dc.description.abstract | ÖZET Bilgisayar ve Sistemleri Teknolojisi, hızla gelişir ve değişirken beraberinde, işletmelerde, üretimin yapısı, organizasyonel yapı, insan gücü dokusu ve gerekli yönetimin niteliğini de değiştiriyor. Üretim ve yönetimde yeni bir yapılanma ve model İhtiyacı doğuruyor. Yöneticiler ele alındığında, artık teknolojiyi tanıma, okuyabilme ve yönetebilme en önemli istihdam edilebilirlik kriteri olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Teknolojik gelişim, yeni bir yönetici profili tanımlıyor. Bu yönetici, teknolojik gelişime ayak uydurabildiği kadar, yönettiği kişileri de bu yönde motive etmek, gelişmelerini sağlamak durumunda. Türkiye gibi, teknolojik altyapı ve gelişim hızı konusunda, dünya normlarını belirlemekten çok, yakalama çabasında olan ülkeler için, yeni teknolojiye uyum süreci, diğerlerine göre biraz daha sancılı yaşanıyor. Tez kapsamında, bilgisayar sistemleri teknolojisinin gelişim çizgisi, yönetim fonksiyonundaki yeri, önemi, işletmelere ve bağlı sistemlere etkileri konusunda bir bakış yakalanmaya çalışılmış ve ele alınan konular, Metal Ana Sanayi'ndeki durum ve uygulamalar açısından incelenmiştir. Gümrük Birliği, uluslararası rekabet ve globalizasyonun gündemi belirleyen konular olduğu ülkemizde, ekonominin lokomotif sektörlerinden biri olan ve yüksek ihracat oranı ile göze çarpan, Metal Ana Sanayi'nde yapılan araştırma, yönetimde bilgisayar sistemleri kullanımının öneminin temelde kavranmış olmasına rağmen, özellikle orta yaşın üzerindeki yöneticilerin konuya hala çekingenlikle yaklaştıklarını göstermektedir. | |
dc.description.abstract | THE CHANGES OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, THE PRACTICES IN METAL MAIN INDUSTRY AND MANAGERS' POINT OF VIEW OF THE WORKING WITH COMPUTERS SUMMARY The truth, information today, is rapidly improving and modifying as to past. In that case, in the our century as named Information Age, getting, interpreting, explaining and using of any information can possible only rapid reach to continuously improving information. In today's industries, information is intensively used as a production factor like capital, man power, machine and material and as a result of that reaching the true and required information in the right time and place is getting important more and more. In this direction, becoming widespread and improving is inevitable for continuously growing Information System Technology as a providing tool the truth and the required information in right time and right place. In the scope of this thesis, technological change has used as especially the change and development of Computers and Computer Systems Technology (is called by Information Technology). VII!Computers and Computer Systems Technology in today, are accepted as one of the basic indicators of development and progress for countries (OECD, 1992). In this trend, the technological substructure of countries as a measure of their development level, and the rate of considered this subject importance, is caused to build of force balances in the World geography again. In the last half of our century, in the whole world, the rate of getting computerization, and the using of computers in the production and service industries, have been increased. The new possibilities, computer systems originated, have been started to be main cause of progress in these industries. In today's world, Computers and Computer Systems Technology (IT) are rapidly renewing, modifying and improving themselves, and as a result of that, such modifications and improvements are directly changing the structure of both production and organization, so as work force characteristics and as well as, the quality and requirements of Management. Consequently re-organization in both production and management systems becomes inevitable. The technological development, in the rapidly progressive proses, today, has caused to form new profession that not exists 20 years ago and has gotten rid the lots of others. The professions that can exist also live a change in themselves, and the required level of information and skills to care of their validity has risen. The last 15 years have created a laboratory in the matter of technological development and the human's adaptation of this progress. International competition, rapidity and globalization are described as main concepts, and IX(/ the period of renewing of technology has decreases to months from hundred h years. I Computer Systems Technology, in the development and becoming,: widespread process, reflects to business enterprises, man power characteristics and economy with different effects. ' The whole business enterprise takes worry to form their human resources as a technology adaptable model. This employee model must get technology drive skill and must adapt their skill and ability according to change and development in this area. k As the accepted description in this thesis, management is the whole coordination, cooperation activities in a group to reach and realize the objectives efficiently and effectively (Tosun, 1978). The importance of Computer Technology for Management Information System is given easiness to convey to information independently of organizational structure, departments, process and procedures and this trend specially for the managers and the office workers, the recognizing and driving the technology have become important. Meanwhile expected values from a manager is also altering its kind within this change in Information Technology systems, and to know, to follow and to manage the technology is becoming the basic requirement in employment of a manager. Not exactly using personally, but reading, directing and managing the technology (also technology users), and -may be the more important one- the drawing a technology adaptable vision to workers are demand characteristics for the managers.It shortly means that a new manager profile has been formed with this change. This manager must not only be capable of adapting himself/ herself to the new technology but also be capable to motivate and develop his/ her personnel in this respect. In the other side, Information Technology gets influence of organizational structure dramatically. Business organizations, in the proses of change of the computer systems technology so as organizational change, must plan and program of; 1. The structure and requirements of organization, 2. The expectations of new technology, 3. The structure of man power, 4. The development of system in line of requirement, and providing continuousness of system. The adaptation process of new technology carries along with some difficulties for whole enterprises. The consistent practice is a requirement later objectives, goals, expectations and resources have determined and the transition program has made. This program must include these steps: 1. Developing a strategy for change, 2. Determining the requirements, 3. The financial assessment, 4. Providing decision unity and stability, 5. Providing organizational support, 6. Realizing the change, 7. Controlling the process as to appropriation to the advanced plan. (Oborne, 1988) XIComputers and Computer Systems Technology in today, are accepted as one of the basic indicators of development and progress for countries (OECD, 1992). In this trend, the technological substructure of countries as a measure of their development level, and the rate of considered this subject importance, is caused to build of force balances in the World geography again. In the last half of our century, in the whole world, the rate of getting computerization, and the using of computers in the production and service industries, have been increased. The new possibilities, computer systems originated, have been started to be main cause of progress in these industries. In today's world, Computers and Computer Systems Technology (IT) are rapidly renewing, modifying and improving themselves, and as a result of that, such modifications and improvements are directly changing the structure of both production and organization, so as work force characteristics and as well as, the quality and requirements of Management. Consequently re-organization in both production and management systems becomes inevitable. The technological development, in the rapidly progressive proses, today, has caused to form new profession that not exists 20 years ago and has gotten rid the lots of others. The professions that can exist also live a change in themselves, and the required level of information and skills to care of their validity has risen. The last 15 years have created a laboratory in the matter of technological development and the human's adaptation of this progress. International competition, rapidity and globalization are described as main concepts, and IXIt shortly means that a new manager profile has been formed with this change. This manager must not only be capable of adapting himself/ herself to the new technology but also be capable to motivate and develop his/ her personnel in this respect. In the other side, Information Technology gets influence of organizational structure dramatically. Business organizations, in the proses of change of the computer systems technology so as organizational change, must plan and program of; 1. The structure and requirements of organization, 2. The expectations of new technology, 3. The structure of man power, 4. The development of system in line of requirement, and providing continuousness of system. The adaptation process of new technology carries along with some difficulties for whole enterprises. The consistent practice is a requirement later objectives, goals, expectations and resources have determined and the transition program has made. This program must include these steps: 1. Developing a strategy for change, 2. Determining the requirements, 3. The financial assessment, 4. Providing decision unity and stability, 5. Providing organizational support, 6. Realizing the change, 7. Controlling the process as to appropriation to the advanced plan. (Oborne, 1988) XIIn spite of the using Network Systems in the lots of companies, these systems have not been used to information procuring or planning. Computers generally have used to report, writing and registration. The demographically aspect of the managers indicates young, well-educated people. Most of the managers can use the computer to achieve daily works and the lots of others are older than 41 years old. The most of the managers have thought the computers have reduced the time losses, employee costs and wastage rates, and increased the productivity and work quality, but the managers who do not use the computers, do not agree with others about the using computers is reduced the rate of losses. As to managers' assessments, subordinates who are intensively computer based workers are more successful in time management and work quality than others, but same subordinates are regarded more unsuccessful in human relationship. XIV | en_US |