Çeşitli sunta ve PVC atıkların temel koprolizi
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Plastiklerin çoğu suda ve doğada çözünmezler. Dolayısı ile plastik atıkları için açıktavahşi depolama yöntemi çevreci bir yaklaşım değildir ve geri dönüşüm çalışmalarıçok önem kazanmıştır. Ayrıca, büyük miktarda atık talaş oluşturan tahta ve odunişleme sanayisinin de bir çeşit çevresel problem oluşturduğu söylenebilir. Sonzamanlarda termokimyasal dönüşüm ve parçalama yöntemleri plastik ve biokütleatıkların geri dönüşümünde ve değerli ürünlerin eldesinde yeni bir yöntem olarakoldukça dikkat çekmekte ve kullanılmaktadır.Biokütle ve PVC'nin birlikte termokimyasal dönüşüm tekniklerine maruz tutulduğuçalışmalarda çıkan ürünler arasında bir sinerji etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Özellikle deneysel şartlara göre artan katı, sıvı ve gaz ürün miktarları elde edilmiştir.Bu çalışmada pencere yapımında kullanılan PVC ve Odun atıkları çeşitli oranlarda-biokütle:plastik ( 1: 1), (0.6:1.4 ) ve (1.4: 0.6)- ve çeşitli sıcaklıklarda (400°C, 450°C, 500°C, 550°C and 650°C) bir termokimysal dönüşüm olan piroliz işlemine 15dakika süre ile maruz bırakılmıştır. Biokütle ve plastik arasında proses sayesindeetkileşim olup olmadığı deneysel ve teorik ürünlerin oranlarının karşılaştırılması ileortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çeşitli deneysel şartlarda etkileşim olduğu tespitedilmiştir. Özellikle, 1:1 oranında sıvı lehinde, 1.4:0.6 oranında katı lehinde ve0.6:1.4 oranında ise gaz lehinde bir artış gözlenmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Piroliz, biokütle, plastik, atık. Most plastics are not biodegradable. Thus, accumulation of this materials in landfillsare undesirable due to environmental concerns. In addition, large amounts of biomasswaste, particularly sawdust from intensive wood processing, is another problem.Nowadays, the furniture industry based on wood and PVC results in wastes andalong with its by-products wood powder can be assessed for the production ofvaluable chemicals and solvents. The wastes in furniture industry can be used as afuel in various type of combustion devices for the production of energy. However,the uncontrolled combustion can release various ecotoxic gas products due to itscontent such as polisher, resins and natural benzoic compounds. Common thermaldecomposition techniques have received much attention in latest years because theysupply an alternative way to get rid of plastic and biomass waste and convert it intoraw materials and high value products.In this study, instead of direct incineration of wastes from these industry,thermochemical conversion process was applied on them to obtain preciouschemicals while preventing the environment. Recent studies have shown thatbiomass and polyvinyl chloride pyrolysis have a synergistic effect, in the form ofincreased production of liquid, solid, and gaseous products, and improved totalprocess competence. This paper displays the results of pyrolysis of biomass andplastic waste of waste. The biomass: plastic mixtures in the ratio of (1: 1), (0.6:1.4),and (1.4: 0.6) were selected. The polyvinyl chloride was chosen as a plastic type,and three types of biomass and biomass containing products, namely wood chips,chipboard, and hard chipboard were also chosen for study pyrolysis in this research.The following results were identified: Liquid, solid, and gas produced by pyrolysis.In this study, specific temperatures were used for pyrolysis of biomass and plasticsand are (400°C,450 °C,500°C,550°C and 650°C) for a period of 15 minutes. Also,before the pyrolysis of the chipboards and wood powders as a recycling process, thebasic thermal analysis was realized. First of all, the glass transition temperatures (Tg)and melting and crystallization temperatures (Tm & Tc) were determined bydifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). In7addition to these, in order to determine basic mass loss of material with temperature,the thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) were made.The hydrocarbons produced from the pyrolysis of biomass and the plastic aremonitored and compared to the theoretically predicted values. The results ofmeasurements show that there are some deviations and some synergistic effect insome ratios. The largest deviation of the liquid material was observed with respect tothe theoretical values expected in the wood chips and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)mixtures for sample (1: 1), and the highest values for the solid were for chipboardand polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for the sample mixture of (1.4:0.6), and the largestquantity of gas was for the wood chips and PVC for the (0.6: 1.4) mixture.Key Words: Pyrolysis, biomass, plastic, waste.