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dc.contributor.advisorEtili, Can
dc.contributor.authorKoç, Adnan
dc.description.abstractÖZET Hazırladığımız 'Bağlama eğitimde görülen problemler ve bunların çözüm yollan' adlı çalışma başlıca beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde, çalışmanın amacı, kapsamı ve kullanılan yöntemlerin açıklanmasından sonra ikinci bölüm, bağlamanın tarihçesi, morfolojik yapısı ile eğitim, öğretim, metod, metodoloji, yöntem, bilim, bilimin normları, bilimsel metod, standardizasyon, problem ve problem çözme gibi konular hakkında genel bilgiler içermektedir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde bağlama eğitiminde karşılaşılan problemler tüm yönleriyle ele alınmıştır. Bu bölümde sorunların kökenine inilip, Türk Müziği ses sistemi başta olmak üzere, ses sisteminden kaynaklanan nota yazısı, geleneksel çalgı yapımından kaynaklanan problemler, insan faktöründen kaynaklanan hususlarla beraber öğrenime esas teşkil eden yazdı kaynaklar ile ilgili problemler incelenmiştir. Bağlama eğitimindeki problemlerin çözüm yollarının araştırıldığı dördüncü bölümde önemli ipuçları vermesi bakımından dünyadaki müzik eğitim metodlanna genel bakış ile, eğitimde oluşan problemlerin çözüm yollan ile yazılı kaynaklar için çözüm yollarından bir tanesi olan bağlama eğitiminde metod şemasında olması gereken unsurlar ortaya konulmuştur. Sonuç bölümünde ise bağlama eğitiminde görülen aksaklıkların, Türk Müziği ses sistemi, eğitimde insan faktörü, donanım ve eğitim ortamı, özel ve resmi eğitim kurumların işleyişi, çalgının tüm özellikleri, yazdı kaynaklar ve en önemlilerinden olan metod çalışmalarından kaynaklandığı tesbit edilmiştir. Bu konularda istenilen başarının elde edilmesi için devlet tarafından desteklenen etkili müzik politikalarına ihtiyaç olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. vıu
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY Study entitled as `Problems observed and seen in Lute training and education and ways of solving these problems`. Prepared by us consists of main five sections. In introduction section being first section, following purpose, content of study explanations and methods applied, in the second section, general information in topics such as history of Lute, its morphological structure, training, education method, methodology, method, science, norms of science, scientific method, standardisation, problems and solving problems are provided. Great emphasis with importance have been given on musical instruments and their improvements and developments in the western countries within progressive and development period of music and consequently, musical instruments have achieved to go long distance in a short-time both from viewpoints of technique and structure, many numbers of musical works made for musical instruments in this field as well as training methods have been significant factors effecting the result. In consequence of this, new methods have been sought within this development and improvement period concerning these musical instruments and within short-time, phenomenon for reaching to targets and gods based on scientific foundations trended to learning has emerged and for this reason musical instrument training education has gained great importance. In the third section of study, problems encountered in Lute training have been dealt with all related aspects. Root of problems has been investigated and examined in this section and mainly Turkish Music system (voice system) being in priority, note score writing originating from tone system, problems caused by traditional musical instrument construction, problems originating from human factor and written sources constituting basis for training and education related problems have been scrutinised and studied. IXThere is need for serious method studies in order to attain a certain standards from viewpoint of training aimed within natural body, to be able to include folk musical instruments within structure of other musical instruments after various arrangements and to be opened to the world and to show actual power of our musical instruments to foreigners and thus to be liked by those foreign people. This method study does not only assure continuity of musical instrument training in a healthy and sound manner, but will also assure mission and duty of a bridge achieving knowledge and information being extremely important matter to transfer to future generation in proper and correct form. However, lute which has an original place with its every characteristic amongst the Turkish Folk music instruments, it is regrettable expressed has been left alone with its own destiny and fate in this respect. Even at our present time, not remembering few names when it is mentioned about a successful lute method which can be practised, gives clues about dimension of event as well as great oriental music instrument players avoiding to attempt to such style studies almost proves how difficult this work is. In general, when fectors forming problems are emphasised, Turkish music note-tone system, human factor in training and education, equipment and training atmosphere, private and official training and education institutions and establishments, all features and characteristics of musical instrument, written resources and method studies being one of the most important aspect, are observed to constitute basis of existing problems. Section in which ways of solving problems related to lute training are sought, constitutes the fourth section. In this section, general view to music training methods in the world from viewpoint of providing significant clues, ways of solving problems formed in training and elements and factors which should exist in method diagram in Lute training being one of ways of solution for written resources are put forth. In this subject-matter which can combine contemporary, modern musical culture with the Turkish Music culture by conduction theoretical and practical profession training when it is aimed to train artisans who are capable, creative, teaching, researchers and interpreters, it is necessary to place system formations on which improvements in above-mentioned fields as well as foundation can be basedon scientific resources. Now, the Turkish Music note-tone system should be capable to bring all laws and codes required by itself into form being able to express itself in XXI st. century. As in the case of note-tone system of the western Music, bringing all sorts of materials arranged both vocal performance and musical instruments into ready form and solving problems formed due to reason that written note score and listened voice is not the same sound in the Turkish Music, are aspects and work to bet executed in priority. There is a requirement for a research institute to be established to investigate and examine all above-mentioned handicaps and obstacles and to knead obtained data based on national origin with contemporary and modern concept and perception. Thus, one unit should arrange cultural products which have become classical and then determine and classify accordingly. Taking necessary steps and measures in order to promote and propagate the Turkish Music outside national platform through modern, contemporary and progressive, advanced studies should be mission and duty of such a center. One of the most important aspects to help in solving many problems encountered in. lute and musical training is archives and keeping archives. Since not being able to find desired. Note scores, written resources and other materials effects training and education in adverse manner, to be able to have access to necessary notes in short time means solving an important problem. These materials should not be restricted only to printing and distribution of note scores, but especially significant resources started to have sustained damage for the reason forfeiture must be transferred urgently to different media. Better operation of supervision and control mechanism in official and private places coming out as the most influential and effective places in education related to lute training aspect will give positive results. Trainers having large share in formation of training should convey their own knowledge and experiences to students in lute training as in every field, however, XItrainers should let students free in order to help their creative abilities and characteristics to emerge for the purpose of assuring students to perform new studies. For this reason, students should be protected from stiff and hard sanctions during training period. Behaviour and attitudes of students in training and their all kinds of reactions should be evaluated and appraised by the trainer. Following testing of achievement of applied method, failed sections must removed from method and new findings obtained through observations must be included in the study. As a result of having been supported by necessary corrections being the last step, dynamic process which has continued with methods determined in accordance with observation of acts and actions of students, will assist to emergence of correct, true and pure was. In such a case, there will be no reason causing failure of training first factor required for assuring a successful training is that student should possess a musical instrument with high quality. Actually at this stage, in spite of structural modifications and changes which may be considered as a kind of evolution, made during recent years in structure of lute, it is necessary to accept it as a primitive musical instrument. For this reason, personal problems amongst musical instrument makers who have shown remarkable success in works executed throughout the country should bet left aside and they should perform tests by putting forth ideas and views for the purpose of bringing lute under better conditions in terms of playing and in other aspects and hence such trait will help solving problems related to this subject-matter. In conclusion section, it has been determined that obstacles and handicaps observed in lute training are originating from the Turkish music note-tone system, human factor in training, equipment and training atmosphere, functioning and operation of private and official training, education institutions, all features and characteristics of musical instrument, written resources and being one of the most important aspects, method studies. It has been put forth that there is a need for effective, efficient music policies supported and assisted by the state in order to gain desired achievement on these subject-matter. Xllen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.titleBağlama eğitiminde görülen problemler ve bunların çözüm yolları
dc.contributor.departmentMüzik Ana Bilim Dalı
dc.subject.ytmMusic education
dc.subject.ytmBağlama (Müzik aleti)
dc.subject.ytmTurkish folk music
dc.subject.ytmTurkish music
dc.subject.ytmMusical instruments
dc.publisher.instituteSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

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