiş/gelişme çabası içinde bulunan ülkeler açısından sanayileşmenin nasıl ve hangi mekanizmalarla sağlanabileceği tartışmalarına yeni boyutlar kazandırmıştır. Sözkonusu tartışmaların ışığında gerek sanayileşmiş, gerekse sanayileşme çabası içinde olan ülkelerde sayısal açıdan toplam işletmeler içinde yüzde 90'larm üzerinde bir yer kaplayan küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler kuşkusuz tartışmaların ayrılmaz bir parçası olmak durumundadır. Fabrikalardan el sanatkarlığına, ticarethanelerden, irili ufaklı pek çok hizmet birimine dek birçok işletmeyi kapsayan, heterojen bir yapıyı temsil eden bu işletmeler, geleneksel yöntemlerle üretim yapan işletmelerden, modern işletmelere, bağımsız ve yerel şuurlar içinde çalışan işletmelerden, uydu şirketlere ve küçük fason imalatçılara kadar son derece geniş bir yelpaze oluşturmaktadırlar. v Türkiye'de de geniş bir alana yayılan ve pek çok ülkede kayıtlı işgücünün yüzde 75'lere yakınını istihdam eden, milli gelirin beşte birine yakınını oluşturan bu işletmelerin yaşadıkları sorunlar ve uygulanagelen politikalar, şüphesiz sanayileşme olgusunun dışmda düşünülemez. ABSTRACT In the new economic order, restructured after the World War II, the failure of the experience in socialist countries (let alone the reassessment of the basic references accepted until than, and the discussions about the limits and the content of the social/economical transformation experienced), globalization of the production/capital, social changes like rapidly spreading nationalism, ever increasing international competition and technological innovations have added new dimensions to the debate how, and by which means, industrialization can be achieved by underdeveloped / developing countries. Small and middle-scale enterprises, representing more than 90% of the total enterprises in both. developed and developing countries should certainly be an important part of the subject discussions. It's impossible to put these companies outside the industrialization fact as they are readily employing almost 75% of the registered labor force and representing nearly one fifth of the internal revenue of many countries. In the first section, various definitions of small and middle-scale enterprises throughout the world are given and the role and importance of these companies in economy are observed with examples from different countries, and also common features (both good and bad) of these companies are stated together with the essential measures used in the subject definitions. The common features and the problems of small and middle-scale companies are discussed in general. Although the features of the small and middle-scale companies vary in the developed and the developing countries, these companies demonstrate similar production and behavior ways throughout the world. So the characteristics of small and middle-scale companies are discussed in general. In the second section, experiences of several countries are mentioned about the role of small and middle-scale companies in economy and the strategies being administered for these enterprises; support programs for the small and middle-scale companies in EU, Japan and USA are examined, and also the International Convention for the Small and Middle-Scale Companies, which took place in Bologna with the cooperation of OECD and Italy is included in this section.In the third section, firstly the definitions of small and middle-scale companies in Turkey are given and the role of these companies in economy is observed. Then, with the belief of neo- liberal policies -trying to be legalized with slogans like `minimization of the government`, `keeping up with the global world` and `financial liberalization` which became popular especially after 1980- determining the fate of the small and middle-scale enterprises as well as of all the active part of the society, processes of the national economy savings arid resource transfer by the public are mentioned within the historical period (during the period of becoming a republic and the stages after that). Finally, the policies being administered in Turkey for the small and middle-scale companies are mentioned together with the related institutional construction and current legal regulations in use, then results of some surveys performed in Turkey about the small and middle-scale companies are included, and a brief comparison is made between the small and middle-scale companies in Turkey and in other parts of the world. In the conclusion and evaluation section, within the industrialization strategies, some suggestions about the small and middle-scale companies are presented by the help of the current regulations administered in Turkey. The bibliography used in the descriptive study can be classified as book, articles, related web sites, research reports, law and bulletins. The footnotes about the sources are not always given only refer to the extracts directly used from the sources, but sometimes as providing reference for the section where information about the related subject could be found. Another purpose of the footnotes was to give more detailed and supplement information about the subject. Moreover, some footnotes are specified with the sign in order to refer to other sources about the subject, with the idea that they can also be helpful about the related subject. Esin DEMIRELI October 2002