dc.description.abstract | ÖZET: `Stratejik işbirliği` iki veya daha fazla firmanın oluşturduğu, biçimsel, kısa veya uzun dönemli, fırsatlardan veya kalıcı ilişkilerden doğmuş birlikteliklerdir ve taraflar arasında bir ortaklığı geliştirirler. Araştırmanın amacı; Türkiye'de yapılan işbirliği anlaşmalarının ne derecede stratejik kapsamlı olduğu ve firmaların bu anlaşmalardan kazanımlarını incelemektir. Diğer bir amaç, ülkemizde otomobil sanayinde üretim faaliyeti gösteren firmaların gerçekleştirdiği işbirliği anlaşmalarının özelliklerini belirleyebilmektir. Yapılan araştırmada sınırlı üreticinin bulunduğu otomotiv sektörü üzerinde durulmuş ve firmaların yapmış oldukları anlaşmalar ile başarılan arasındaki ilişkiler değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca stratejik işbirliği kapsamını yan sanayilerine hangi ölçüde taşıdıkları ve bunun Türk otomotiv sanayi üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın yöntemi; araştırmada yüz yüze görüşme yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Görüşmenin ilk bölümünde değerlendirme açısından önemli olan, firma büyüklüğünü gösteren bilgiler elde edilmekte, daha sonraki bölümlerde halen içinde bulundukları ve planladıkları işbirliği çalışmaları hakkında bilgiler alınmakta ve son bölümde firmanın başarısını gösterecek kriterler sorgulanmaktadır. Araştırmanın bulguları; Türkiye'de otomobil üretimi yapan 5 işletmeden 4'ü (Opel Türkiye %100 yabancı sermaye ile kurulmuştur) yabancı bir otomobil üreticisi ile stratejik işbirliği yapmışlardır. Yapılan işbirliklerinin tamamında, yabancı sermayenin ortaklık payları değişmekle birlikte, lisans anlaşmaları ve şirket evlilikleri birlikte görülmektedir. Yerli firmaların en önemli kazanımı teknoloji ve sermaye olmakta, yabancı firmalar ise Türkiye ve çevresindeki potansiyel pazarlara ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. 1995 yılı itibariyle otomotiv sanayimizde yabancı sermaye ile birlikte kurulan işletme sayısı 99'a yükselmiştir. Oyak-Renault 30 joint venture, 21 lisans anlaşmalı; Tofaş 39 joint venture, 29 lisans ve 1 know-how sözleşmeli yan sanayici ile çalışmaktadır. | |
dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY: Strategic Alliances and a Research on Turkish Automotive Industry: Strategic alliance is a fairly new term which is applied to organizations co operating and forming colitions based on mutual needs. Those are formal coalitions between two or more firms, for short or long term ventures, born out of opportunistic or permenant relationships that evolve into a form of partnership among players. Co-operative agreements have been common practice in the business community for a long time. Technology swaps; research and development exchanges; distribution, marketing and manufacturer-supplier relationships; and cross licences, to mention a few, are widely practiced in most sectors of the economy. Today the strategic challenge of doing more with less leeds corporations to look outward a well as inward for solutions to the competitive dilemma, improving their ability to compete without adding internal capacity. Lean, agile, post-entrepreneurial companies can strech in tree ways. They can pool resources with others, ally to exploit an opportunity, or link systems in a partnership. Many of these relationships are essentially casual in nature and are unlikely to dramatically change a company's competitive position. These strategic alliances are specifically concerned with securing, maintaining or enhancing a company's compatitive advantage. Unlike their predecessors they are a central aspect of a company's future direction and are a key strategic option.Increasingly, firms are engaging in strategic alliances and joint ventures as part of an overall corporate strategy. Partnering is an effective way for firms to develop new technogies and products, procure critical resources, and tap new markets. Without a doubt they have enabled Glaxo to become one of the world's most successful companies and a leader in the pharmaceutical industry. The succes of ranitidine, an H2 blocker used in the treatment of ulcers, marketed internationally under the brand name Zantac, is largely responsible for this. Launched in Europe in 1981, the product's sales accounted for £829 m in 1987, representing 48 per cent of the Group's sales. This was achieved mainly through a network of alliances, the most succesful being the co-marketing arrangement with Roche in the United States. It is possible to distinguish this new breed of alliance from the old style of co-operative agreement. Strategic alliance take place in the context of a company's long-term strategic plan and seek to improve or dramatically change a company's competitive position. Deals of every conceivable sort are being made. They do not appear to be specific to any particular country, industry or type of organization. They are occuring at all levels in corporations. For future success, senior management must ensure that this business route is viewed in a true strategic perspective rather than an opportunistic quick fix. Failure to do so may. result in putting their organizations' growth, or even survival, at risk. Despite the inherent risks, it is often necessary for firms, because they lack sufficient resources, to enter into strategic alliances. But unless there reallyis a lack of resources, whether in terms of skill, technology, or finances, strategic alliances should be avoided. Strategic alliances are formed for a variety of reasons, which include entering new markets, reducing manufacturing costs, and developing and diffusing new technologies rapidly. Alliances also are used to accelerate product introduction and overcome legal and trade barriers expeditiously. In this period of advanced technology and global markets, implementing strategies quickly is essential. Forming alliances is often the fastest, most effective method of achieving objectives. Companies must be sure the goal öf the alliance is compatible with their existing businesses so their expertise is transferable to the alliance. In this study, the automotive industry, which has a few number of manufacturers have been selected, and the relationship between company success and number of alliances formed have been evaluated. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse strategic alliances in Turkey whether have a strategic concept and also to examine the gainings of Turkish firms from these alliances. Another purpose is to clarify driving factors that leads alliance formation. In addition to this, to determine the characteristics of the strategic alliances in structural base between the firms are also discussed. In order to attain a general lookout for Turkish automotive industry, automobile manufacturers are set as population. These are Oyak Renault, Otomobil Fabrikaları A.Ş., Tofaş Türk Otomobil Fabrikaları A.Ş., Otosan Otomobil Sanayi A.Ş., Toyotasa Toyota-Sabancı Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. and Opel Türkiye Ltd. Şti. In this study, interview method is used to gather data. The main reason for preferation of this method is the advantage of face to face interview technique and fewer number of manufacturers in this industry. In the first step,data about the scales of these firms which is important for evalution have been gathered. Following steps are concerned about the alliance activities that are present or planned for future. In the final step, the criterias for the success of firms have been determined. The automotive manufacturers in Turkey have chosen strategic alliance option with foreign manufacturers except Opel Türkiye Ltd. Şti. which was formed with 100% of foreign capital. In all alliances, as the foreign issue of shares changes, the licence agreements and joint ventures are formed. The foreign issues of shares for firms are; Otosan 30%, Tofaş 37.86%, Oyak Renault 57%, Opel Türkiye 100% and finally Toyotasa 50%. In all cases formed alliances are part of company strategy that permit partners to meet their long term objectives. Those state of affairs allow Turkish firms to gain technology transfer and capital, and foreign firms to expand their sales market within Turkey and other countries nearby. The present automobile manufacturing capacity of Turkey is 545.000 cars per year in 1995, and this production rate was shared by Tofaş as 250.000 cars/year; Oyak Renault 150.000 cars/year; Toyotasa 100.000 cars/year; Otosan 30.000 cars/year; and Opel, 15.000 cars/year. By the help of the alliance activities that are present or were planned in the last 5 years, the total exportation revenue of Turkish automotive industry 104 million dollars for 1990 is raised 500 million dollars in 1995. In the year 1995, 99 automotive companies are assembled with foreign capital. Therefore, Oyak Renault's suppliers has 30 joint venture and 30 licence agreement; Tofaş's suppliers has 39 joint venture, 29 licence and 1 know-how agreements. The rapid pace of technological development and innovation and increasingly high costs of the associated research and development haveforced automotive manufacturers deploy strategic alliances. While research and development costs have reached a great value even for large scale companies, so that it is impossible to supply the capital for Turkish manufacturers without help of foreign companies to develop their own technology. For those reasons, the importance of the alliances are so important and they are inavitable. For large scale manufacturers, the increase in the world's automotive market's competition has made an extra strategic importance for Turkey and other market economy countries. By the help of the strategic alliances made, the automotive industry become the third sector in Turkey's economy and provided an employment for 500.000 people. As a result, Turkish automotive industry should improve its strategy to alliance activities that are present or planned for future. | en_US |