dc.description.abstract | ÖZETHipertansiyon-Nefroloji Polikliniğinde ilk kez esansiyel hipertansiyon tanısıkonulmuş non-diyabetik olgular randomize olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grubahidroklorotiyazid de içeren bir antihipertansif tedavi uygulanırken ikinci gruptahidroklorotiyazid içermeyen antihipertansif tedavi verildi. ki grup arasında, yaş,cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi (VK ), hipertansiyon süresi, açlık kan şekeri, kolesterol,HDL-kolesterol, LDL-kolesterol, ürik asid, BUN, kreatinin, Na, K, Ca değerleriaçısından bir farklılık yoktu. Rutin kontroller sırasında, 1'er ay ara ile 3 kez 140/90mm Hg hedefine ulaşıldığında hastalara 24 saatlik tansiyon arteryel monitorizasyonuuygulandı. lk ve son kontrol arasındaki süre de iki grup arasında farklılıkgöstermiyordu. Gruplar randomizasyonda karşılaştırması yapılan VK , açlık kanşekeri, ürik asid, BUN, kreatinin, HDL-kolesterol, LDL-kolesterol, Na, K, değerleriaçısından yeniden karşılaştırıldı ve farklılık saptanmadı. Holter parametreleriaçısından da HCT kullanan ve kullanmayan gruplar arasında bir farklılık saptanmadı.Bu verilerle, kan basıncı kontrolünün diüretik kullanıp kullanmamaktan çok, uygunsayıda antihipertansifin kombine kullanımı ile sağlanabileceğini göstermektedir.SUMMARYFirst time diagnosed hypertensive non-diabetic outpatients in Hypertension andNephrology Department for the first time in their life were randomly allocated to twodifferent groups according to their hydrochlorothiazide usage status in addition toother antihypertensive drugs. Between the groups there was not any differenceregarding age, gender, body-mass index (BMI), duration of hypertension, fastingblood sugar, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, uric acid, BUN,creatinin, Na, K and calcium levels at the base-line. During their follow-up, theattainment of 140/90 mmHg or less blood pressure levels for three consecutivemonthly controls prompted the implementation of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressuremonitoring (ABPM). The interval between the first office visit and the last control wasalso comparable between the groups. At the last clinic visit, the groups were againcompared for BMI, and the same biochemical parameters. There was not anystatistically significant difference between the sub-groups. 24 hour ABPM resultswere also comparable. These findings suggests that the same blood pressure targetcan be achieved in essential hypertensives with the combination therapy regardlessof the use of hydrochlorothiazide. | |
dc.description.abstract | 8- SUMMARYFirst time diagnosed hypertensive non-diabetic outpatients inHypertension and Nephrology Department for the first time in their lifewere randomly allocated to two different groups according to theirhydrochlorothiazide usage status in addition to other antihypertensivedrugs. Between the groups there was not any difference regarding age,gender, body-mass index (BMI), duration of hypertension, fasting bloodsugar, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, uric acid, BUN,creatinin, Na, K and calcium levels at the base-line. During their follow-up,the attainment of 140/90 mmHg or less blood pressure levels for threeconsecutive monthly controls prompted the implementation of 24 hourambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). The interval between thefirst office visit and the last control was also comparable between thegroups. At the last clinic visit, the groups were again compared for BMI,and the same biochemical parameters. There was not any statisticallysignificant difference between the sub-groups. 24 hour ABPM results werealso comparable. These findings suggests that the same blood pressuretarget can be achieved in essential hypertensives with the combinationtherapy regardless of the use of hydrochlorothiazide.41 | en_US |