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dc.contributor.advisorAvcı, Casim
dc.contributor.authorDemir, Mehmet Emin
dc.description.abstractTarih boyunca yöneticilerin ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda kendi işlerini yerine getirebilecek kişileri vekil atadıkları bilinmektedir. İslâm tarihinde de benzer uygulama ve durumlar bulunmaktadır. Hulefâ-yi Râşidîn dönemindeki nâiblik; rivayetlere yansıdığı kadarıyla halife, vali ve komutan olmak üzere üç görevde gerçekleşmekteydi. Bu görevde bulunanlar; askerî sefere çıkma, yolculuk, hac, vefat gibi çeşitli sebeplerle nâib atamışlardır. Halife, vali ve komutanlar tüm görevlerine sadece bir vekil atayabildikleri gibi görevlerini birkaç kişi arasında da paylaştırabiliyordu. Vekil bırakmayla ilgili rivayetler, bu rivayetlerde geçen isimler araştırma konusu yapılarak bu dönemde nâiblik ile alakalı temel hususlar ve nâibler incelenmiş, belli özelliklere sahip insanların tercih edildiği, belli kriterlerin dikkate alındığı ve buna göre atama yapıldığı görülmüştür. Hz. Ömer döneminde nâib bırakan görevlilere kendilerine niyâbet eden kişiler hakkında sorular sorulmuştur. Nâiblerin maaş, atama şekli, denetlenmesi vb. konularda bize ulaşan bilgiler sınırlıdır.
dc.description.abstractThroughout history, it is widely known that managers appointed representatives who have got authority to carry out managers' work in line with their needs. These same administrations were also available in the İslamic history. According to the narrations which had reported in sources that the regentship in the age of al-K̲h̲ulafāʾ al-Rās̲h̲idūn (the Rightly-Guided Caliphs) had been occurred in three positions: k̲h̲alīfa, governor, and commander. The persons who were responsible in these positions has designated regents as a representative because of campaign, journey, pilgrimage, and death of the administrators of states. Therefore, they have capability to designate just one man for their own place, likewise they can share the tasks between men who were suitable for appointing. When the studying was conducted on the narrations which involved the knowledges about the regentships, the specific criteria was concerned had been realized that the men who were appropriate at fulfilment the tasks have got individual attributes, hence they were deputed in those positions. At the same time, the research on the biographies of regents were executed in this work. in the reign of ʿUmar (I) b. al-K̲h̲aṭṭāb, the questions were inquired about the regents to persons who had designated them. It is seen that the knowledges regarding to regetns' salary, method of appointment, and supervision... etc. are not sufficient in resources.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.titleHulefâ-yi Râşidîn Döneminde nâiblik
dc.title.alternativeRegentship during the period of al-K̲h̲ulafāʾ al-Rās̲h̲idūn
dc.contributor.departmentİslam Tarihi ve Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı
dc.subject.ytmFour Caliph Period
dc.subject.ytmIslamic history
dc.publisher.instituteSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universityMARMARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ
dc.publisher.disciplineİslam Tarihi Bilim Dalı

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