dc.description.abstract | İnsan etkileşimli bir varlıktır. Yaşadığı çevre insandan, insan da yaşadığı çevreden etkilenir. İnsanın günlük yaşamını içinde geçirdiği mekanlar insanların sosyal kültürel yansımaları olarak değerlendirilebilirler. Birey kendi hayatına verdiği önem sayesinde kendi kültürünü korumak, yaşatmak ve aktarmak ister. Bu kapsamda, Malatya?nın Arapgir ilçesinde bulunan öncül konut örnekleri ele alınmıştır. Bu geleneksel konutlar üzerinde mekansal dizim, görünürlük ve yapısal olarak çeşitli analiz işlemleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışmalar sonucunda, yöreye ait öncül konut örneklerine ait veriler ve öncül örneklerin anlaşılıp, gelecek tasarımlara yol göstermesinde büyük öneme sahip olan analiz bilgileri, bir örnek ve veri tabanı içerisinde sistematik olarak saklanmış ve farklı filtreleme seçenekleri ile listeleme olanakları ile bilgilere erişim olanağı sağlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda birinci bölümde çalışmanın amacı anlatılmış, kapsamı ve yöntemi üzerinde durulmuştur.İkinci bölümde, veri, enformasyon ve bilgi konuları anlatılmıştır. Bilgiler ve bu bilgilerin saklanma yöntemlerine değinilmiştir.Üçüncü bölümde, veritabanları ve örnek tabanları anlatılmıştır. Veritabanlarının tarihçesi, çeşitleri, çalışma biçimleri ve tasarım kurguları üzerinde durulmuş ve detaylı olarak anlatımları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veritabanlarının faydaları ve önemleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Mimarlık ve veritabanı ilişkisi üzerinde durulmuş ve mimaride veritabanı kullanım alanları anlatılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde, çalışma kapsamında incelenmiş olan veritabanı ve örnek tabanı uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Bu veritabanı ve örnek tabanlarının çalışma ilkeleri ve yapıları, yöntemleri ve kullandıkları teknolojilere değinilmiştir.Beşinci bölümde, mimaride mekan analizleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Mekan analizleri görünürlük ve dışbükey analizler olarak iki ayrı konuda incelenmiş ve bu analiz yöntemleri anlatılmıştır.Altıncı bölümde, mekan analizleri Malatya?nın Arapgir ilçesindeki öncül mimari örnekler üzerinden uygulanarak anlatılmıştır. Uygulanan dışbükey mekan ve görünürlük analizlerine ek olarak çeşitli yapısal analizler de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu analiz hesaplamalarına ait sonuçlar ortaya koyulmuştur.Yedinci bölümde, incelenen ve analiz çalışmaları yapılan öncül örnekler için veritabanı tasarımı yapılmış ve veritabanı tanıtılmıştır. Bu veritabanı içerisine bilgilerin girilmesi anlatılmıştır; örnek tabanları için tablolar oluşturulmuştur. Sonuçlar bölümünde ise çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar yorumlanmış, sistemin potansiyeli üzerinde durulmuş ve geleceğe yönelik uygulama alanları tartışılmıştır. | |
dc.description.abstract | Human is an interactive creature. Therefore, the environment that people live interacts human and vice versa. Thus, human integrates with the environment and pursues its interaction within adaptation. Human, because of its nature, direct its environment according to its needs. This helps people to see their cultural and social heritage. Information that create cultural and social identity, considering in a structural scale, is a source of information for architects. Buildings that includes the information is called architectural precedents. Human wants to protect the information that include itself and interactive environment, because they make the cultural and social infrastructure. If the information live for generations, the desire for protecting it will be achieved. There are several steps for achieving it. Firstly, data should be accumulated then it should be understood and preserved correctly. At this point, data gained from analysis from architectural precedents and the information?s importance are huge. The space syntax analysis, visibility analysis and structural analysis are made to understand the specifications of architectural precedents. According to those analysis, the structure can be understood and it might be classified for results. Thus, newly produced venue setups can be designed by its culture and venue usage habits.In this context, the architectural precedents domicile samples in Malatya Arapgir considered. Some analytic processes, spatial order, visibility and structural, are used to those conventional residences. According to those studies, data that gained from architectural precedents and analytic information that help to the future designs; are stored systematically and also they opened to access with some different filtration options.Within this scope in the first part, the purpose of the study has been written. Its scope and methodology are been explained.In the second part, data, informatics and knowledge topics are mentioned. Information and its way of storage are explained. Datum that is stored is an infancy period of informatics. The informatics, which gained from shaping the datum, is define the knowledge. To use this knowledge, uninterruptedly in digital media, they have to be stored and protected carefully. The storage systems are useful for accessing data and adding, deleting or changing them successfully.In the third part, databases and sample bases are explained. Databases are researched specifically (history of it, types of databases etc.) Advantages and the importance of databases are mentioned before. The relation between architecture and databases, and how to use databases in architecture is explained. Database is a group of data. Datum that has a specific purposes made this group of data. A database system is shared to an abundant of user. This system make data storage, organization and examination. Designers try to make their studies by taking samples from digital media. Those samples are systematically stored information. The system that united from these samples is a sample base.In the fourth part, researched database and the application of sample base is mentioned. Studies about database and sample base is helpful for future studies. Working principle and structures, methodology and technology of database and sample bases are mentioned before.Fifth part, space syntax analysis in the architecture is explained. Space syntax analysis are researched in two separate subjects: visibility and convex analysis. One of the purposes of architecture is organization of space. When organizing space it?s very important that protecting cultural activities that direct habitants live and order of the residents. This space organization reflects inhabitants? culture and also it reflects characteristics of them.Sixth part, space syntax analysis explained by applying architectural precedents in Malatya Arapgir. Convex resident and visibility analysis applied and moreover, some structural analysis been made. The calculations according to these analysis have been calculated. Biggest part of the researched houses are belonging to second part of the 19 century and first part of the 20th century. The basic components of the Arapgir houses are stone, cob and wood. Researched architectural precedent samples are Bekir Tan House, Kaşgal House, Keşiş House, Miraşoğlu House and Çağdaş House. In the visibility analysis floor plans researched separately. The research is a kind of analysis that express the angle that can be seen from the height of human eye point of seeing. Convex space syntax analysis comprise the whole house and the relations between all components defined, then evaluations made according to those components? magnitude and positions. Structural analysis that called `Entrance Analysis?, `Projection, Champ and Balcony Analysis, `Structural System Analysis? and `Circulation Analysis are made to understand the structural specifications of architectural precedents. A template format including ,structural photographs, floor plans, informations about structures, analysis maps and estimations for analysis, created for architectural precedents. Informations about rewieved architectural precedents converted to template information format. Thus make it possible to access informations as a whole. Despite visual varieties of buildings in Arapgir region, those buildings are similar according to their usage and functionality.Seventh part,database design is made and database is introduced for rewieved and analysed architectural precedents. Entering informations to this database is explained; charts are created for sample bases. System is made by using Microsoft Access. The system have several options like filtration, googling, printing etc. and it has an interactive frame. Name of the system is Historical Buildings Information System.In the conclusion part, outcomes from the research are interpretted, potential of the system is mentioned and futuristic applications areas are argued. To protect an area, it is required to understand and live the area. Functions of components of the area can be understood by this way. Why components located to there? and why they are functioning in that way? very important questions for understanding the connections. In accordance with this purpose,important analysed informations are saved thanks to studies. Moreover, flexibility of the database make it possible to use it in different regions. In future this system will be applied to various regions and this will give systematic informations and cultural treasure for future generations.When rewieving potential of the system, comparison between different regions? buildings become possible because of various regions? studies. Thus, it will enable us to compare, discuss, evaluate and understand cultural and social live tracks. | en_US |