dc.description.abstract | USERS AMENDMENT PERIOD OF THE DWELLING AREAS IN ISTANBUL TEŞVİKİYE EXAMPLE SUMMARY It is unavoidable that the increase in the popu lation connected with the economical parametres, causes some qualitative changes in the urban function areas, in the cities where the social change rate is high. During this improvement period, the dwelling areas of different socio-economical groups, are the scene of the changes concerning the place and the quality. (Ur ban and countryside dwelling areas). The research subject of the prepared thesis is the state of completing time period of the building of luxu rious dwelling areas for the families with high income in İstanbul and with this socio-economical level's sett lement in there, the action of lower income level's fil ling the places where they left. As a result of the settlement of groups with high income and appearances of new settlement ideas, in speci fic periods, some areas in Istanbul became a referance a- rea, whose dwelling demand is high and as a result of this with the large increase in rant, for the other groups with low incame. In fact, the high incame group which has got a little portion in the population percentape, guides the changes cocerning the region, placa and quality for they are seen as a referance target in improvement concerning urbans. The aim is to examine the users of dwelling areas both connected with quality and quantity in Istanbul whe re urban functions changes concerning the place with socio- economical changes in detail, and to emphazise the impor tance of problems that may be born from the choices of the user in the future, to reveal the truth that it is neces sary to approach the solution of the problems both from the dwelling sector's and user's point of view during the lower income group's replacing in the places of high in come groups in Istanbul. The researches, which had been done exposed that there are 3 main groups which affect the changes during the urbana 1 improvement period: - Planner - Investor - User -viix-These three groups try to guide the dwelling areas urbanal locations and structures according to their expec tations, wishes and profits. Also, new dwelligns for the high income level are being discussed. Leaving the dwel ling where it had settled and the lower income level's setting in the area where the high income level which had passed to a new dwelling area left makes a chain down to the lowest income group. The basis of this research is the physical, socio- economical and cultural factors which guide the charge period of the users settlements in there after the old high income groups dwelling areas evacuation by this group and the parametres between them. This can be examined un der three outlines: 1. Orbanal location 2. Physical environment 3. Social environment The theory of filtering in the housing sector is a process caused by the selection of various lodging zones or by the re-structuring or destruction of dwelling areas, and also by the real constructive works arising aftermath of the change of the consumption of the users and the in come time. It is also an important theory to explain the pre sent urban housing situation. It shoult be worked out eith respect to the characterictics of users and those of lodging. Though the Access-Space model is a main model for the house areas of the economists in a balance model, the ecenomists have often used the filtering model as a frame in their application work. Filtering models are an important factor in the ewistence of the present houses. It is a sign of a period of dynamic work in the housing sector. And yet, access- space model is static, and is just harmonious with the present situations. Though these two models seem to be at opposite ends, they in fact complete each other, and are not two opposite alternatives. The movement og a lodging zone within a living pro cess attracted the attention of the sociologists of the Chicago School. The sociologists were constantly suffe ring from the negative aspect of forming a building for only one part of the dynamic life. A group from a lower level of income always regards the lodging zones of a group from higher level of income as a referance point for its own lodging. Inspite of the tendency of the members of the same income group to reside in the same zone, they desire to lodge in the zone of a higher income group, regarded as a nobility and increase in social status. -IX-Filtering exposes the tendencies of the interaction of the changes in levels of income. A debate point on filtering is the analytical tecnique of a process changing according to the level of income in the lodging area. In this matter the cartographic tecnique of Hoyt has not been developed into the approaching values of Grisby in full operational form. The values stemming exactly from the changes of the income groups of the users cannot be adjus ted in full. An abnormal lodging is regarded resulting from the other changes in the conditions of demands and the market possibilities of resulting from the specific type of the basic lodging plan. The filtering theory is, in a sense, the ability toguess the future of the lodging area within any urban area on a logical and approximative basis. The family types in the examplary area may be examined in such various respects as level of income, level of education, etc. Also, the houses in the examplary area may be exa mined in such various respects as the location of the house, its age, structure and quality. Researches have shown that families from low level of income reside in older, ordinary houses, away from downtown, and that families from higher level of income reside in new, clean-looking, near downtown. It will be of help to ewplain the filtering theory to search what these conditions are, and what values of judgement direct the election of the houses and the site of houses. Filtering is a system which has an important place in the development of the private housing areas. Families of higher level of income fix a higher value for each house than families of low level of income do, and accept to pay ahigher rental fee. This, finally, puts forth the principles of the sales market for the housing areas of the private sector. Since families of higher level of income propose higher prices for houses.than families of low level of income do, the owners of the new houses are naturally those families of higher level of income. So, the newly constructed and put-to-sale housing areas belonging to the private sector will be used by those people of high level of income, and the used and old houses that have been discharged by them will be occupied by the families of low level of income. So, the new houses added to the house market will be houses with high values aiming families of high income. On the other hand, the value of the houses discharged by that group will go down, and families of low income will be able to find cheaper houses. And this will increase the quality of the housing areas in an urban scale. -x-Hoyt, as the first person who has made the filte ring works, described the big cities as lodging zones rather than housing sector. Housing areas and sector are important factors in determining the urban chracteristics of the big cities. During the early periods of the urban development, the richest social and economic group of the city was not so crowded as to from a housing area in the city. They had a tendency to gather in some place near downtown. The lodging area where this group of high income gathered became a reference point for groups of lower income. A price avarage was formed for the districts. As the techno' logical developments quickened the industrial activities, the industrial development increased migration from rural areas to urban areas. That the cities became centers of manufacture, commarce and transportation made the supply- demand relation in the housing market to out of balance. All these adverse urban conditions, inspite of the development of the housing areas aimed for groups of high income, caused these high income groups to form suburb areas in the country, and the new lodging shifted to country. And the process of lodging in those places in the urban areas discharged by the groups of high income by the groups of lower income who associate those places with richness and nobility for a cheaper price, and the charges in prices get down to the groups of lowest income and socio-economic structure. The Hoyt model should not be taken as a general model. It should be researched whether it is applicable or not. There is no general principle. Only spesific elements take place. These are: * There should be a suburb lodging, and this lod ging should belong to the groups of high income. * There should be an increase in incomes tended towards newness, status and greater area. * General income distribution and changes in the structure of population are not included in this model. One of the basic points in this model is the fact that the income of the group of high income should increase more. * Groups of low income have a tendency to reside close to those who earn as much as themselves. * Decreases in prices in this housing system is a factor encouraging to go up. * In the selection of areas which are the main ele ments of the housing market cooperatives and owners are -xx-not in question. * In the short run, the house potential should be filled by the groups of low income. Though it is an important theory in explaining the present urban housing situation, it is insufficient in many critical points, so that it cannot answer to the variables. In such point as the corruption in the distribution of income, irregular development, political effects, the situation the house market will turn to in case of big migrations, lack of harmony of the users of houses, prob lems to be caused by theincrease in the number of house owners by mass housing applications, how the empty houses will be evaluated, evaluation of the changes new construc tion works will cause in the house stock, this method is insufficient. It has been tried to expose the efficiency of the factors which determine the dwelling-environment and users property in the regional choice of new users who settle down in the areas where high income level group had settled and evacuadet, and to expose other probable factors, the change period of the users of the dwelling areas in Istanbul, and the appropriqteness of this period to Hoyt Model and whether a `Filtering` period accurs or not or under what conditions it occurs connected with the chosen area with researches and questionnaires which had been done. In the second part, Filtering theory cocept and values and problems connected to Hoyt Model is being examined. In the third part, the changes between the dwelling areas and their use and their historical improvement in Istanbul is being expressed. In the Fourth part, which is the last one, a syste matical analysis of the values, datas and the researches upon the changes of dwelling areas users with the encoura gement of the chosen sample area. -xii- | en_US |