dc.description.abstract | ÖZET Oyun kelimesinin hangi anlamlarda kullanıldığı konuşunda bir tanımlama yapmak gerildiğinde, bu tanımlamaların oldukça geniş bir alanı kapsadığı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ansiklopediler, oyun kelimesinin çeşitli alanlarda, hangi anlamda kullanıldığı konusunda çeşitli açıklamalar yapmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmaya konu olan tanım, folklor açısından oyunun ne anlama geldiği, kapsamına hangi konuların girdiği ile ilgili olan tanımdır. Bu da şu şekildedir; Çocuklar tarafından, eğlenmek ve oyalanmak amacıyla, en az iki kişi ile ya da topluca yaplan, bazı kuralları gerektiren, bazen çeşitli araçların da kullanıldığı eylemlere verilen isim. Oyun, çocukları ilerde yaşamın gerektirdiği ciddi iş ve uğraşlara hazırlamak, yetiştirmek içindir. İsteğe bağlı, gönüllü bir eylemdir, özgürdür. Gerçek yaşamdan farklıdır. Oyunun kendi içinde bir düzeni ve kuralları vardır. Bu düzen ve kurallar bozulamaz. Oyunların kökeninde ritüeller bulunmaktadır. Bu oyunlar, mevsimlerin aksamadan dönüşümüne, tarım ürünlerinin olgunlaşmasına, yıla, bolluk ve mutluluk getirmeğe yöneliktir. Ayrıca, oyunların büyüleyici bir etkisi de vardır. Oyunların kökeninin Şamanizm'e kadar dayandığı, arkeologların buluntularından, bugün de oynanan ve yaygın olan oyunların, çok eski çağlara kadar uzandığı görülmektedir. Oyun, çocuk için, yanhzca boş zamanlan değerlendirme aracı değil, en önemlisi eğitim aracıdır. Fiziksel, ruhsal, zihinsel, kişilik ve sosyal gelişimi açısından, oyunun çocuğun yaşamındaki önemi çok büyüktür. Çocuk oyunları incelenirken, tekerlemeleri göz ardı etmek mümkün değildir. Çocukların yaratıcılıklarını, hayal güçlerini geliştirmeleri ve düzgün konuşmalarına yardımcı olmaları bakımından, tekerlemelerin önemi büyüktür. Bu çalışmanın sonunda, konu edilen Doğu ve Güneydoğu Bölgelerimizde oynanan, yukarıda kısaca anlatılan özellikleri bünyesinde barındıran çocuk oyunlarımızdan örnekler verilmiş ve bu örneklerden yola çıkılarak bazı sonuçlara varılmıştır. | |
dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY If it is necessary to describe the meaning of game as a word, we see that these descriptions contain a vast field. Encyclopedias describe game, as a word, how it is used in various fields like this; 1- The activity, physcial or mental, which isn't done by force, which doesn't have any aim, but which is done for pleasure. 2- The activity for pleasure which has winners and losers and has rules for the people who have reconciled their differences. 3- All of the chance games, gambling. 4- The turn of the backgammon, card, etc, party. 5- The movements of a person who especially uses his physical skills to reach an end. 6- The action and the style of interpretting a role. 7- The way of playing a game or a sport which is played together or playing a match. 8- The way or the method, which is skillful but honest and illegal, for a person to reach something which he wants, trick or plot. 9- The behaviour of aperson who behaves madly or capriciously. 10 - The meandering way of expression which is applied to gain or to argue in literature. 1 1- The work which is about drama or performance in dramatic literature and to put the work on stage. 12- In etiology the activiness motion about registered behaviour. 13- In mathematic, the game which has zero in total. 14- In music the general name of the instrumental passages that has rhythmical melodies and the melodies with which you can dance. VI15- In sports the all movements to improve the sportmen' s physical, psychological and the understanding of his sports. 16- In folklore, the actions which is played by children for pleasure and wasting time, which is played by (at least) two people or crowd, which has some rules and some instruments are sometimes used. The definition which is subject to this study is the last definition for the game. In other words, what is game in folkloric point of view and what subjects it includes. After the World War II., Johan Huizinga, the Dutch historian, with his study Homo Ludens, had brought out the third human being Homo Ludens against. Homo Faber and Homo Sapiens. Acording to him, game comes before culture. It doesn't come from various cultures or by chance, it is the most effective factor in rising of the cultures. Acording to a view, game is for preparing the children for their serious business and hobbies in their life in the future. First of all, game is an action which depends on wish. The game which has force or is ordered is not a game. However, when the game becomes a ritual or a feast, it unites with the conception of duty. So, one of the most important aspects of the game appears. And it's the freedom. Another aspect of the game is, the game is different from the real and the daily life and it is limited by place and by time. The game has an order in its own. This order can not be spoiled. The one who spoils the order is punished. The game has a fascinating effect. In this charm, rhythm and harmony take place. Every game has some rules. These rules are binding and they don't have any suspicion in it. When the rules are spoiled, all the game destroys and collapses. There are rituals in the origins of the games. These games are due to the change of the seasons without any delay, the getting ripe of the agricultural crops, the changing of the year, prosperity, and happiness. After tihs part, game as a word has been described how it was used in some languages and then mentioned the origin of the play. In this stage. İt is seen that because of the rare finds of the arkeologs, the games which are played today base on very Ancient Times. The oldness of the fame is proved by the ruins and the graffities in old India, Egypt and Mexico and the pictures and the miniatures in either Turkish or Islamic globe. vuThe oldest game instruments that are known are bones and rocks. Then little potatoes, nut, walnut, bean, rattle, ball, baby toy, kite and rope followed the first instruments. Afterwards, the importance of the game from the point of the child's view has been researched. The child explains himself better with a game. It's possible to realize the child's joy, sadness, curiosity, anxiety, shortly all of his inner world while he is playing. That's why game is very important for a child. Game, for a child, is not only for spending time, it's a good intermediary for his training. It's very important for the child's psychological and physical development. Whilst the child is playing, he wants to express himself to both his game mates or the elder people. Meanwhile he has to understand the opponents. This is revealed by means of words that is language. While playing the children has to use his language. By the assistance of this usage his language improves. Besides, by the means of the game, the child can perceive some concepts, such as big-small, thin-thick, long-short, heavy-light, hot-cold, sour-sweet, fast-slow, by the help of the senses like touching, tasting, hearing, smelling, seeing and can match these concepts, can classify them and can learn analysis and synthesis and so he improves his mental improvement. Game is a good action in order to improve his personality and social activities. We can collect the classification of the child games below these titles. 1- Bone Games (Bone which is taken from animal's legs.) 2- The games of jumping 3- Rod games. 4- Games without language, games with full of amazing and jokes. 5- Dramatic games. 6- Games with melodies 7- Games with running, chasing and cathing. 8- Games of hiding and seeking. 9- Games with rocks. 10- Games with ball. After the explanation about these titles above, the repartees used in the games has been examined. It's impossible not to see the importance of the repartees while examining thi games. Repartees are the words, with meaning or without meaning, which are the products of the child's imagination. In fact, it's not necessary to look for a meaning in the words. It's important to be sung in a harmony and in an order of the melody. It's possible to see the social life and the foot step of the past in the repartees. Repartees' importance is very big in the creativeness of the child, the improvement of the child's imagination and the help of the way he's speaking fluently. Repartees dont't belong to one individual, they are anonymous. viuIf the repartees put in groups, they will be more understandable. We can make classification like this. 1- Repartees in order to find the one who ist `it` in children's games. 2- Repartees in order to choose the partner. 3- Repartees sung during the game. 4- Repartees in order to arouse the ones, who are newly joined the game, interest and to make the opposite group or the ones who deceit angry. 5- Repartees which introduce the end oft he game. 1- Repartees in order to find the one who is `it` in children's games. Before the children start playing they sing this repartee in order to find `it`. 2- Repartees in order to choose the partner: In the games which are played in group, the repartee is sung to determine who's going to choose the partner first. 3- Repartees sung during the game: Some games are played by singing repartees and dancing. In these games, repartees have melodies. But some of the games base on the knowledge of the repartees and to sing them fluently. 4- Repartees in order to arouse the ones., who are newly joined the game, interest and to make the opposite group or the ones who deceit angry. They are the repartees to make the opponents and the dishonest people angry. 5- Repartees which introduce the end of the game: The games are usually finished by singing repartees. After finishing the game, if they want, they can start the game again. If they don't want, they go home. After these explanations, some examples, which are played in Eastern and South-Eastern Anatolia, and which all the aspects of those areas, has been given and by examining those examples some results have been maintained. These results can be summarized like this. Thes games, played by the children, base on their desire and they are the actions which depend on freedom. It can not be played by force. IXThe place and the area of the play is limited and determined. The starting and the finishing point is definite. The games are continuous. After they finish, if desired, the game can be played again. The game is played by at least two people. But the group games are in the majority. The players aren't in more than two groups. There are some games which have only one group. At the end of every game there is one group which wins and one group which loses. Mostly the group which wins punishes the other group in various ways. There is usually on `it` in the games. In the group games, sometimes the groups vote a chairman for them. It can be seen that the game, when played in other region, can be called with another name. But some of the games, although they have a diffrent name, look like each other from the point of structure. In the structures of the games, the effect of the geographical statue of the regions and the economic and the social construction can be observed. Every game has its own rules. These rules can not be destroyed. In the origion of the games belief lies down. These games are the ones which are played by children by the force of the adults. Some of the games may belong to two groups according to their structures. There are some games, although they aren't in the majority, which are played with a melody. Children play the game how they know. They don't add anything from their essence. That's why children's games are the unspoiled living products of the folklore. The origin of the games base on rituals and beliefs. Some of our games are the base for the games played in Europe. As a result, if children's games are researched enough by the researchers and if they are diffused all over Turkey, it will bring a vast cultural treasure from the point of Turkish Folklore. | en_US |