dc.description.abstract | ÖZET Bu çalışma, büyük bir Türk bestekârı ve musiki bilgini olan, H.Sadettin Arel'in ve Bestelerinin bir kısmının incelendiği İlk çalışma dır. Bu çalışmada, Arel'in Hayatı. Kütüphanesi, Şahsiyeti ve İlmi Hüviyeti, Eserleri, Musiki Cephesi, İstanbul konservatuan'ndaki Ça lışmaları, Bestekârlığı, Talebesi, Besteleri ve Bestelerinin bir kısmının incelenmesi yer almıştır. İlk olarak, bestelere geçmeden önce, Arel'i ve onun düşüncele rini ortaya çıkarmaya çalıştım. Böylece Arel'i ve bestelerini anlayabil mek mümkün olabilecekti. Aynı zamanda, Türk Musikisi'ne ve yeni yetişen bestekârlara yararlı olabilmek için, önce Arel üzerinde önemle durarak, bestelerine dikkati çekmek istedim. Çalışmanın başlarında, Arel'in hayatından bahsederek, kendi sinin avukat olup, Hukukçular Derneği'nin kurucu ve ilk başkam ol duğunu, Flarmoni Derneği'nin kuruculuğunu yaptığını, Türkçe'den başka, Arapça, Farsça, Almanca, Fransızca, İngilizce'yi son derece iyi bildiğini, İtalyanca, İspanyolca, Latince, Rumca, Eski Yunanca, Er menice'yi okuyup anlayabildiğinden ve musikideki kabiliyet ve bilgi sinden söz edildi. Arel'in eserleri arasında, hukuk üzerinde bazı tefsir ve önemli konular için yazılmış makaleleri vardır. Edebi eserleri, makaleler, ve cizeler, fıkralar, tenkitler, tercümelerden ibarettir. Arel'in eserleri arasında, Musiki ile ilgili olarak, Türk Musikisi Nazariyatı Dersleri, Armoni Contrepoint, Füg, Türk Musikisi îleri Sol fej Dersleri ile Eski Musiki Tarihi, Türk Musikisi Kimindir? Prozodi Dersleri ve Musiki Mecmuası'nda yayımlanan çok sayıdaki makalesi vardır. Arel, bestelerinde Batı Müziği'nin eserlerinden faydalanarak, yeni ve ileriye dönük Türk Musikisi eserlerini yaratmıştır. Bu çalış mada, bestelerinin isimleri formlara göre sıralandı. Daha sonra da, bunların bir kısmı, formlara göre incelendi. Bu incelemede, Arel'in Musiki Mecmuası'nda yayımlanan makalelerinden, Türk Musikisi Na zariyatı Dersleri, Prozodi Dersleri, Makamlarda Duygu Unsuru gibi konulardan yararlanıldı. Bu inceleme sonucunda, Arel'in başka hiç bir bestekârda rastlanmayan bir musiki bilgisi ile çok sesliliğe, geçği, makam ve usul zenginliğine, prozodi ve vurgu gibi konulara çok titiz likle yaklaştığı görüldü. Tezin ekler bölümüne Arel'in gazelleri eklene rek, özgeçmiş ile tez bitirildi. vı | |
dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY Sadettin Arel is one of the best Turkish Music Composer and Music Scientist in Turkey. His melodies are like a fine drawing OR painting. Melodies have definite shape and design. He made satisfying types of melodies. He spoke of a melodic line or a melodic cure. Arel created a lot of musical compositions. He composed many songs. This is the first working on some of Sadettin Arel's compositions. Music is all around us, but no one knows how music began. Music has played an important role in men's life. The variety of the people's music are almost endless. Through music Arel expressed his deepest feelings, Joy, sarrow, pleasure or pain. Usually Arel explained how he felt and often his emotions were so deep so strong or complex that he just could put them into words. He created many kinds of songs and beside them there are religious songs. My working is about Arel's life, his ideas, his libray which some part of it is in `Atatürk Libray` in Taksim now and his strong character, his compositions and the other productions on law, his intrest in music and the teaching years in `Istanbul Conservatoire. First I wrote Arel's ideas in music and his character and than we can understand Arel and his compositions. I selected different Arel's compositions to help young Turkish composers and musicians. Melody is a primary material of music. Melody, rhythm, harmony, counterpoint, tone are the vorious materials of music. Melody is the succession of tones arranged in an interesting or attractive pattern. The inventive power of Arel is impressive. His melodies have different rhythms. No one tell you that Arel's music is out of date. Most of the modern composers have felt its vitality, and used it in Vlltheir compositions just as musicians have done for hundred years ago. Sadettin Arel was born an the 18th. of December in 1880 in Vefa in Istanbul. First he attended Şemsûlmaârif and than Nümüne-i Terakki after thes French Colleges in Istanbul and in Izmir. One day when Arel was In Sarıyer, he listened a band in front of the Russia Ambassy, than he interested in music. Every country has its own music. Various men produced their individual styles of music, Arel did too. Arel created different styles and rhythmes. If we should examine the Arel's music, we should find notional Turkish music based on traditions. His music style became meaningful to everybody. It's still interesting, meaningful, for us in 1995 now. He learned to play `Ud`. It's a Turkish instrument. His compositions are attractive because of their Rich harmony, unusual tone color or their fresh and surprising rhythm. Arel's melodies have the power of the convey emotion, often Revealing the most personal aspect of his own style. The simple pattern of tones without help of any harmony could suggest gaiety, sadness, mobility or strength. He was an educated man. He was a lawyer. He graduated from the Law Faculty, in 1906. He learned French, German, English, kalian. He was the builder of `Law Association`. He could understand Italian, old and modern Greek too. If you pass through the Arel's Compositions, you can realize that Arel is a perfect musician. He created new compositions using the westren and the old Turkish music together. This is the most important difference between Arel and the other Turkish composers. He had too many students at the Istanbul Conservatoire. Arel had two libraries. His first library was destroyed in 1922. There were too many good books in it. There were law books, music books, science books, literature books in his library. Books which were collocted nearly 20 years. There were more than 10.000 books. What a pity!. His second library is in Atatürk Museum now. There are many books from Europe in it. In fact this library is important for Turkish Music. Too many musical notes, Turkish music productions compositions, articles and notes in it. He collected all kinds of historical and musical books. There are English books, German books, French and Greek books in his library. VlllArel spoke Turkish very well. He said his Ideas but never criticized men. I put Arel's musical compositions in order. I showed their forms first than I wrote their names. I studied on there compositions. I also examined Arel's articles which were written by Arel for the music magazines. Articles helped us in Turkish music and Prozodi lessons, tunes, compositions, Turkish methods, forms, musical notes, scales, harmony, steps and measures. He was very good at music and he was good at law too. He was good at learning languages. He learned a lot of languages easyly. He translated many books. He read thousands of book. He produced compositions, he was good at learning and playing instruments. He played `Ud, violin, piano, violonicello, ney in the dervish lodge and mandolin. He learned latin chracters. Wrote a lot of articles on law, Some critics, translations and epigrams. He wrote many articles for Turkish music. There are the names of some Arel's articles; Turkish Music, Theory lessons For The Turkish Music, Armoni, Contrepoint, Fugue, Methods for the Turkish Music, History of the Turkish Music, History of the Old Turkish Music, Whose Is The Turkish Music, Prozodi Lessons, and many articles published for the magazines. The articles are very useful for the Turkish music and musicians. Let's go on; How to Turkish Music Go Forward?, The Tones Of The Turkish Music, Egypt Music, The Sistem Of The Turkish Music, Atonal Music, The Richness Of The Music, What's Music? Music And The Magic, Phon, Notes For The Turkish Music, Tones In The Turkish Music, Notes, Bunches, Piano Method, Another World, and a lot of lectures. He had unfinished Studies. Whose Is The Turkish Music? History of Music, Harmony Lessons, The Theory Lessons were published by İstanbul Conservatoire. Let's look at Sadettin Arel's music side again. Arel began music when he was ten years old. He was listening to music and interested in playing instruments. He learned to play some of Turkish instruments. He was interested in Instrumentation, orchestration and Compositions, clasical music, Religious Music. He learned Riligious music from Hodjas in Tekke. He had a big Record collection. It contains too many important Turkish and clasical music records. IXHe created newness for `Ud` and `Kemence` called `besleme` in Turkish. He composed new Turkish songs for piano. He invented hundreds of new music systems. Arel was music teacher in Istanbul University. Taught Turkish and clasical music in Conservatoire. He invented new forms using these two music together. Mr. Cahit Atasoy who is our music teacher. In Istanbul Tecnical Conservatoire now is one of Mr. Arel's students. Mr, Cahit followed Arel. He has a lot of compositions. He hikes children very much. He has a lot of children songs. He plays the piano very well. Sometimes we get fogether and we sing songs. Richness of tune is the biggest treasure of Turkish music. This is the most Important characteristic of Sadettin Arel. The tunes that Arel used were very esthetic. According to Arel all tones contain emotion. Arel used different tones which were full of esthetic. He became famous with his transpositions. Axel's transpositions are valueble. They are worthy than the other composers transpositions. Arel is good at modulation. He is the best of all composers. He prefered the near modulatin more than the far modulation. We can see thousands of modulations in his achievements which were used only by Sadettin Arel. Arel's productions Contain many nuance marks. We can see different music marks in his compositions. Marks are good for the Turkish music. Most of nuance marks were used by young composers too. At last Arel created polifonic music. This new kind changed the view of Turkish music. He created polifonic music his last eight years. He was nearly old. He had some: polifonic compositions. I showed some of the these music in my book. He was the only one who composed lyric poems. These lypic poems were wonderful compositions. I think that they are still wonder ful and worthy in my century too. They are nice and lyric compositions. Hymns are in religious music. Sadettin Arel is also one of the most important hymn composer. He created too many hymns for the derviş lodge.Today we still listen hymns on the radio or on television. Mevlevi ceremony is the most important form of the clasical Turkish music. `Mevlevi is a man who dances anly for god with a religious music and a private rytm. Mevlevi men a still dancing in private days in Turkey once a year we can see Mevlevi dansers in Konya in Turkey. There is another religious form called `durak` It is shorter than Mevlevi ceremony. Durak is a spesifik form. It can build only one form. This form called `evferi` in Turkish. It is a private Turkish form, you can't see it in the other countries. Mesut Cemil and Ferit Alnar are famous musicans. They are Arel's students. Both of them are composers in Turkey. Arel discovered their abilities when they were students. He sent both of them to Europe. They were good virtuosos Mesut Cemil graduated from Berlin Conservatoire, Ferit Alnar graduated from Viana Conservatoire, Arel wanted to keep Turkish music away from the foreigner music. Arel saved Turkish music from the foreigner attacks. He improved the Turkish music. Thank to Arel that our music lived and improved and became rich. Briefly Sadettin Arel build Turkish again. Thanks Mr. Cahit Atasoy a lot the helped me very much. He gave me books, and magazines. I found Sadettin Arel in his books. I read articles from his old magazines. He found an old noters for me. I put them together and wrote about Arel. Sadettin Arel is more different than the other Turkish musicians. I loved Arel. XI | en_US |