dc.description.abstract | ÖZET Bu tez çalışması, kendine konu aldığı `Zeybek` ilk hakkında genel bilgilerin verilmesi ile başlamaktadır. Çalışmanın 1. bölümünü oluşturan bu genel bilgiler, `Zeybek` kelimesinin kökeni, efe, kızan gibi derecelen dirmelerin anlam ve mahiyeti üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Buna paralel olarak, Zeybekliğin doğuş ve gelişimi konu sunda ileri sürülen çeşitli görüşlere yer verilmiştir. Bu ilk bölüm, ayrıca, Zeybek kadın ve erkek oyunlarının bölgelere göre bir dökümünü de içermektedir. Zeybekliğin kökenini araştırabilmenin, Zeybekliğin yetiştiği Batı Anadolu bölgesinin sosyo-kültürel tarihi ni gözönüne almakla mümkün olacağı düşünülerek, çalışma nın 2. bölümü bu anlamda Batı Anadolu Tarihi 'ne ayrıl mıştır. M.Ö. 2000'lerde Anadolu'ya yönelen kavim göçle rinden kalkarak, Selçuklular tarafından Anadolu'nun Tür kleştirilmesine dek uzayan tarihsel süreç bu bölümün konusudur. Zeybekliğin, Osmanlı Uygarlığının içinde doğduğu görüşü, bu çalışmada, Osmanlı'nın tarihsel ve toplumsal altyapısını oluşturan Anadolu Beylikleri ve Osmanlı Top lumsal Yapı gibi konuları ayrı bir bölüm halinde incele meyi gerektirmiştir. Zira, Osmanlı dönemi Anadolu (ve bu arada doğal olarak Batı Anadolu) toplumsal ve sosyal yapısı ile bu yapının özellilerinden kaynaklanan Ayak lanmalar Zeybeklik gerçeği ve Zeybeklik Oyunlarının or-taya çıkışı ile yakından ve doğrudan ilişkilidir. Bu nedenle çalışmanın 3. bölümü bu alan ve konulara yöne liktir. 4. bölümde; `Tarihte Efe ve Zeybeklerin ETkileri` şeklindeki bir başlık altında, Meşrutiyet ve Kuvâ-yı Milliye döneminde Zeybeklerin gösterdiği yararlılık ve kahramanlıkların anlatımı yapılmaktadır. Son yani 5. bölüm ise, bir yakınçağ Türk Tarihi araştırmacısı olan Ergun HÎÇYILMAZ ' m aktardığı Zeybek hikâyelerine ayrıl mıştır. | |
dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY This thesis named `Appearance of Zeybek Dances in the History` is planned as research-study directed to mainly three subjects. These three subjects form the essence of Zeybek fact and idea, prejudice and convic tions. All the wrong or right comments about `Zeybek ness` stand on these three main subjects. So, the subjecvts which are have the feature to define the `Zeybekness` and are therefore directed beforehand are as follows; 1- The origin of the word `Zeybek`, 2- The time and placa where the culture of Zeybek and Zeybekness apeares and the events causing the appearance conditions, 3- Cansal characteristics of' gigure and manner in Zeybek dances, structural cansality of the dances. Both structure and content of the thesis are formed as a pruduct targeting these three main subjects. In the study, since the weight and the importance is on the origin of the word Zeybek, the culture of Zeybek and appearance of `Zeaybekness` and finallythe figure and manner forms of Zeybek dances structure and content of the sutudy is planher to enlighten these principles. To reach the aim and comprehensibility is the main cares of this study. To realize the research and the study vhilereaching the aim without losing the comprehensibility is on other important fact. This thesis begins by giving the general informa tion about `Zeybekness` which is the main suböect. These general information fgorrning the first part of the study is facusing on the origin of the word `Zeybek`, the meaning and content of stratification as efe, kızan etc. There are many different claims about the origin of word `Zeybek`. One of them clains that the words suchas `Obekkos`, `Tobekkos` changed in time and becomes `Zeybek`, origi nating from the fext of Homeros. The other which be longs to Mahmut Ragıp Gazimihal, indicotes that the word was used by Greeks. The last opinion about hhis subject belongst to Divan-ı Lugat-ı Türk of Kaşgarlı Mahmut. This opinion pointigng at the Turkisth origin of the word is the most right one and includes the comments accepted by this thesis at the some time. After searching! the origin the word `Zeybek`, while the origins of efe, zeybek and kızan are also searched, the meaning and the content of this stratifi cation in `Zeybekness` are studied.After, the distribution of Zeybek female and male dances according to the cities, first part covers the opinions about the subject of Historical Development of Zeybekness in this part, the opinions in the book named `Zeybek in History` of Hüseyin Hilmi Bayındır are first explained. Hüseyin Hilmi Bayındır e,piaines in this work that the history of Zeybekness is of the same age with the Aegean history so Zeybekness extends until Et rusks bringing civilization to Europe in 2000 BC. After these opinions, the descriptions in the work named `Minor Asia` dated 1835 of Charles Teksier French traveller are taken over. Charles Teksier 'focuses on socio-cultural structure of Zeybekness by saying that `It is impossible to understand about the real origion of them.` Afterwards, to works of Kemal Özkaymak, Halikarnas Balıkçısı ( Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı) and Dr. Kunoş (Hungarion folklorist) are respectively are dis cussed. The comman view of this theree researcher is that Zeybekness is of the some age Tur kisf ication of Anatolia. By thinking that to search the origin of Zeybekness is possible by remembering the socio-cultural history of Western Anatolia Region where Zeybekness grows up, the second part of the study is separated to the history of Western Anatolia in this sense. The subject of thispart covers the time period from the tribe migrations to Anatolia in 2000 's 3C until Tur kification of Anatolia, by Selcuks. Western Anatolian Region is the geographic region where Zeybek culture appeares and lives. This region subjected to tribe migration in 2000 's BC was called Ionia in ancients period. This historical period which is until the sovereignty of Persian is Ionian history for this reason. This historical characteris tics and the growth of the Zeybek culture in the cities of Western Anatolia make it necessary to examine the ion cities at first. Therefore, Ion cities -like Suyrna (İzmir), Phokaia (Foça), Sardes (Salihli) etc. are examined. Afterwards, the sovereignty of Pearsian and Byzantium m Western Anatolia ismentioned as study subject respectively. After trying to understand the effects of Persian and Byzantium (ten Eastern Byzantium) on the culture of Western Anatolia, the period of the settlement of Turkish People in Anatolia whichis the starting kpoint of the history of Zeybekness and the synbol of a turning point is explained sufficiently. The conguest of Turks Anatolia by Turks and the appear ance of Zeybekness in parallel to Tur kisf ication of Anatolia is the main subject of this part. Since, Zeybekness as a part the politics of Tur kification of Anatolia is a product of Uçbeyliks charged to govern Aegaen and Mediteranian region and settled in the coasts of Western Anatolia, the seeds of Zeybeklik are tarown in these beyliks.The view of Zeybekness born in ottoman civilization couses to study the subjects such as Anatolian Provicial Governments and Ottoman social stucture which forms the social and historical understructure of ottomans as a seperate port since, Anatolian (tneamurhile natarallya- lest Anatolian) social structure and the rebeltions coused by thes structure's characteristics ara directly and closely related with the raelity kof zeybekness and the rising of Zeybek dances. Therefoire, third part of the study covers all these subjects. 14 th century is very important for zeybekness and also for all Anatolian history. Ottomans give impor tance to some activities to realize Anatolian Turkish Unity. Unity activities under the flog of Osmanlı Beylik in 14 th century was a serie of multudimensional and multucomponential activities. So, Zeybekness appearing in the effect of alynamics of Ottoman social structure in 16 th century and finding it's final identity in 19 th century was born in the cousality of these multudi mensional activities. Because, during the realization of Turkish Unity and afterwards and after it becames sevure, the ideals to open from Balkans, Europe and Iran in East to Africa push the sovereignty of Ottomans to apply sometimes despotic rules. These despotic applica-tions on economic and social are as couse some rebel lions by the stratum who are complaining. Zeybekness appeares also after such a rebellion period and is a reactive formation. However, as mentioned above, infact Zeybekness gains its real identity and content during iawakening of Anatolia following Meşrutiyet and especially with the events growing in the period of Kuva~yi Milliye, in the 4 th part of this tpesis; under the title `the ingluence of Efe and Zeybeks in history`, the courage and heroism of Zeybeks during Meşrutiyet and Kuva-yı Milliye are explained. The heroism of Kuva-yı Milliye developing the real essence in their own life and explaining the realiden- tity of Zeybekness suchas Yörük Ali Efe, Demirci Mehmet Efe and the helps for Anatolian Turkish movement have got the guality to give right result for a research about Zeybekness. final, in other words 5 th part Covers the articles including the Zeybek stories of Ergun Hiçyılmaz who is a near post Turkish History researcher. Here, again the known stories of the heros such as Çakırcalı Efe, Yörük Ali Efe are mentioned in details. | en_US |