dc.description.abstract | Modern Mimarlık Mirası yapıları tasarlandıkları ve inşa edildikleri döneme ait teknik, estetik, kültürel, ekonomik ve sosyal yansımaları barındığı için korunmaları gerekmektedir.Bağdat Caddesi üzerinde yer alan, yapım yılı 1960-1980 olan Modern Mimarlık Dönemi'ne ait çok katlı konut örnekleri tadilat gereksinimleri, yeni doğan ihtiyaçlar, rant ve kentsel dönüşüm yasası teşviğiyle birlikte yıkılmaktadırlar. Yıkılan binalar yerine yapılan binalara büyüklük, yükseklik ve araziye yerleşim açısından farklılıklar taşımaktadırlar. Bu dönüşümle birlikte işlevleri, malzeme kullanımları, cephe bütünlükleri açısından Bağdat Caddesi'nin mimari kimliği değişime uğramaktadır.Bağdat Caddesi İstanbul'un önemli ticaret alanlarından biridir. Aynı zamanda yoğun konut yerleşiminin bulunduğu bölgelerden bir tanesidir. Modern Mimarlık Konut örneklerinin yer almasıyla birlikte cadde üzeri ve çevresinde benzer bir dil oluşmuş; kentin, özellikle bağlı olduğu ilçe Kadıköy'ün önemli değerlerinden biri haline gelmiştir.Enerji , endüstrileşme ve teknolojinin gelişimiyle birlikte `bina üretimi`nde de çok önemli bir rol kazanmıştır. Binalar hem yapımları sırasında hem de varlıkları süresince enerji tüketiminde ilk sıralarda yer almaktadırlar. Enerji tasarrufunun etkili olduğu alanlardan bir tanesi `Binalar ve Bina Üretimi`dir. Yeni yapılan binalarda yapının enerji kimliği tasarım kriterlerinden biri haline gelmiştir. Mevcut binanın enerji etkinliğine katkı ise çeşitli iyileştirmeler ile sağlanmaktadır. İyileştirme, yapı elemanı bazında ele alınabileceği gibi bütünsel bir yaklaşımla tüm binayı dikkate alarak da sağlanabilir.Bu çalışmada; İstanbul Bağdat Caddesi'nde bulunan Modern Mimarlık Konut örneklerine yönelik olarak enerji etkin iyileştirme stratejileri değerlendirilmiştir. `Tehdit Altındaki Modern Mimarlık Mirası: Bağdat Caddesi Örneği` (Salman, Bilgili, & Pulat, 2015) başlıklı çalışma incelenebilecek binaların belirlenmesinde tezin ana kaynağını oluşturmaktadır.İyileştirme stratejilerinin belirlenmesinde binaların mimari özelliklerini kaybetmemeleri dikkate alınmış; iyileştirme alternatifleri simülasyon programları aracığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Analiz edilen binaları karşılaştırma yöntemiyle `Enerji Etkin İyileştirme` ve `Modern Mimarlık` alanları beraber ele alınarak, olumlu/olumsuz sonuçları incelenerek yorumlanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Modern Mimarlık, Bağdat Caddesi, Konut, Enerji Etkin, İyileştirme | |
dc.description.abstract | Modern Architecture Heritage buildings must be protected; because they have technical, aesthetic, cultural, economic and social reflections of the period they were designed and built. The residential buildings of Modern Architecture Period, which were built on Bağdat Street between 1960-1980, are being demolished with the necessity of renovation requirements, new born needs, rent and urban transformation law. The buildings, which were built in place of the demolished buildings, differ in terms of size, height and land placement. With this transformation, the architectural identity of Bağdat Street is being changed in terms of its functions, material usage and façade integrity. Bagdat Street is one of the important trade areas of Istanbul. It is also one of the regions where residential buildings are located intensively. Modern Architecture with the presence of modern architecture period housing examples, a similar language was formed on and around the street; and the street has become one of the important values of the city and Kadıköy. Energy, with the developments in industrialization and technology has gained a very important role in `Building Production` as well. Buildings are one of the top levels in energy consumption both during construction and during their existence. One of the areas where energy saving is effective is building and its production. In the new buildings, the energy efficiency of the building has become one of the design criteria. The positive contribution to the energy efficiency of the existing building is provided by refurbishment. Refurbishment can be handled on the basis of the building elements or can be provided considering all building systems with a holistic approach. In this study; energy efficient refurbishment strategies were proposed and evaluated for the Modern Architecture Period Residential examples which are located in IstanbulBagdat Street. The study titled `Modern Architecture Heritage under Threat: The Case of Bağdat Street` (Salman, Bilgili, & Pulat, 2015) is the main source of the thesis in determining the buildings that will be examined. In the development of refurbishment proposals, protection of the architectural features had been taken into account, and the energy efficiency of refurbishment alternatives were analyzed by simulation programs. The fields of `Energy Efficient Improvement `and` Modern Architecture` were analyzed together to put forward positive/ negative results. The thesis consists of 3 main chapters. Firstly, Modern Architecture which constitutes the main fiction of the thesis is discussed. In this section, the architectural features of the buildings of the period and the pioneers of this movement are mentioned. The necessity to conserve the Heritage of Modern Architecture is explained with reasons. In addition, the characteristic features and needs of buildings in Europe, which has adense stock of modern buildings, were examined and the need for protection was underlined. In this context, the building characteristic structures of Bağdat Street residential buildings proposed for protection were examined and the characteristics of the buildings to be conserved were specified. Another important main part of the thesis is `Enerji Energy Efficient Refurbishment of Buildings `. In this section, the concept of energy efficiency in buildings is discussed and its importance is emphasized. The parameters that affect the energy efficient design and refurbishment of buildings are specified. Since the study content covers the existing buildings, the options for the improvement of the existing buildings have been proposed as insulation in walls, floors and roofs, increasing the thermal performance of windows and adding shading components. In addition, historical Scotland Houses case studies were examined in order to show how the buildings with historical heritage value were handled in different studies. In the fourth section, in order to illustrate the efficiencies of energy efficientimprovement solutions that can be applied in residential buildings such as Modern Architecture, improvement solutions proposed for multi-storey residential buildings proposed for registration on Bagdat Street are explained and discussed. The contribution to the energy efficiency of buildings through interventions to the buildingenvelope is expressed in percentages. In addition to the individual evaluation of the buildings selected for the review, all buildings were compared in-house. The zonebased improvements for cost control were also examined and a contribution to building energy efficiency was discussed. The buildings are classified according to the façade direction, façade length, ground floor area, façade stone cladding and transparency ratio. There are 5 proposed units for protection on Bagdat Street. Building session area and façade lengths selected similar buildings; A and B. Different interventions on the walls and windows of the modeled buildings were tested separately and the most effective refurbishment options were investigated. Within the scope of the improvement, the present state of the building, the individual upgraded version of each element and the improved version of all elements are simulated. Improvement options have been proposed in 3 different elements: wall, window and shading component. Primarily the whole building is analyzed. In order to show that partial refurbishment interventions will also benefit inenergy efficient refurbishment studies, zone and apartment scale applications have been proposed. A1 and A3 buildings were selected for zone and apartment analysis; refurbishment options were applied to the halls of the 2nd floor facing the front, then to the 3rd floor apartments. As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that wall insulation reduces heating loads significantly. Increasing the thermal performance of the windows has been effective in reducing both heating and cooling loads. It has been concluded that the use of shading component should be handled with different control methods in summer and winter conditions. If there are cost constraints in energy efficient improvement; ease of application; improvement of window thermal performance may be given priority over wall insulation due to the ability to act independently from other apartment owners and the height of the benefit provided. However, for a maximum benefit, a holistic approach and the improvement of walls and windows together should be considered as a priority. As a result of this study, a limited number of energy efficient renovation scenarios developed on buildings on Bagdat Street, which has the value of Modern Architecture Heritage, have been shown to protect the buildings with heritage value and save energy. The study also emphasizes the importance of energy efficiency studies for buildings with heritage value in need of such renewal, indicating that significant energy savings can be achieved through energy efficiency studies, especially when renovating buildings that are still demolished by urban transformation law. Keywords: Modern Architecture, Bağdat Street, Residential Building, Energy Efficient, Refurbishment | en_US |