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dc.contributor.advisorAltınok, Taner
dc.contributor.authorSoykan, Bülent
dc.description.abstractBu egitim merkezinde (Tuzla) 2003 Yllindan beri hizmet veren Havan Egitim Simulator Sisteminin (HESS) performanSInI, geryek muharebe ortamlnl yaratma yetenegini ortaya koymak, havan egitimine olan katklslnl analiz etmek ve maliyet-etkinlik ve zaman-etkinlik yi:inOnO ortaya koymak amaclyla Havan Egitim Simulator Sisteminde gorevli havan ogretmenleri ve havan kursiyerlerinden toplam 55 gruba anket ve HESS'nde bugune kadar yapllan egitimler Anket sorulanndan elde edilen verileri kodlandlktan sonra `SPSS 12.0 for Windows` istatistiksel paket programl kullanllarak analiz Anketin gOvenirlik analizi, iy tutarhhk metodu kullamlarak ve bulunan Cronbach Alpha (a) degerine (0,926) gore, anketin guvenilirlik derecesinin yOksek oldugu tespit ii Yapllan inceleme neticesinde; Havan Egitim SimOlator Sisteminin, gen;:ek atl91 ve egitim ortamml iyi seviyede simOle ettigi, performansmln ve havan egitimine katklsmm yOksek oldugu sonucuna vanlml$tlr. HESS'nin maliyet-etkinlik analizinde, simOlatorde yapllan atl$lann geryek olmasl durumundaki Yllilk maliyet yakla§lk olarak hesaplanml§tlr. Bu deger envantere alma maliyeti ile kar$lla§tlrlldlgmda simülatorün 1 yildan daha klsa bir zamanda kendisini amorti ettigi gorülmü$tlir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Havan Egitimi, Maliyet-Etkinlik, SimOlasyon, Simlilator, Teknoloji, Zaman-Etkinlik
dc.description.abstractThis study has done in order to display the ability of Mortar Training Simulator System (MTSS) in simulating the real battleground environment by using the outcomes of the performance analysis of the simulator, which has been serving in a military training center (TuzJa) since 2003. In addition to it, to analyze positive contribution to mortar training and to explain the costeffectiveness and time-effectiveness side of the Mortar Training Simulator System. A questionnaire has been applied to 55 participant including mortar teachers and students, who have been working with Mortar Training Simulator System and training records of the Simulator have been taken into account. After encoding the data, which is derived from the questionnaire, it is analyzed with `SPSS 12.0 for Windows` statistical software. Reliability of the questionnaire is analyzed with internal consistency method and the result, which has been found according to Cronbach Alpha (0) factor (0,926), shows that the reliability of the questionnaire is high. iv As a result of this study; it is concluded that Mortar Training Simulator System simulates the battle ground and training environment successfully and it has high contribution to mortar training. In the analysis of cost-effectiveness of MTSS, in case those firings in the Simulator are real, the value of annual cost is calculated. Compared to its investment cost, the Simulator amortized itself less than 1 year. Keywords : Cost-Effectiveness, Mortar Training, Simulation, Simulator, Technology Mortar, Time- Effectivenessen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.subjectSavunma ve Savunma Teknolojileritr_TR
dc.subjectDefense and Defense Technologiesen_US
dc.titleHavan eğitim simülatör sisteminin genel etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of general effectiveness of the mortar training simulator system
dc.contributor.departmentTeknoloji Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı
dc.publisher.instituteSavunma Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universityKARA HARP OKULU KOMUTANLIĞI

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