dc.description.abstract | ÖZETULUSLARARASI TİCARETTE LOJİSTİK KÖYLER VE TÜRKİYE İÇİN BİR LOJİSTİK KÖY ÖNERİSİKÜÇÜK, SerdarYüksek Lisans, İşletme BölümüTez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Murat Canıtez,2011:Ekim, 2019Lojistik en basit anlamı ile ihtiyaç duyulan bir mal yada hizmetin zamanında ve en uygun maliyetle tüketiciye teslimini kapsayan bir organizasyonlar bütünü olarak tanımlamamız mümkündür. Bu teslimatın ortaya çıkabilmesi için sayısız Lojistik çözümler ortaya çıkar. Bu çözümlerden Lojistik açısından en önemlisi Deniz Aşırı ticareti kolaylaştıran ve ucuzlatan Konteyner ve Konvansiyonel Yük taşımacılığının ortaya çıkışıdır. Çok daha fazla ürünün, istenilen kaplarda tek bir araçla kıtalar arası harekâtına imkân sağlayan bu gelişme bugünün Dünya Ticaretine hala yön vermektedir. Deniz Ticaret Yolları Bütün dünya ülkelerini büyük bir rekabetin içine dahil etmiş durumdadır. Sermayenin artık dünya üzerindeki en büyük güç olduğu, bireylerin, şirketlerin ve devletlerin sermayenin peşinden koştuğu günümüz ticari hayatında Küreselleşme ve Uluslararası Ticaret artık ülkeler için mecburiyet haline gelmiştir. Bu mecburiyetin farkına daha önce varan firma ve ülkeler Lojistik Sektörüne ve alt yapısına yatırım yapmaktan kaçınmamış ve bu alanda belirleyici olmayı başarabilmişlerdir. Firma ve Ülkeler, küreselleşmenin getirdiği Uluslararası rekabetin içinde kendilerini bulmuş durumdadır. Avantaj ise Lojistiği daha doğrusu, Lojistik hizmetleri birbiri ile en doğru şekilde entegre edebilen ülke firmalar elde edecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Lojistik, Uluslararası Ticaret, Deniz Ticaret Yolları, Konvansiyonel, Entegre | |
dc.description.abstract | ABSTRACTTHE FREIGHT VILLAGES IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND A FREIGHT VILLAGE MODEL SUGGESTION FOR TURKEY.KÜÇÜK, SerdarMaster Of Business AdministrationSupervisor: Pof. Dr. Murat Canıtez,2011:October, 2019Importance of the Logistics concept has been increased as a sector day by day since the second world war that changed the world order. In near past, Logistics concept consisted of only transportation and shipping services but today with the information age, logistics has transformed into a whole different process and implementation of operations with integrating many systems to each other. Logistics concept has become a case, such as global competition, production technologies, production itself, consuming, and information Technologies which shape the 21th century and have an impact at macro level. Briefly, after mentioning the historical development of the Logistics concept, the definition can be made as the following. Logistics; The product's journey with waiting, planning, applying, and controlling from the source of raw materials to the industrial area to be processed than until the retailers shelves for the last users. According to this definition, logistics is a long process with involvement of many operations. These operations may include various applications such as primarily transportation, storage, informatics, customs clearance, handling (palletizing, labeling, loading, unloading, transferring). Unfortunately, these operations are applied disorderly in Turkey while they are integrated to each other speed and cost effectively in almost all developed countries and in certain new developing countries. The centers where logistic processes integrated to each other are called Freight Village. The Freight villages established in Europe, especially in Germany, France, Italy, Singapore in Asia, USA and Canada in America offer competitive advantages both the producers and the firms in logistic sector so they are able togive fast, flexible, and cost effective services. Freight villages also offer opportunities to produce maximum benefits to all Logistics elements of the supply chain process in their activities. Types of freight villages and freight centers and establishing freight villages are researched in this study. Results of the study revealed that establishing integrated freight villages, especially considering the current conditions in Turkey, is extremely important in terms of efficiency. As of today, Turkey is one of the top 3 countries with the largest highway vehicle fleet in the world. Benefitting fully from such a source will be possible with establishing the integrated freight villages. Freight villages; will make the international trade easier, will allow an increase in the volume of transported cargo, will offer positive contributions to increase country's export activities. Properly constructed and established freight villages will contribute significantly to thecountry's trade.In this study, the importance and necessity of designing, establishing, and bringing the integrated freight villages into service for Turkey's Logistics sector has been revealed.Keywords: Logistics, Freight Village, International trade, Transportation, Shipping, Trading | en_US |