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BU TEZ ÇALIŞMASINDA, KUM ZEMİNE OTURAN T-KESİTLİ YÜZEYSEL TEMELLERİN TAŞIMA GÜCÜ SAYISAL OLARAK İNCELENMİŞTİR. SAYISAL ANALİZLERDE SONLU ELEMANLAR YÖNTEMİNE DAYANAN İKİ BOYUTLU PLAXİS 2D SAYISAL ANALİZ PROGRAMI KULLANILMIŞTIR. KUM ZEMİNİN DAVRANIŞININ MODELLENMESİNDE MOHR-COULOMB ZEMİN MODELİ KULLANILMIŞTIR. SAYISAL ANALİZLERİN DOĞRULUĞUNU BELİRLEYEBİLMEK İÇİN LABORATUVAR ORTAMINDA YAPILAN DENEYLER MODELLENMİŞTİR. UYUMLULUĞUN BELİRLENMESİNİN ARDINDAN PARAMETRİK ÇALIŞMALARA GEÇİLMİŞTİR. SAYISAL ANALİZLERDE FARKLI EKSANTRİSİTE VE FARKLI KOŞULLAR ALTINDA YÜKLEMELER YAPILARAK TAŞIMA GÜCÜ VE OTURMA DEĞERLERİ KARŞILAŞTIRILMIŞTIR. YAPILAN ÇALIŞMALARDA DENEY VE ANALİZ SONUÇLARINDA BİRBİRİNE YAKIN DEĞERLER ELDE EDİLMİŞTİR. EKSANTRİK YÜKLEMEDE TAŞIMA KAPASİTESİ DÜŞERKEN OTURMA DEĞERİNİN ARTTIĞI GÖZLENMİŞTİR. In this thesis, the bearing capacity of T-shaped shallow footings was numerically investigated. In the numerical analysis, finite element method based numerical analysis program Plaxis 2D was used. The Mohr-Coulomb Model was used to model the sand soil behavior. For obtaining the accuracy of numerical analysis, the laboratory model tests were simulated. And then, parametric analysis were performed. In numerical analysis, the bearing capacity and settlement values were compared using different eccentricity and loading conditions. In these studies, the experimental and numerical analysis results obtained were close to each other. It is observed in the eccentric loading that there is a decrease in the bearing capacity and an increase in the settlement characteristics.