dc.description.abstract | Bu yüksek lisans tezinde satış planlama ve Türkiye kozmetik sektöründe bir satış planlama uygulaması yer almaktadır. Tezin ilk bölümünde genel olarak pazarlama ve satış konularına değinildikten sonra, ikinci bölümde genel planlama işleminden, pazarlama planlamasından ve satış planlamasından bahsedilmiştir. Tezin üçüncü bölümünde ise, ana konu olan satış planlama işlemi teorik açıdan detaylı biçimde incelenmiş, örneklerle konular zenginleştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Tezin ana amacı satış yönetiminin de bilimsel yönetim tekniklerini kullanabileceğini ve firma amaç ve hedeflerine ulaşmak için yapılması gereken etkin bir satış planlama işleminin adımlarının neler olduğunu saptamaktır. Dördüncü bölümde ise, satış planlama işlemi kozmetik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir firma seçilerek, uygulanmaya çalışılmış, uygulamada karşılaşılabilecek zorluklar gösterilerek, hem bu zorlukları aşmaya, hem de seçilen firma için saptanan hedeflere ulaşılmaya yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur. Dördüncü bölümdeki uygulama kısmında, X Firmasının amaç ve hedefleri doğrultusunda, olabildiğince bilimsel teknikleri kullanmaya özen gösterilerek satış tahminleri yapılmış ve bunun sonucunda da satışların 1996 yılında 1994 yılına göre şampuan ürünlerinde % 65, sabun ürünlerinde ise, %200 oranlarında artması gerektiği saptanmıştır. Bu tahminlerin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için gerekli harcama tutarı satış bütçesi kısmında belirlenmiş, bölge yapıları etkinliğin artırılması, tahminlerin gerçekleşmesi ve alınan raporlar aracılığıyla rakiplerle karşılaştırma yapılabilmesi açısından yeniden düzenlenmiştir. Yapılan satış tahminlerine ulaşılabilmesi için, satış teşkilatının hedefleri 1996 yılı için belirlenmiş ve bazı basit performans ölçüm yöntemleri önerilmiştir. IX | |
dc.description.abstract | The subject of this master thesis is sates planning. In the first chapter, the relationship between marketing management and sales management have been examined. The contents of marketing management, the development in the marketing concept, marketing- oriented firms, marketing mix, the contents of sales management, the roles of marketing managers and sales managers, the place and importance of sales force in the marketing concept, sales manager's responsibilities, the functions of marketing management and sales management in the organizations, the functions and qualifications of sales managers, types of sales organizations have been examined. In the second chapter, planning (in general form), the advantages of planning for a firm, types of plans have been examined. Also in this chapter, the contents of marketing planning prosses have been examined step by step. Moreover, sales planning have been examined in general. In the third chapter, the subject of the thesis have been examined in detail. The sales plannig proses have been searched from sales management literature and as Exhibit-1 illustrates, the Sales Management Planning Process have been developed from Anderson-Hair-Bush, `Professional Sales Management`, 1992 and Stanton-Buskirk, `Management of the Sales Force`, 1974. In the situation analysis step, market analysis, competitive analysis and SWOT analysis have been examined. In the determination of market potential step, the meanings and differences between market capacity, market potential, sales potential, sales forecast, sakes quotas have been explained. Also in this steps the methods of market potential determination have been examined.EXHIBIT-1 The Sales Management Planning Process Analyze the situation (External and Internal) i Determine Market Potential i In the selection of goals and objectives step, marketing goals and objectives, which are derived from firm's goals and objectives and sales goals and objectives, which are derived from marketing goals and objectives, have been examined. Moreover, examples of marketing and sales goals and objectives have been given. In the sales forecasting step, the methods of forcasting have been examined in detail. The qualitatif and quantitative methods, which is shown in Exhibit-2, have been explained. XIEXHIBIT-2 Classification of Sales Forecasting Approaches Judgement methods!, Jury of executive opinion + Delphi method.Safes force composite Qualitative Counting methods Survey of customers' buying intensions.Test marketing Time series methods Quantitative Decomposition.» Moving averages + Exponential Smoothing Box - Jenkins Causel or association methods Correlation / Regression -? Econometric Models Input / output models In the budgeting step, the advantages of budgeting, budget variances, preparation of the annual sales budget have been examined. In the establishment of sales territories step, the reason for establishing territories, procedure for establishing territories and routing the salesmen have been examined. In the determination of XIIsales quotas step, advantages of sales quotas, types of quotas have been examined. In the fourth chapter, a firm which is in cosmetics market, have been examined as a case study and its sales plan has been determined. In the situation analysis step, first cosmetics market have been examined. In the cosmetics market, shampoo, soaps, intensive care products, tooth paste, tooth brushes, and shaving creams have been existed. For sales management, the most important datas are the kind of sales channels and their sales ratios in cosmetics market. The datas which have been indicated the sales channels structure are in the below Exhibit - 3. EXHIBIT - 3 The Sales Channels Ratios in the Cosmetics Market Source: Zet Nielsen, 1994, Cosmetics Sector Research Report Also in the situation analysis, the shampoo market and soap market have been examined. The macro environment and micro environment analysis heve been made. In the shampoo and soap market, it has been determined that grocerries are the most powerful sales point. After the situation analysis, the market potentials have been determined by using direct derivation analysis. The potential of the shampoo market has been determined as approximately 41.000 tons and soap market approximately 32.000 tons. XIIIThen sales goals and objectives have been set for achieving the aims, marketing goals and objectives. The company's marketing goals have been determined as in shampoo market, increasing its share %2,5 to %6 and in soap market segment, increasing its share %0,3 to %2,3 until the year of 2000. After setting sales goals and objectives, sales forecasts have been determined using qualitative and quantitative techniques. While determining the sales forecast, quantitative methods have been tried to use, but because of the some restriction in sales datas of the products, unforesighted factors which effect the products' sales, only for four products one of the quantitative methods, Box- Jenkins, has been used. For other products, sales forecasts have been determined by using Jury of Executive Opinion Technique and Sales Force Composite Technique. After forecasting the sales, the strategies which are available for achieving to these forecasts have been determined. Then the sales budgets for achieving the forecasts has been determined. Sales incomes have been calculated as 477 thousand million TL. The ratio of expense to income has been fixed as 28%. Then the sales territories have been determined. The basic control units have been determined as cities. The company's new territory structure has been determined same as Zet Nielsen territory structure. The number of sales territories have been increase from five to six, because of decreasing the direct selling costs, increasing the relationship between the customers and routing the salesmen. After these, the sales volume quotas for each territories have been determined. While determining territories quotos the market share of each territory has been used and sales forecasts have been divided accordingly to these shares. At the end, some simple techniques for evaluating the performance of territories and salesmen, have been offered. Also some suggestions have been offered for success. XIV | en_US |