dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY Folklore Folklore is a foreign origin word borrowed from English language; meaning widely held knowledge about people. Considering its scientifîc context, we encounter a scientific discipline dealing with historic treasures of human tradition. The subject matter people, as far as folklore concerned, is not a randomly chosen mere community of humans. They should have a common cultural heritage and ingrained elements entitling them become a nation. in tenns of scope, folklore is a combination of entrenched and widely held values reflecting national characteristics, common cultural ties by nurturing entire beliefs, art and creed of the people for a millenniums göne by.'. ' Ambient factors of folklore consists of; -Human element, -Characteristics of anonymity, -Belongüıg to real life, -Being self-explanatory, -Being verbally passed-on generation to generation, -Depth in time, and far-reaching in space. Relevant Disciplines of folklore ; Ethnology, history, archaeology, psychology, literatüre, history of arts, medicine, theology, law, anthropology and other relevant disciplines. Cadres of folklore People's beliefs, usage and customs and traditions, -dressing appearance and habits, folk literatüre, folk music, means of nutrition and products, handicrafts, ethnic medicine and medication, folk drama, ethnic menology and chronology, instruments of folk music, ethnic architecture, means and methods^of urban and rural settlement, people's institutions, people's law and economy, and folk dances. ixDescription of folk dances Folk dances long since been a vitally important element of community life, hitherto preserving their cementing effect of people. The primitive people gave a straggle to survive in a hostile environment vulnerable to predators in the midst of abundance of dangers. Take a cave man as a quintessence, after a trying show of stnıggle with often unfriendry nature as long as the day light lasts, returning to their home victoriously bearing their hunt could not take themselves to express the inner reflection of joy to overcome and prevail över the external world; there, such boosting energy of joy gave birih of dance ör play-dance, clumsy jumping around and coarsely joking was then, of course, yet unequivocally, in the course of the time promoted itself to be öne of the highly matured human expression. Such innocent mixture of dance-play it gradually become a disciplined form of art by combination of music and aesthetics, multiplying and diverting in type and kind under infhıence of ali material ör spirirual events and conditions. in Turkic societies too dance was a national treasure, emiched by traditions and become a vast wealth of people to enjoy mülenniums to come. in modern times folk dances also a means of lively expression a reciprocal exchange of ethnic identity, creed and beliefs, relationship to nature, communal and inter-personal relations, as combined with music availing the elements of culture passed on to progeny. The subjects participating to experiment titied `Effects of Folk Dances in Socialisation of Individuals` was comprised of a study group constituted by several aged males and females and a control group in same cantities. This study was combined under three main headings The first being general information about folk dances, secondly information provided about person, society and the socialisation process, the third examinations of characteristics of the people practising of people of the same age group who not practice folk dances. The study was concluded in result section. Socialisation Socialisation is namely assimilation of common behavioural patterns of the society by a person as a consequence of establishing xpersonal contacts with others. in other words, socialisation is embracing by a person the comraon believes, morals and ideals of a given community and taking the relevant social course by the individuals appropriating to its common ways and means; hence, the individual becomes more than a biological being and a vvholesome person identifıed with its community. a.The Factor Of Existence in terms of its existence the human being is a `social` animal. Since the beginning of human history man craved for socialisation and felt the need to live with fellovv man. it is a common characteristic of mankind. Nevertheless, two persons are never the same. On grounds that inherited faculties of persons come with the büth and ali vary according to endless possibilities of circumstances each of us are subject to. Some are intelligent and some dull, some capable of playing music and others may become virtuoso in visual arts, ete. Such characteristics varying person to person cause creating of differing personalities. Naturally, öne of the underlying factors enabling persons develop their personalities is ingrained psychological standing ör qualities. b.Social Environment Factor Albeit the fact that, the inherent qualities of a person enabling him/her socialise with others are vital factors, they vvouldn't be enough to form a personality. in order to become a social person the individual ought to interfere. The individual acquire its most important qualities from the community, for, the community constantly effect the person, infuse to him/her its language, dialect, values, morals, esteemed means.of behaviour patterns, ete. Thus, the person almost always become socialised according to directions of the community its lives in. in another words, socialisation occur specifically for a given individual in a given community at a given period of time. For instance; a new born Turkish baby gradually becomes socialised by leaming Turkish language, Turkish national customs and tradition and overcoming Turkish ideals. Social environments forming a socialised individual in a community many in number. Each environment contributing to leaming process of the individual has such qualities. The fırst social environment of an infant is his/her family. The fırst educators of the inquisitive little creature are the loving parents which followed by environment of friends, school, occupation, religious and political environments of interest. There and men the raw individual gradually matures and his/her personality attain full xistatue. Although the environments may be similar to each other the personalities growing in them be entirely different, for the obvious fact of differing capabilities and insight of people. In addition, no one being effected from the same environment in the same way and degree. That means, there can be no living persons whose social lives completely identical to each other. The individual is born not with an established personality but as a tabula rasa nurturing basic qualities to become one, then, the culture takes over to work on such person, and procedure of socialisation takes place. Psychological test conducted In order to measure personality traits Eysenck Characters Inventory was applied to the study group. According to the psychologists personality or individual characteristics were described as the whole context of distinctive behavioural traits of any unique individual. In other words, it is the combination of intellectual, physical and spiritual characteristics separating a person from the others. Eysenck Characters Inventory was comprised of four sections : 1. Psychotism (P) 2. Extroversion (E) 3. Neurotism(N) 4. Lie Detection Scale (L) This test was reproduced up to the number of research group members (i.e. 50 Pes.) and a yes ( ) and no ( ) Questionnaire was served for subject to answer. The test questionnaire was comprised of 101 questions. The research group reacted positively to the Questionnaire and replied sincerely to all inquiries. The results of the test were then informed to the study groups and points acquired by the individuals in terms of measurement of Psychotism, Extroversion, Neurotism and Lie Detection Scale were rendered to the subjects. The reliability of the test were also procured by Lie Detection Scale (L). Acquiring more than 14 points at Lie Detection Scale (L) by the subject shall render the test invalidated. Upon application of Eysenck Characters Inventory to the study group the result was attained as to the persons playing speedy and medium speed folk dances are more extroverted in terms of personality traits in xncomparison with slow dance performers or non-performers, and as far as neurotism points of extroverts concerned the same appeared much less neurotics than the persons not involving with folk dancing. The underlying reason for such results is continuous social relationship of the folk dancers with other people, hence, giving vent to their extra energy released out by folk dancing thus be saved from adverse effects of neurotism. As a result of all these research and assessment, determination was made as to the folk dancers are more wholesome in social activities, having more companions, having better and speedier adaptability to new group of friends, less degrees or pyschotism, encountering minimal amount of dilemmas in terms of neurotism and being a much desirable social level of life and high degree of acceptability in comparison to non-performers. As a result of our study conducted in metropols we came to a conclusion that, the city inhabitants being adversely effected from environmental pollution, noise, hustle and bustle of the daily struggle are seeking means to get-a-way from such physically and psychologically languishing effects of contemporary life in quest of experiencing feeling of belonging to their roots in such cosmopolitan milieu, where folk dancing represents itself as an easy solution to escape tension. By doing so they either assist subsistence of their cultural heritage or better themselves in their respective professions by easement in body and spirit. Such important characteristics of folk dances even more evident onto students. Having busy studying schedules the students commiting themselves to folk dances were proven to be extremely relaxed and get rid all their intellectual fatigue. In the same context, the individuals increasingly chose to actually involve with folk dancing to gain friendships, socialisation and opening themselves out, and gradually attain the above rendered desirable qualities by means of that. Not to mention the great opportunity of foreign tours conducted to perform their own cultural heritage for people of the world to cherish. xm | en_US |