dc.description.abstract | ÖZET 1453' te İstanbul'un fethiyle beraber sahip olunan yeni coğrafya ve buna bağlı olarak kentin suriçi sınırlarını aşıp deniz kıyılarını boyunca genişlemesi, deniz ulaşımını da kent için önemli bir konuma getirmiştir. İstanbul'un deniz ulaşımında önemli bir yere sahip olan kayıklar, kullanım yerlerine ve sahiplerine göre piyade, pazar kayığı, salapurya vs. gibi farklı isimler almaktaydı. Bu kayıklar içinde en muhteşem olanı başta padişah olmak üzere diğer hanedan üyelerinin binmiş olduğu kayıklardır.Bu çalışmada; o dönem teknolojisi ve olanakları göz önünde tutularak, ulaşım araçlarından biri olan saltanat kayıkları tanıtılmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu tez, 15. yy' dan başlayarak imparatorluğun sonuna kadar devam eden bir süreci içermektedir. Tezde, malzemenin elde edilişi, kullanımı ve yapısal özelliklerin araştırılması ile tekne inşaa edilirken uygulanan yöntemlere, tekne formlarına, süslemelere, günümüze ulaşan ve ulaşamayan tekne örneklerine ve genel anlamda ulaşım konusuna değinilmiştir. Tekne inşaatında ana malzemeyi oluşturan ahşap, yapı malzemesi olmanın yanısıra, süsleme elemanı olarak ta en iyi şekilde kullanılmıştır. Ahşapta; kakma, oyma, ajur ve boyama gibi farklı tekniklerin uygulandığı bu örnekler çeşitli süslemeleri içermektedir. Bugün Deniz Müzesi Tarihi Kayıklar Galerisi, saltanat kayıkları ile ilgili olarak önemli bir koleksiyonu barındırmaktadır. Varolan bu örneklerle o dönemin teknolojisi, inşaat tekniği, malzeme, yapı özellikleri ve süslemeleri tespit edilirken, günümüze gelmeyen saltanat kayıklarıyla ilgili bilgileri de o dönemde, ülkemizde bulunan yabancıların eserleriyle, bugün birçok müzeye dağılmış olan ve kenti görüntüleyen sayısız minyatür, gravür ve tablolardan öğrenmekteyiz. Bunlar günümüze gelmeyen saltanat kayıkları için önemli birer belge durumundadır. | |
dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY Transportation defined as the carriage of human beings and belong ings from a place to another with the help of various vehicles, has reach ed this improved point as a result of the progression of new inventions and tecniques the existence of man. Initial man who wanted to go a place to another on the surface of the water, used simple logs. A body of a tree on the water was not sink ing and it could also carry people who sat on it. Although these outings were not done to carry belongings, it was important as a beginning of these progressions. Gradually intelligence of man, thought that when logs were tied together or carved inside; they were more stabilized, safe and comfor table so by this way the first raft and boat was invented. Boats were the widespread sea transportation vehicles used by pe ople and they had an important role in Istanbul ' s transportation. They are named variously for their usage. Among the boats of Ottoman Period, the most magnificent boat were the ones that were used by padishah, sultan and prince. The majority of boats that members of ottaman dynasty used onthe sea of Marmara, The Golden Horn and Bosphorus after the conquest of Istanbul. We learn the images and the formal qualitious of these boats that could not survive and, event out of usage from the writings of wanderers, miniatures and engravaving of artists of the that times period. Amonng the tourists that came to Istanbul, If was one the most in teresting city event to see the padishah going somewhere with these mag nificent boats. Today, The Naval Museum of Istanbul has a significiant collection about the reign boats. These examples which survived till today with the ir original forms are exibited in The Gallery of Historical Boats that's apart of the museum. From this collection, the historical galley which is to be thought as a work of 17th century has a great importance because of beiging the oldest. Arts of mother of pearl, printing, gilding and cal ligraphy are exibited in the galley where rows and sail were used together. Apart from this historical galley, also the boats pertaining to the harem of Sultan Abdülmecid and Abdülaziz are exibited the boats belong ing to Mehmet Reşad V. on the front and back sternposts and boards an in tense decoration is seen. These decorations that wood carving, relief work^ open-work and printing are used carry the period's baraque, rococo and em pire-style qualities. Leaves of trees, S and C shaped baraque twists, na turalist flower bouguets with shields, arrows, bows, spears, guns and such battle equipments or tools are densely used in these decorations. Besides, vııfigurative decorations such as dragon, eagle, falcon and pheasant are al so be seen. Sitting places of the boats prepared with kiosk and without kiosk are generally decorated with woven of kinds. Many documents about the contration and repairment of the boats belonging to the padishah and his harem which are written to Tsrsane-i Amire Emini are placed in the Ottoman Archives of Prime Ministory. In Tersane-i Amire which was established at the same time of the conquest of Istanbul and turned to be an important foundation, conveni ent to the development of the Empire; basides the contruction of the big ships such as: galleys and galleons the renovation and contruction of the smaller ones were made intensively. The shipyard was consisting of, ship building work benches, cellars that various equipments were kept, Divanhane, Karhane, Mosque, dungeon be]- longing to different branches of art, the garden of Tersane-i Amire and kasr-x Hümayun. Main metarial, used for constructing or building the reign boats was timber known archive documents demonstrate that timber needed for the constraction and repairment of the boats and ships was provided from the forests around Kocaeli. Facility of obtaining wooden equipments and operation on it made the wooden equipments a construction material which is searched on very periods. Although this material has various kinds of usage, it has some Vlllobjectionable aspects. For this reason, some methods were used in order to remove the deformations that bacterias, fungus and insects caused on the metarial. Throug this method the durability of wooden equipments was increased. Linden tree, oak, elm, pine and beech trees were used to contruct reign boats and ships. The usage of these trees were changing for the parts of the ships and the qualities of the kinds of trees. Today, the pre-skeleton tecnique, was used in building reign ships and boats, is still being used by the shipyards that are working with traditional wooden ship building tecniques. In this tecnique firstly the skeleton or frame work is constructed and then the covering is done. When ships which were ready to sail were lowered on the sea,- cere monies with blessings, musicals and sweet drinks were held and composed. Regn ships that constitute an important collection in the historical boats galley, which is a part of the directorship of the sea museum, were protec ted first of all at the Topkapx and Dolmabahçe Palaces and secondly at the boathouses of Üsküdar and Beylerbeyi Palaces before a convinient place was found and gathered. Hamlacxlar Ocagx was responsible for everything about these boats and ships. Members of the hamlacılar ocagx were both do the work of guar ding and rowing at the reign and palace boats. While people were employed at the hamlacxlar ocagx, they were selected due to their physical beauty. xxWhile this unique collection, that cannat be found anywhere in the world were left to rotten at the damp boathouses for years, the commander of navy of that time: vice-admiral Celal Eyiceoglu and Muse um director, Naval Colonel: Danxs Yildxzalp worked hard so a building near the Naval Museum was nationalized, repaired and decorated by this was it was possible to exhibit these unique work of art at the histo rical boat galley connected to the directorship of Naval Museum on the 7th of July, 1970. The boats and ships that could not draw attention as it deserved, are presented to the visits of native and foreign people without losing their originality. There is not such a well-protected collection all around the world museums although it is old and no collection as preci ous and wealty as this one. | en_US |