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dc.contributor.advisorErcan, Yavuz
dc.contributor.authorDavulcu, Mehmet
dc.description.abstractOsmanh Sultaru Yavuz Sultan Selim tarafmdan 1516 yllmda fethedilen SuriyeBirinci Dtinya Sava~l'mn sonunda elimizden (;aktlgl 1918 yl1ma kadar tam 402 yllOsmanh hakimiyetinde kalml~tu. Bu donem, sosyal, ekonomik, kUlttirel ve politikyonden Suriye'nin altm yaglm ya~adlgl bir donem olmu~tur.Osmanh Ordusu'nun Suriye'den yekilmesinden hemen soma ortaya ylkanolaylar ve geryekler Arap milliyetyileri ile Turkleri uzla~ma ortamma yekmi~tir.Harp suasmda Buyiik GUyler'ce Sykes-Picot-Sazanov Antla~masl'mn yaymlanmaslve Balfour Bildirisi'nin ilaru ile Araplar arasmda huzursuzluklar ba~laml~, ~uphe vetereddutler kIsa siirede hayal kInkllgl ve pi~manhgl da beraberinde getirmi~ti.Mondros Mutarekesi ile nihai Paris anla~malarl arasmdaki devre de, Araplar iyinbUyiik gUylerin politikalarma kar~l bir uyanl~ donemi olmu~tur.Bu donemde muhtemel bir Tiirk-Arap i~birligi iyin ortaya atl1an formuller,Osmanh idaresinin devammdan bolgesel bir pakt veya baglmslz devletlerin bir konfederasyonu~ekline kadar degi~mekteydi.i~te bu yah~ma ile Birinci Dtinya Sava~l sonrasmda itilaf Devletleri'nce hayliendi~eye sebep olan Tiirk-Arap ili~kileri ve ozellikle Mustafa Kemal Pa~a-Emir Faysalarasmdaki `uzla~ma` gayretlerine temas edilerek ili~kinin boyutlarl buttin yonleriyleortaya konmaya yah~l1ml~tu.Ankara Hukumeti ile Fransa arasmda 20 Ekim 1921 tarihinde imzalanan AnkaraAnla~masl ile Hatay dl~mda, Turkiye'nin gtiney slmrlan belirlenerek, FranslzlarAnadolu'yu terk etti. Fakat Suriye'de baglmslz bir Arap Devleti'nin kurulmasl iyinbiraz daha zaman geymesi gerekecekti.-) .Surtiye - Tiirkiye ili~kileri uzun yl1lar yok du~uk duzeyde seyretti. Ancak1999 Yllmdan sonra geli~en ekonomik ve siyasi ili~kiler eskiye nazaran oldukya geli~ti ve gelecek iyin umit vaat etrriektedir.iv
dc.description.abstractSyria which had been conquered in the year 1516 by Ottoman Sultan YavuzSultan Selim and lost by us at the end of First World War, up to the year 1918, hasstayed under the reign of Ottoman Empire for a term of 402 year. During this era,Syria has experienced her golden age in respect with social, cultural and politicalaspects.Those events facts which appeared upon the retreatment of Ottoman Armyfrom Syria, have drawn the Arab nationalists and Turks into an atmosphere ofconciliation Upon the promulgation of Sykes-Picot-Sazanov treaty by the SupremePowers and announcement of Balfour Declaration, an unrest period has stmiedamong the Arabs and within a short term of time, the doubts and hesitations havealso led to emergence of disappointment and repentance. The period taking placebetween the announcement of Mondrose Truce and Final Paris Agreement, has alsoturned into the arousal of Arabs against the policies which had been implemented bythe Supreme PowersThe formulas which during this course of time, had been set fOlih towards thecreation of a possible collaboration between Turks and Arabs, were starting fromthe continuance of Ottoman reign and changing up to the formation of a regional pactor Confederation of independent states.Through this study, we dwelt on the Turkish and Arab relations whichworried the Allies a lot at the end of First World War and especially by referring theconciliatory efforts that took place between Mustapha Kemal Pasha and Emir Faisal,tried to explain such a tie in all details.Through the Ankara Agreement which, on the 20.10.1921, was concludedbetween Ankara Government and France, the Northern boundaries of Turkey, exceptHatay province, were delineated and French Armies left Anatolia. However, for thefoundation` of an `independent Arab State in Syria, fmiher long time had to beelapsed.The Syrian - Turkey relations had continued very low profile for a long time.After the year 1999, both economic and political relations have improved toconsiderebly high level comparing to previous years and promising for future.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.subjectTürk İnkılap Tarihitr_TR
dc.subjectHistory of Turkish Revolutionen_US
dc.titleFaysal döneminde Türkiye-Suriye ilişkileri (1918-1920)
dc.title.alternativeThe relations between Turkey and Syria during the reign of Faisal(1918-1920)
dc.contributor.departmentTürkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi Anabilim Dalı
dc.publisher.instituteTürk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universityANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ

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