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dc.contributor.advisorOkay, Mehmet Orhan
dc.contributor.authorKabadayi, Hayriye
dc.description.abstractI. ÖZET DOKTORA. TEZ! 1908-1923 YILLARI TÜRK ŞIIJR1 VE ŞİİR TEORİSİ Hayriye KABADAYI Danışman: Prof. Dr. Orhan OKAY 1994, SAYFA: Jüri : Prof. Dr. Orhan Okav ı ar i ir ara- Bu çalışma, I I. Meşrutiyet ' i n ilan edilmesinden (1908) başlayarak, Cumhur iyet ' in i 1 anına < 1923) kadar uzanan onbeş yıllık süreçte, TUrk şiirinin macerasını ana hatlarıyla ortaya koymayı ve öze İlikle dönemin poe- tikasını tesbit etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Tezimizin ana malzemesini, 1908-1323 yıl sında yayınlanmış bulunan dergilerdeki şiirle ilgi
dc.description.abstractI î AB-STRaC'I P h P T h r -is TURKISH POETKY IN THK PERIOD OF i908-.1.9;/3 Hayriye KABADA'/ '( Supetvisor: Prof. Dr. Orhan OKAY ¦994, PAGF; Jury : Prof. Dr. Orhan OKAY Thi ^ study is aimed at highlighting the adventure nf Turkish poetry during the fifteen years betwoen 1.908, the declaration of the second Constitutional Monarchy, and 1923, the ostabi ish'aeah of the Turkish Republic. In particular, I aim In define the poetics of thi*~ period. The articles on poetry that appeared in lijterary magazines oc-tyeen the years 1909 and i 9 23 const ity'te the basic «.> o u t cc- matPi ial of t h ' <= (` h e ?> i s. / With the closing of Servet-:! Funun magazine /in 1901 the ago of Servot-i Funun literature came to a'n end, too- It was replaced hy a. ^fagnnnt period that: !`^teri seven years. :/f '¦ e r.490fl- the n+mosphere of freedom which was brought about by the ^mcitltutinnal Monarchy lasted a short time. There was a lack of authority in the government's n.diiri ni st mi tion and the wars affected the moral principles; nf the people of the Ottnnan Empire. In the midst or this chaos, Turkish poets tried to establish the new principle-- of Turkish Literature. Between 1908 and 1923 thor.-; were two main influ.erces which dominated Turkish Literature: Romanticism and the philosophy of Symbolism- and t `he ideas of Bergson. In the greater part of the writing of * hi s p e v i <;. c., both the ideas which were defended and the sty'n which wsf tired, of Roiriantlc writing. Bergsonian rtror.g fooling of rhythn: t :i the investigation of ideas in literature contemporary living conditions, Jc idea?, Social improvement and aesthetics. These influenced the basic ideas of poetics after 1923. ien_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.subjectTürk Dili ve Edebiyatıtr_TR
dc.subjectTurkish Language and Literatureen_US
dc.title1908-1923 yılları Türk şiiri ve şiir teorisi
dc.title.alternativeTurkish poetry in the period of 1908-1923
dc.contributor.departmentTürk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
dc.subject.ytmTurkish poem
dc.publisher.instituteSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universityATATÜRK ÜNİVERSİTESİ

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