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dc.contributor.advisorSezgin, Selime Demet
dc.contributor.authorDilbaz, Mehmet
dc.description.abstractPERAKENDECİLİĞİN DÜNYA VE TÜRKİYE'DEKİ GELİŞİMİ VE SEKTÖRÜN TÜRKİYE'DEKİ SON DURUM ANALİZİ ÖZET Son yıllarda tüm dünyada görülen globalleşme ve değişim rüzgarlarının etkileri, diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi; kende içinde de bir yapılanma ve arayış içinde olan Türkiye'de de görülmektedir. Avrupa' nın bir parçası olarak Avrupa Birliği'ne girmeye çalışan Türkiye, resmen kabul edilmemiş olmasına rağmen, diğer dünya firmaları ile beraber Avrupalı büyük firmaların da Türkiye'deki yatırımlarına bakıldığında, Türkiye'nin ilk adımı attığı görülmektedir. Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren bu firmaların yanında, diğer uluslararası firmalar da gelme çalışmalarım sürdürmektedir. Çünkü; Türkiye, rayına oturmamış ama hızla kalkman ekonomik yapısı, siyasi ve sosyal sorunları, alım gücündeki düşüklük gibi olumsuz görünen özelliklerinin yanında, Avrupa ortalaması 42 yaş olurken 27 yaş ortalama ile çok genç nüfusu, yeniliklere açık toplumu, gelişmeye hazır farklı ekonomik sektörleri, toplumun yükselen bilgi ve kültür düzeyi, dünya ile entegre olma isteği ve girişimciliği ile, kendi pazarlarında tıkanıklık yaşayan uluslararası firmalar için cazip bir pazar olmaktadır. Birçok alanda pazarda faaliyet gösteren firmalara, son zamanlarda uluslararası büyük perakende zincirlerinin de katıldığı ve geleneksel alışveriş yapışım etkilediği de görülmektedir. Artık bilinçlenen, hakkım arayan, yurtdışı uygulama ve seçeneklerden haberi olan Türk tüketicisinin, ekonomik durgunluğun da etkisi ile bu yeni oluşumlara ilgi göstermesi, perakendecilik sektöründeki etkileşimi arttırmış ve tüketim alışkanlıklarını değiştirmiştir. Uzun yılların verdiği tecrübeler ve son gelişmeler ile Türkiye'ye gelen yeni perakendecilik oluşumlarının ( Alışveriş merkezleri (Mall), Outlet' ler, indirimli satış mağazaları, hipermarketler, yapı marketler) ABD ve Avrupa pazarlarındaki gelişmelerine bakıldığında; Türkiye'nin o pazarlarda alman yolun başında olduğu ve sonraki gelişmeleri izlediği görülmektedir. Ancak gelişmeler Türkiye'de çok daha hızlı olmaktadır. Bu neden ile, köklü bir değişiklik içine giren Türkiye perakendecilik sektörünün yerli girişimciler de dahil olmak üzere, bu tür uluslararası gelişmeleri ve firmaları izlemeleri bundan sonra atılacak adımları belirlemede yararlı olacaktır. Geleneksel yapı ile uluslararası modern yapılardan yararlanılarak oluşturulacak çağdaş perakendecilik anlayışı, sektörü ve firmaları başarıya götürecektir. vu
dc.description.abstractTHE NATIONAL AND WORLDWIDE DEVELOPMENT IN RETAILING AND RECENT SITUATION ANALYSIS OF TURKISH RETAILING SECTOR SUMMARY The winds of change and globalisin, seen all over the world during recent years, have also effected Turkey, as has been the same in other countries. Turkey, which is internally in a search of development, has been effected with every change, with its young society, which is open to all the new concepts. These effects are sometimes seen within the changing life style and habits on a long term, or sometimes quickly reflected as in the case of economic conditions. Turkey, trying to be part of Europe without changing its traditional form, despite continuous efforts of merging with European Union to prove this, could not succeed. On the other hand, when we glance at the investments of European companies in Turkey, it has been seen that Turkey has taken the first step. While the majority of the international companies have investments in Turkey, the rest are getting prepared to come. We see that big international retail chains have been recently added to the companies in the market, in many fields. Turkey, not economically stable yet but progressing rapidly in growth rate, is getting a very profitable market for the international companies which have been blocked out in their national markets. Turkey has political and social problems, low purchasing power, but also very young population of 27 years while it is 42 in Europe. The society is progressing in knowledge and culture and open to new concepts. Turkey has many economically virgin fields, and is willing to entegrate to the world. Retailing sector, which has been keeping its traditional form till the penetration of big-scale retailers such as Metro, Continent and Carrefour, has found itself in a very rapid change.However the classical forms of markets, supermarkets and department stores still exist. But these foreign firms with their location, product range, exhibition and marketing activities, brought a different movement to the sector. The first group that has been effected from this development was the wholesalers between the manufacturers and the consumers. They were mostly concentrating their efforts to increase the profitability due to the economical policies and high rate of inflation for years. Finally joint markets, supermarkets and department stores can be cited as the other groups effected by this change. The consumers who are now conscious of developments, who are searching for their rights and who are aware of the applications and the alternatives that exist in other countries, strengthened the effect in the sector, thus the habits of consumption also Vlllchanged. For this reason, department stores, shopping malls, and hypermarkets became areas of interest for research within the retailing sector. As Turkey is a progressing country which is effected by the changes in global macro enviroment, the formation, the progress and the present situation of retailing in U.S.A., Europe and Japan, which are the most progressed economies of the world, have been analyzed. This historical analysis, includes the present position and also the future expectations in the development of the retailing sector. When the main points are analyzed, especially the present situation is seen to be almost the same for all the three markets. Department stores have progressed with a fast pace in U.S.A. market, but today the process of development has come to an end. The existing stores could not see the changing life styles and consumer trends, so they lost the market shares. For the future, the stores that can control their accounts and stocks will survive. Due to this stagflating economy, the concept of outlets has developed and these forms of retailers have gained an important place in the sector. In this outlets, consumers can even buy the branded products with lower prices than elsewhere. Thus, the existence of outlets has strongly effected the department stores acting as a very strong competitive force. But, as the outlets are placed out of the city centers and they don't concentrate on customer service, their main attraction is only on the price advantage offered on famous brands. The shopping malls, which are mainly American models, have started to evolve during the 1920's; during 1980's, they reached maturity as the development pace slowed down. While some malls were being renewed, some were left to their fate and some were converted into discounted sale points. Some others prefered to merge to get a stronghold in the market, so the building of new malls decreased. Nevertheless, it is expected that this concept will survive as the malls will make the essential changes in the enviroment. Another factor that has got into competition with the malls and gained an important place in the market is the rise of the speciality shops. These shops, specialized on only one field as office equipment, toys, do it yourself products, gain the advantage of purchasing in large quantities and can offer lower prices. Within these shops, do it yourself (DIY) shops got a special location. Another important advantage of do it yourself shops is to sell 40.000 different products. The food sector which is immediately effected by every economic change, turned into another formation with the hypermarkets. Today these hypermarkets keep 75% of the retail market with minimum 30.000 different products, of which is mostly food. As an example of these stores with such a huge volume, there is Wal-Mart with $ 105 billion of turnover, and other stores with smaller volumes. All of these stores have formed chains in different markets. At the beginning of the hypermarket formation, the manufacturers were stronger than the demandize of the stores. After a while the stores got bigger and they became stronger than the manufacturers. Stores were aware of the power of their names and IXthey created individual brands, and this put the manufacturers in a more difficult position. However, they realised that dominating each other will provide no profit, the stores and the manufacturers decided to work together to satisfy the consumer needs, because the customer became more important than ever. In order to keep the customer in a competitive environment, the submission of different services became important. Meanwhile, some manufacturers and stores merged to be stronger, or tried to buy each other. As some manufacturers tried to be also retailers, discount shops were formed as a form of forward integration. For this formation of two groups, as hard discounters and the soft discounters, it is expected that the soft discounters will disappear, and the hard discounters will survive. While this progress continues, the market structure is static due to hard competition, and it forces the companies to search for new markets. Parellel to the development of retail outlets in U.S. A, the same progress is seen in European countries. Shopping malls were developed also in this market, discounters got a strong location in the market. Speciality shops, especially DIY type was developed and the hypermarkets became the important power of the retail market. The merged hypermarkets became worldwide giants. The south and the north Europe have differences in retail market, when various countries are considered. France became an expert in hypermarkets. Contrary to the hypermarkets of France, hard discounters have more effectively developed in Germany. Different from U.S.A., laws for protecting the small investor have been declared in Europe. For example, in France, the formations over 2.500 m2 are not allowed. On the other hand in Germany, the outlet formation which is trying to strengthen after having penetrated to the market in recent years, is trying to be stopped by the local merchandise unions and by the governmental offices. While the stores are gaining power with their own brands, cooperation between manufacturer and store is also seen in European market. European retailers aim to reach the world markets as the result of over-full local markets. Another common point seen in U.S.A. and European retailing is the existence of big department stores and hypermarkets called 'anchor', which is well known enough to attract the consumers to the mall and which is located in every mall. In Japan, retailing has different formations than the other markets. Here, spread management is common and it is supported by the government as it uses the workforce. Shopping is generally done by the women in Japan, without using a car. Despite the department stores and the hypermarkets with foreign capital, it is expected that these formations will not be able to progress much, and the traditional form will continue for long years. In tact, an interesting retail synthesis is being formed as the old and the new come together.DIY speciality shops are appreciated by a different importance as they are accepted by the people in European and U.S.A. markets. Four different senarios have been prepared for the future of retailing in U.S.A. market, which could also be valid for other developed markets, as mega retailing, main street retailing, direct approach to the consumer and retailing net. Turkish retailing has been effected by this world-wide development, after keeping its traditional form for a long time. Similar to the foreign models, in Turkey, department stores were originated from wholesaling, and the first modern formation was seen by Migros in 1955 and the other by Gima in 1956, with the support of the government. Located in the metropolises, which were formed as a result of immigration from small towns to big cities, and also with the effect of inflation, these stores had many branches in time and developed till today. However, department stores faced the point of over-filling, the same as in Europe. Because, the consumption power of the consumers is not so much as the past, due to high rate of inflation, thus the sales decreased in a big ratio. Retailing in Turkey came forward today with the mentality of not sending the customer without shopping. Earning during buying is another mentality of small merchandiser who earns from the inflation. The computers were not used much in stock and sales control. Managers with modern marketing concept were not prefered. So, it became quite late to be aware of the development in the market and the changes in the habits of the consumers. Suddenly it was realised that the stocks got bigger and that there is no loyal consumer group. With the effect of stagflating economy, the discounters, or the factory outlets became more known. With these changes, it was not a long time for the outlet centers to capture the market. With this competition, a modernizing procedure began in the department stores, which have already lost some customers. Çarşı and YKM chain joined to this movement. Çarşı chain got the decision of decreasing its stocks with 25% in 1998, and investing $ 2 millions for technical equipment. Turkish consumer, who knew shopping malls in 1980's, got used to this formation soon. The increase in the building of the new malls was quickly appeared. With respect to the first malls, the mall managers thought that they would not have much work after selling the shops. But today, they began to pay more attention to the hirers, feeling the need of marketing activities and considering the mall as a unique shop, because of the competition between the malls. They realised that, the gain of the hirer means the gain of the mall. On the other hand, with the increase in the number of shopping malls, the shops began to have difficulty in deciding which mall to locate, because the malls have no identity, no target group and no positioning. For the near future, some changes should XIbe clearly seen. Otherwise, the consumers and the shops will have to decide to which mall to invent, according to the service and the advantages they will get. It is seen in every mall that an anchor shop exist, and also cinema and leisure areas are the important units of the mall. When telling about the new formations as the shopping malls and the outlets, it is seen that DIY and the other speciality shops are entering the market. However DIY, different from abroad, have turned to be big material or house needs shops, rather than 'do it yourself concept. This kind of speciality shops are expected to increase in number. The sector, getting used to the formations as the stores and the supermarkets which were outside of its traditional form, could get acquainted with the huge hypermarkets, only in the last years. With these foreign hypermarkets, the habits of shopping have also changed. With the market's new form, the merges were again seen. Store brands were created and the manufacturers came face to face with the stores. In the recent years, although the manufacturers and the stores act cooperatively, from time to time one side can be dominant to the other. Parallel to the development, the penetration of the local wholesalers and the small stores into the sector is seen. Other than the local companies with big capital, the small ones or the ones which try to survive by copying the bigger, began to leave the market as, in the same time period, food discounters have seriously took their position in the market. The side which was mostly effected by this formation are the grocers. The biggest common problem of the retailers in the sector is the lack of qualified personnel. At the beginning, personnel transfer between the companies was seen, but now, recently stabilized working teams are trying to train new workers through the company. It is seen that, the maturation process in U.S.A. and European retail markets is also being repeated in Turkey. Turkey is in fact, at the beginning of this formation. But, the foreign investors, who are in search for the new markets, come to Turkey which is a very profitable market. They bring their latest know-hows, so the steps are taken very rapidly and Turkey gains experience and qualified working teams as well. As the development process is the same, the future path of the sector is going to be according to the international experience. For this reason, each local company in the retail sector should use the latest technology, create the working teams with the modern marketing concept, and follow the changes in the market and in the consumer demands. The retailers which can increase their profit and efficiancy will survive, othervise will disappear. By keeping traditional form, while synthesing international experiences, the newly formed concept of marketing will carry the sector and the companies to success.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.subjectBusiness Administrationen_US
dc.titlePerakendeciliğin dünya ve Türkiye`deki gelişimi ve sektörün Türkiye`deki son durum analizi
dc.contributor.departmentİşletme Ana Bilim Dalı
dc.subject.ytmUnited States of America
dc.publisher.instituteSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

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