dc.description.abstract | II. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE» A. WHAT IS THE LIFE INSURANCE ? Life insurances is an insurance contract which solved i the financial problems are born with possibility of live, death ar disablement of a person. There is a various life insurance policy: 1. Life assurance payable at death a. Life assurance payable at death with a term b. Life assurance payable at death - without a term 2. Life assurance with live condition 3. Endowment assurance* B. A SHORT HISTORY OF LIFE INSURANCES: From the days of our fore fathers, man has tried to protect himself and his family and to find `some measure of security. In this condition, they found some primitive ways of protection was really a very early kind of risk-^sharing, or insurance. But, the first known life insurance policy was taken out by a private citizen on the life of a Londoner, William Gybbons, in 1583. Although the policy closed with the prayer: ` God send the said William Gybbons health and long life,` Mr. Gybbons died within the year. Mr. Gybbon's heirs collected the full sum assured. In these early days, it was difficult to figure out inT.C. MARMARA UNIVERSITY BANKING AND INSURANCE INSTITUTE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT LIFrE INSURANCE AND ITS MARKETING MASTER THESIS IC1...AL. DEMIRDELEN ASSISTANT PROFFESSOR SEVK t KAYLAV ISTANBUL, 1991I. INTRODUCTION! The position of life insurance sector is an indicator of development position of a country. In our country, life in surances are not known by all people yet. But recently, increas ing in life insurance sales was very high and insurance sector is effected by this increasing positively. Insurance sector in Turkey, does not developed sufficiently for some reasons. Developing in life insurance create a hopeful picture for whole sector. But until today, insurance companies da not have a marketing concept and their agencies also not interested with marketing. The result of these, they can not influence to the people. There is no enough source and research about life in surance and especially its marketing. The subject is needed for working on. So, this survey is aimed that notice on the subject. We hope that, compedent foundation or people will make a widespread research on this subject.T.C. MARMARA UNIVERSITY BANKING AND INSURANCE INSTITUTE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT LIFrE INSURANCE AND ITS MARKETING MASTER THESIS IC1...AL. DEMIRDELEN ASSISTANT PROFFESSOR SEVK t KAYLAV ISTANBUL, 1991advance the actual cost of life insurance. The f^rst successful life insurance firm in England was the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office, which was started in 1705-1706. All the members of the Society paid the same amount, and no one over 45 was accepted. At the' and of every year, expenses were added up and subtracted from the total of all the payments. After a certain amount was set aside as a safety fund, the balance was divided among the heirs of those who had died within the year. This kind of insurance was not too good because the ac tual amount of the benefit could not be pred icted. Furthermore, i t was confined to people under 45 years of age, and all members paid the same premium even though the risk was much less for younger men. Towards the end of the eighteenth century, studies of ac tual death rates at various ages enabled English life insurance companies to learn the actual risk at each age.Thjis enabled them to begin operating upon scientific principles.1 1 1. POSITION OF LIFE INSURANCE SECTOR IN TURKEY: Turkish insurance sector, with its 100 years aid past has ex hibited great improvement in the 1900 's. The share of total premium income in GNP increased to.57'/. in 1989 whereas it used to be only.36'/. in 1980. According these percentages, Turkey is the 58th in 63 countries with its $6 premium income per person and the 62nd compared to its share in GNP. Although these numbers show the inefficiently of the development, direct premium income exceeded 1 billion of the end of the 1989. In 1980's the most important development has been in the life insurances. The life insurance portfolio has increased to 152 billion TL in 1989 whereas it used to ne only 427 million TL.in 1990. Now, according to first 9 month of 1990, it exceeded 311 bill ion TL. Since personal insurance has not developed much in Turkey, life insurance has not been organized as separate firms, but instead, organised as a separate department within the main firm. The number of life insurance policies started to increase significantly only in the beginning of 1990. The number of policies increased to 2.5 million while its market share become to 15V» due to these developments. So, separate life insurance firms, started to be established in Turkey as well. After the legal changes in 1987, number of firms in the sector increased from 35 to 42. Today, 20 Turkish, 5 foreign, totally 25 companies have the licensed to operate in life insurance branch. -4-Currently, in Turkey, the retirement pension endowment type of life insurance is produced nearly by all insurance companies. This production has entered into the market by Anadolu Sigorta Inc. in 1984. It influences the market positivelly. But still the percentage of the people that are insured in Turkey are even less than the rate of increase in population per year. Finally we can S3y that Turkey still needs to proceed further in insurance sector, especially in life insurance. -5-IV. NECESSITY OF MARKETING THE LIFE INSURANCE : Life insurance sector has a very important role in the economies of the developed countries. Life insurance based on saving make a collection and this collection creates some funds. The difference of this funds is having long term benefits. And this funds are used for investment which can solve the unemploye- ment and inflation problems. Life insurance also has a speciality because of being a social security. There is a positive relation between the life insurances and the life standards of a country. Increasing of the life insurance causes the increasing in the life standards. Life insurance also must be developed because of the insurance tecniches. Insurance is to distribute the risk on a person to the other persons or in other words, insurance is a risk transfer mechanism. So, fdY- this reason the risk of death or disability must be distributed to high amount of insurers. It is also necessary for rising the investment amount of insurance premiums.lt can be seen that, the benefits of life insurance marketing exceed to provide profitability of an insurance company. It is also provides personal, economical and social benefits. -6-V. SURVEY REPORT s PERSONAL SELLING IN LIFE INSURANCE MARKETING A. INTRODUCTION AND PRESENTATION OF SURVEY To influence the life insurance, we need to determine an ap propriate marketing method. It is bound of buying behaviour of our society. This survey aimed to determine the buying behaviour of its sample and then established a marketing method for life insurance. The population of this survey is the insurable population of Istanbul. It is established about 4,072,117 person. B. METHOD OF SURVEY ; 1. MODEL OF SURVEY AND HIPOTEZIS: In this survey, we deside that there wa^s a `probability. causality relation` between the variable. But, we can not determine all factors effect to the dependent variable. So, we can only use `determining` survey model. We can not analyse our survey results whether they are valid and confident or not, because of there is no any survey and statistical informat ion. about our subject. Hipotezis are only expectations on the subject. MAIN HİPOTEZ s MARKETING WITH PERSONAL SELLING EFFECTS THE SALES OF LIFE INSURANCE POSITIVALLYSECONDARY HİPOTEZ IS s 1) People who buy a life insurance policy or decide to buy a policy wants to accept a person instead of an association as a saler. 2) Peoples da not buy a life policy because of not having infor mation about it. 3) The negligence cause peoples do not buy a life policy. People who buy a life policy may not pay premiums regularly because of same factor. 4) Life insurance is confused with other social security <.? associations. 2. SAMPLING AND METHOD OF COLLECTING INFORMATION : Our population includes very different socio-cul tural and socio-economical group in it. So, we use the randomly sampling method. Sample size limited with 1000 person. And distribution of. sample to the different region is supplied at the end of the report as a list. A questionnaire is used as a method of information collection. Some questionnaire form had a mistake is accepted out of sample and survey. So, the rest is utilized. They are 945 form. C. RESULTS OF THE SURVEY : 1. BASIC RESULTS ; TABLE 1 ! DISTRIBUTION OF BUYING A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. 75.0*/. of the participants of this research don't have a life -8Tinsurance policy. Only 24.2*/. have the policy. TABLE 2 ! DISTRIBUTION OF REASONS OF BUYING A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. 65'/ of the 229 participants who have a life insurance policy have bought it to get the retirement sum assured. This ratio shows that these people buy this policy to save the money. They may not be aware of its other specialities or may not have the knowlege about details of life insurance. Personal sellling system can be provide conditions of giving < knowlege about subject. Sellers can be flexible according to buyer's wishes and necessities during the meeting» So, we can say that it will be positive for sales. TABLE 3 ! DISTRIBUTION OF REASONS OF NOT BUYINB LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. 33.4'/ of the 716 participants who don't' have a life insurance policy say that they don't need such a policy. The main reason of not buying this policy is not to feel such a necessity. I It is observed that lack of information, negligance and lack of conf idance are also very important reasons of not buying of such a policy. If seller goes to the buyers and communicates directly, and informs the peoples then reasons mentioned above can be eliminated. So, It is seen that there was a big potential group for life insurance. _.«_TABLE 4 : THE SALER PREFERENCE OF INSURERS AND THEIR REGULAR PAYMENT 69.87*/. of 229 people stated that they prefer to buy the policy from the insurers («/ho are their friends op representatives. This ratio shows that this is a general behaviour. TABLE 5 : THE SALER PREFERENCE ÜF PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BUY A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. There are 225 people who have not bought but planning to buy a policy. 72.44'/» of them planning to buy it from a seller who is their friends or representatives. This preference is also paral lel to the conclusion in Table 4. TABLE 6 s THE REASONS FOR NOT PAYING PREMIUMS REGULARLY. The reasons for not paying the premiums regularly is asked to 25 people who don't pay regularly and it has been found that the main reason is to forget it. It is a good example of the general behavior of our sociaties about negligance. TABLE 7.? THE INTEREST TO LIFE INSURANCE ACCORDING TO SEX. The sex of the buyers have been searched and it has been ob served that 104 out of 229 is women, whereas 125 of them are men. Also it has been found that 26. 4M of 394 women are being insured whereas 22.6Î4 of 551 men are being insured. This shows that women are more conscious on buying a life insurance policy but still it can be said that the relation between the sexuality and buying a life policy is not so strong. ?10-TABLE 8 ! RELATION BETWEEN AGE GROUPS AND BUYING THE LIFE POLICY The relation between age groups and buying the life policy is examined with Chi-Square analysing method and It is seen that there was a relation between them. We can say that age groups effect to buying life insurance. TABLE 9 : RELATION BETWEEN THE EDUCATIONAL POSITION AND BUYING THE LIFE POLICY The educational position of sample and its relation to in surability are examined and found that the least interest to life < insurance is from people who graduated from primary school with 16.1V.. The most interest is from people who graduated from high school with 38.9 ?/,. The relation between educational position and buying of a life policy is also examined with Chi-Square analysing method and it is found that there was a relation between them. We can say that educational position effects to buying life insurance. 2. EXAMINING OF BASIC RESULTS OF SURVEY Today, there are 24 million insurable population and 4,216,000 insured people, ip Turkey. Insurable means that not being very old and young and unemployed people. Our sample includes insurable' people. We can decide that our sample was comparable to the population. The share of having a life insurance policy, in our country ? -11-( 4,216,000 / 24,000,000 ) it 100 ? 17.57'/. The share of having a life insurance policy in our sample ş ( 229 / 945 ) x lOO = 24.2'/. It can be said that there is not` important difference between these two shares, if we take into account being low rate of frequency of sample in population and survey was divided only in Istanbul where may have a high rate of insurers. - 1 r~?VI. RESULTS: We can see that the rate of people who haca life insurance policy is very low in insurable population. Generally, life insurance is bought because of `saving` factor. People does not care for being `life insurance`. There are many people who can not differ other social security society's benefits from life insurance. It can be taken as a `lack of information`. And these people can be added to people do not have life insurance because of lack of information and negligence. The total of these groups means a potential for insurable people. A big amount of insured people or who wants to buy a life policy, prefer to buy from their friends or representatives. We can say that people can buy more easily if the saler is a person. The reasons of buying a life insurance policy is very different from person to person. This variety is result of different factor like sex, age, education and binding to other social security association. Personal sales provides a personal meetings. And sales repsentatives can be flexible according to behaviour of needs and wants of purchaser. The purchaser can be satisfy only in using A personal selling method. If we base on all these information, we can say that the sales of life insurance policy can be effected positivelly from the personal selling methods. v. e. _1-T_ tüks@köğw@Ûm Kustuk *`* ûoSsümanîasyoû Hea±©s} | en_US |