Serbest birleşmeli cebirlerin alt cebirleri
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Bu çalışmada öncelikle serbest birleşmeli cebirler ve alt cebirlerin yapısınıanlamak icin temel olan konular ile P.M.Cohn (1963) un makalesinden elde edilensonuclar ve bu sonuclann uygulamalan incelenmistir,Anahtar Kelimeler: Serbest birlesmeli cebirler, Serbest Lie cebirleri, PoincareBirkhoff- Witt Teoremi, Lie cebirlerin otomorfizmleri, Tersfonksiyon teoremi In this study, firstly the basic subjects which are necessary to understandthe structure of free-associative algebras and sub-algebras of free-associativealgebras were studied. Then, the results obtained from the article of P.M.Cohn(1963) and the applications of these results were examined.Key words: Free-associative algebras, Free Lie algebras, Poincare-Birkhoff-WittTheorem, Automorphism of Lie algebras, Inverse function theorem.