dc.description.abstract | ÖZET Doğrudan satış, bir firmanın sunusunun kişilerce doğrudan doğruya pazara sürülmesine yarayan, ikna edici iletişim ve tutundurma faaliyetidir. Doğrudan satış tekniklerinin temelinde, tüketicilerle kurulan karşılıklı iletişim ve etkileşim yatmaktadır. Çift taraflı olarak çalışan bu dinamik yapı, çağımızın kabul ettiği pazarlama anlayışının bir sonucudur. Doğrudan satışın uygulayıcısı olan satıcılar, firmalarının pazardaki temsilcisi ve haber alma kaynağı olmalarının yanında, firma satış stratejilerinin üzerlerine kurulduğu insan grubudur. Satıcıların başarılı olabilmesi için, işe alımları, eğitimleri ve ücretlendirmelerine önem verilmeli, çalışma sistemleri performansı arttırıcı şekilde tasarlanmalıdır. Doğrudan satış çeşitli yöntemlerle gerçekleştirilebilir. Doğrudan satış yöntemini izleyen firmalar bu farklı yaklaşımlar içinde en etkin olanı bulmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye' de yalnız doğrudan satış yöntemi ile ürünlerini tüketiciye ulaştıran bir firmanın izlediği iki ayrı satış tekniği iki farklı ürünler için analiz edilmektedir. VII | |
dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY Direct marketing is an interactive system of marketing that uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location, with this activity stored on database. It is important to have a thorough understanding of the current official definition: 1. Interactive: One-on-one communication between marketer and customer. 2. One or more advertising media: Direct marketing is not restricted to any one medium. Indeed, direct marketers have discovered there synergism among the media. A combination of media often is far more productive than any single medium. The variety of media available to direct marketers is ever expanding. 3. Measurable response: Measurability is a hallmark of direct marketing. Everything is the field, with rare exceptions, is measurable. Direct marketers know what they spend, and they know what they get back. 4. Transaction at any location: The world is direct marketing's oyster. Transaction can take plays by telephone, at a kiosk, by mail, at home, at a store. 5. Database: A compilation of known data about prospect or customer, including such data as history of purchases, source of inquiry, credit rating and so on. Direct marketing is an aspect of total marketing that is characterized by measurability and accountability, with heavy reliance on lists and data. Whereas all marketing cuts across a variety of academic disciplines and needs to be viewed and analyzed in a scientific and objective manner, this is especially true of direct marketing. Every direct marketing effort has a cost that must be related to an expected or actual result. VIIIEffective direct marketing, to be customer-oriented, must begin with a list basic appreciation of the market place and how it operates. It also requires and understanding of buyer behavior and how such behavior is influenced by a variety of social, economic, and environmental conditions. This is because direct marketing of a product or service necessarily starts with both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the potential market demand. And, although demand in the perspective of economics is most often viewed as being a function of money (income or wealth), it becomes apparent that money is not the only determinant of the demand and, in fact, might not even be a major one. Direct marketing is the basic promotion format fir direct marketers. As a medium, it relies on mailing lists and data about the individuals or organizations on such lists to most effectively reach market segments. The other media of direct marketing are print media (magazines and newspapers); broadcast media (television and radio); and interactive media (telephone, television and salespeople). Broadcast is the most universal of all communication media. Unlike print media, broadcast reaches virtually everyone and every location. The interactive media of direct marketing encompass the electronic capabilities of the telephone (outbound and inbound) as well as the emerging technology of interactive television (videotex, teletext and cable television). Among interactive electronic media, the telephone has become increasingly important not only as direct response advertising (outbound), but also as a response device (inbound), an alternative to mail. Telemarketing encompasses both outbound and inbound services. Direct selling is that part of promotion involving a presentation in a conversation with one or more prospective buyers for the purpose of making a sale. Unlike advertising and publicity, selling relies on personal contact. The goals of direct selling are similar to other promotion types; information, persuasion and/or reminding. It provides individual attention for each consumer and can be flexible and adapted to the needs of specific consumers. Companies can use salespeople to collect information from customers and prospective customers about changing needs and styles, they operate as part of the marketing information system. Having established the sales force's objectives, strategy, structure, size and compensation, the company IXhas to move recruiting, selecting, training, directing, motivating and evaluating sales representatives. The most basic company variables to consider when choosing alternative channel structure are (1) the size of company, (2) its financial capacity, (3) managerial expertise in distribution, and (4) the company' s basic objectives and policies. With regard to the first three variables, there are no particular heuristics that specifically relate these variables with the direct selling channel alternative. Both giant and small companies, as well as those with very high versus modest financial capabilities, use direct selling channels. Managerial expertise also varies widely. But a general heuristic applies to the fourth variable and bears mentioning. If the firm' s objectives and policies require a high degree of control over how a product is promoted and sold to its final users, the direct selling channel should be given serious attention as a possible channel structure. In this study, direct selling techniques efficiency will be considered. On different products group, selling efficiency will be analyzed. Firms use only direct selling techniques constitute sample of this research. | en_US |