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dc.contributor.advisorCeyhan, Osman
dc.contributor.authorÜnalan, Demet
dc.description.abstractIIITEŞEKKÜRBu çalışmanın gerçekleşmesinde çok önemli katkı ve desteklerini gördüğüm tezdanışmanım Sayın Prof. Dr. Osman Ceyhan'a, tez izleme komitesi üyeleri Halk SağlığıAnabilim Dalı Başkanı Sayın Prof. Dr. Yusuf Öztürk'e ve Sayın Prof. Dr. FevziyeÇetinkaya'ya, Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyesiSayın Prof. Dr. Mustafa Baştürk'e ve psikolog Füsun Koçak'a, çalışmanın istatistikselanalizlerinin yapılmasındaki katkılarından dolayı Prof. Dr. Osman Günay'a ve UzmanAhmet Öztürk'e, araştırmanın gerçekleştirildiği kurum olan Kayseri Verem SavaşDispanseri Başhekimi Dr. Müncibe Hüsrevoğlu ve tüm çalışanlarına teşekkür ederim.
dc.description.abstractVQUALITY OF LIFE IN TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEENQUALITY OF LIFE AND DEMOGRAFIC-SOCIOCULTURAL FEATURE ANDDEPRESSIONDemet ÜnalanABSTRACTTuberculosis, which led to many epidemics and deaths in the past and still continues to be a serioushealth problem for people especially in the socio-economically low countries, is an infectiousdisease that gives rise to two million people?s death every year. Tuberculosis has a negative effecton the quality of life due to the illness itself, bad impressions dating back to olden times and long-lasting treatments, which are considered to be negative by patients and the people around thepatients. They were 196 active cases and 108 inactive cases in study group and 196 cases in controlgroup. The rate of man/woman is 1.4 in active cases and 1.9 in inactive cases. 16.3 %, 13.0 % ofactive and inactive cases were illiterate and 11.7 %, 18.5 % did not work respectively. Averagemonthly income of the active cases was 350 million Turkish liras and 13.3 % of them did not haveany health care insurance. 26.5 % of the active and 34.3 % of the inactive cases were any proven tobe associated with any other illness. It was found that 25.5 % of active cases took medicineirregulary, 56.6 % had one or more stressors at the beginning period, and 5.1% at the fever period.The point average of Beck depression of active and inactive cases and the individuals that formedthe control group was 17.51 ± 11.54, 17.43±12.34, 9.08 ± 5.39 respectively and the differencebetween the groups was found to be higher in women, widow (er)s or divorced people, lonely livingpeople, people with low-level education, people with any other illness, house-wives, retired orunemployed people, people with a separated family, and those people that live in suburbs comparedto the others. It was been determined that the average point of life-quality of patient groups in allthe areas except pain health dimension was found to be significantly lower than the control group?s.In active and inactive cases the average points of life quality were found to be high in men, peoplewith high education level, people without an additional illness, and in those who took theirmedicine regularly. In active and inactive cases, as much as the depression scores increase, in alldimentions of SF 36 health status and in the individuals that form the control group, in alldimentions, except physical functions and health status dimention, it was determined that scoresdecrease.Key words: Tuberculoss, quality of life, depression, chronic diseaseen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.subjectHalk Sağlığıtr_TR
dc.subjectPublic Healthen_US
dc.titleTüberkülozlu hastalarda yaşam kalitesi, yaşam kalitesinin demografik-sosyokültürel özellikler ve depresyonla ilişkisi
dc.title.alternativeQuality of life in tuberculosis patients, the relationship between quality of life and demografic-sociocultural feature and depression
dc.contributor.departmentHalk Sağlığı Ana Bilim Dalı
dc.publisher.instituteSağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universityERCİYES ÜNİVERSİTESİ

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