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dc.contributor.advisorAy, Göktan
dc.contributor.authorGöğüş, İsmail Muhtar
dc.description.abstractÖZET İlk çağlardan beri insan yaşantısında önemli bir yer tutan vokal müzik, müzik muhtevasının ana boyutlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Kültürün gelişmesinde, kuşaklararası bağların sağlıklı kurulmasında, toplumun şekillenmesinde müzik eğitiminin, bunun içinde de ses eğitiminin önemli görevleri bulunmaktadır. Müzik öğretmenleri yetiştirildiği ölçüde okula ve çevresine katkıda bulunabilecektir. O halde müzik öğretmenleri güçlü bir ses eğitimi programından geçirilmelidirler. Ancak uygulamada böyle olmadığı bir gerçektir. Yapılan bu araştırma ile anadal ses eğitimi programlarında öğrencilere yeterli bilgilerin kazandınlmadığı, programda amaçların belirgin olmadığı davranışsal amaçların yer almadığı içerikte belirli bir metodun belirlenmediği, egzersiz ve şarkı uygulamalarından oluştuğu, öğretim süreçleri açısından yeterli aktivitelerin gekştirilmediği, öğrencilerin belirli kriterlere dayanmayan geleneksel yöntemlerle değerlendirildiği belirlenmiştir. Bu sorunların tespiti için yapılan kaynak taraması ve görüşmeler sonucu bilgi toplama aracı olarak anket geüştirilmiştir. Anket, müzik eğitimi bölümlerindeki ses eğitimi öğretim elemanları ile 4. sınıf öğrencilerine uygulanmıştır. Yanlış anlaşılmalara meydan verilmemesi için yüzyüze uygulama yapılmış, posta yolu tercih edilmemiştir. Araştırma evreni olarak 4. sınıfların tümü araştırma kapsamına alındığından ayrıca bir örneklem grubu oluşturulmamıştır Elde edilen veriler gruplandınlarak, analiz edilmiş, bulgular doğrultusunda, mevcut durumun tespiti ve programların geliştirilmesine yönelik öneriler getirilmiştir. Araştırma, bu alanda eksiklikleri hissedilen konulara cevap araması bakımından ve kaynak sıkıntısına bir ölçüde çözüm getirebilmesi açısından önemli görülmektedir. ıx
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY Man has been in a search since his existence. He is the one who has potential of thinking and is always in progress by his thoughts. Man who has been involving with physical environment around him has also some materially and morally value judgements as the part of his social life. Thinking people has felt sharing out his toughts and feelings with the others. Because beside his individuality man also occupies an important place in the community that he lives in. Man has always in an interaction with the environment that surrounds him. They always give and take material and moral things to his environment. In his interaction, to communicate with his environment the most important tool is his voice. Before the invention of writing, man has been trying to understand each other by the help of making gestures and/or sounds. By the invention of writing and the development of speech tongue, he added some characteristics to his talking power. He tried to give names to everything that he faced. So he felt at ease and had some fundamental views for further expressions. Man has always been aware of his voice which has taken place an important role to communicate with each other. The effectiveness of human voice is a nonrejectable truth. By bis voice, expressing his thoughts with words, he adds richness to his way of talking in the mean of stressing, pitching and uttering. The voice and the characteristics of language have always taken an important place in man's life. The human voice that took an important place in his history had also formed one of the most important dimensions of the music content. Vocal music (only by human voice) by the means of songs, ballads and games took place an important role carrying out the cultural heritage from one generation to another and forming the cultural unity in the society.Musical activities must be programmed well so as they take more effective place in man's life. Particularly for this reason training of the new generations by education, the preparation of music education programs must be sufficient. On the other hand the programs need to have well-trained music teachers to be carried out perfectly. It is clear that every program would be far from the needs of the society in a period of time. The programs would not serve the some of the needs of the day when the development of the society has been taken into consideration. So all the music education programs must be evaluated and developed continuously. Teacher training, depending on an educational plan, first started in Turkish Republican Era in Ankara. Different programs were used in music teachers' ttaining. Today it is carried out by the Music Department of Educational Faculties. In the training of music teachers, the most important dimension is Main Branch Voice Education that consists of main musical instrument and singing. In the Main Branch Voice Education only voice and singing song activities are given the priority. The other activities and knowledge about the voice education are neglected. The voice activities and songs that form repertoire are based on western techniques so that they are nor suitable for Turkish phonetic structure. It is also known that the importance is not given to Turkish composers in the programs. In 19th century, art education and particularly music education took place in gynecium (Enderun) until the Ottoman Reformation of 1839 (Ergin, 1942, s.6-12). Military music held in the military bands (Mehterhane) was also a kind of music education. The training of the band that was founded after the Mehter (Military Band) was a kind of music education as well that took its place in the Turkish music history. It was also mentioned the presence of the music education among the folk or in monasteries of Dervishes (Dergah) through out master to apprentice; and poet to poet. XIThe following subjects should be included in music education programs are as follows: breathing, hearing, articulating, talking, characteristics of the speech, the systems that form the voice and the organs forming these systems, voice disorders, care and preservation of the voice and the knowledge about voice education. Because all these subjects are the important dimensions of voice education. The voice education is a kind of abstract education. It must be turned to a concrete education with the help of some special activities. It will not be a sufficient way to start a voice education program without having any knowledge about the structure of the voice organs. The student must know the material, his voice, which he used beforehand. And, if this material, as in voice education, belongs to him and furthermore it is not seen, his mind will always be preoccupied with it. Vocal cords are known as vocal (voice) fibers by students. Since they are known as fibers it is seen as a great deficiency. For this reason in the content and the instructional procedures of the music education programs different methods must be formed and used. A student teacher of music whose main branch is voice education is supposed to have knowledge about child and human voice, voice colors and widths, and the kind of fonation. Having these knowledge one performs music education activities to his students without giving any damage to their voices. A music teacher or a student teacher must know the health centers to go when the voice disorders have occurred. This kind of education or knowledge does not take place in music education departments. Each teacher performs his classes with his previous experiences and his own mentality without depending any particular program. hi music education department, Main Branch Voice Education is taught along 8 semesters- 2 hours a week. It seems that the programs either in theory or in practice, are not built on scientific basis. The current forms of the music education programs are not sufficient with its goals, contents, instructional xuprocesses and evaluation stages. As all these points are insufficient it is far from to meet the musical needs of our society and the schools of different levels. The insufficiencies of music education programs lead music teachers in trials to solve these problems, between school and the society, with their own understandings and experiences. It is thought that Main Branch Voice Education has an important place in education of music teachers. So the current position of classes of the Main Branch Voice Education stand as an obstacle reaching the aim of the general music education. From this point of view, to evaluate and to develop the Main Branch Voice Education Programs are necessary. This study derived its reason from this necessity. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the Main Branch Voice Education and put forward some specific recommendations for the development of the program, by the view of program evaluation and development, which are held in Music Department of Educational Faculties of different universities. It is thought that the results of the study would contribute the education of the more qualified music teachers. On the other hand, as there is a lack of literature in the field this study will be used as a reference book. This study has been seen important as it is the first in evaluating Main Branch Voice Education Programs. At last, it is also recommended for the musicians, teachers, speakers and so on who have to use their voices in a professional way for their job. The population of the study consists of 4 th year students whose main branch is voice education and the teachers of these departments. First of all some studies about the techniques of previous and today's subjects of the Main Branch Voice Education have been done. For this purpose instructional programs, lesson plans and other written documents have been examined. The experts' (university teachers of the xinmentioned field) and the students' opinions have also been taken into consideration. In the study to collect the information a questionnaire was used. All the students who complete Main Branch Voice Education Program in 1992-1993 academic year were taken for this study. During the forming of this questionnaire three expertise were consulted, one from Marmara University two from Uludağ University. The questionnaire was administered to students whose main branch is voice education in Marmara University. After mat the final form of the questionnaire was prepared for the main study, again, with the view of some experts from Conservatoire of Istanbul Technical University and Uludağ University. After having the permission for the study, the questionnaire was administered to 25 university teachers and 50 university students who completed their Main Branch Voice Education Program. The employment of the questionnaire was held face to face by the researcher as the way of posting was not preferred. The findings were given in tables and discussed. The findings were explained according to the following order: Findings about; 1- Teachers 2- Students 3- Current goals 4- The development studies of the goals 5- Current content 6- The development studies of the content xiv7- Current instructional procedures 8- The development studies of the instructional procedures 9- Current evaluation system 10- The development studies of the evaluation system. The results were given item by item after the points, mentioned above, were explained. Some instructional recommendations also put forward. The main goal for the first year Main Branch Voice Education was identified. Depending the main goal 4 different objectives were given and also affective objectives were identified. Some examples were given to develop these objectives about the instructional procedures, content and the evaluation of the objectives. In the study different activities that were thought it would be useful for the voice education were given particularly for the first year students. The examples of breath training were given taking in consideration of the activities and activities of the university teachers and the researcher himself. In these training activities Turkish music tunes and Turkish expressions were used. In addition, some works of Turkish composers were given, thinking that it would be useful. The researcher believes that tins study will be a pioneer and hopes that the following studies about the subject will help the improvements of the field. The researcher also believes that our national identity must always be taken into consideration in efforts of forming new models in Main Branch Voice Education Programs. xven_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.subjectEğitim ve Öğretimtr_TR
dc.subjectEducation and Trainingen_US
dc.titleMüzik öğretmeni yetiştiren kurumlarda anadal ses eğitimi programlarının etkinliği
dc.subject.ytmVoice training
dc.subject.ytmMusic education
dc.publisher.instituteSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

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