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dc.contributor.advisorErhan, Çağrı
dc.contributor.authorVurucu, İkbal
dc.description.abstractGenel olarak Türk kültürüne mensup toplulukların, kültürel ve siyasibirlik kurma düşüncesi anlamındadır. Türk Milliyetçiliği ile Turancılık tasavvuruOsmanlı devletinin son döneminden itibaren özdeşleşmiş iki kavramdır. Avrupa'damilliyetçiliklerin genel olarak bir ?Pan? niteliği taşıması etkisini TürkMilliyetçiliğinde de göstermiş ve Osmanlı Türkiye'sindeki yansımasını Pan-Türkizmolarak tecessüm ettirmiştir. Fakat Cumhuriyetle birlikte bu olgular farklılaşmış vePan-Türkizm olumsuzlanarak terk edilmiştir. Resmi düzeydeki bu terk ediştoplumsal katmanlarda STÖ, kitap, dergi, vs. vasıtalarla varlığını sürdürmüştür.Cumhuriyet dönemi Turancılık, bütün Türk Milliyetçiliğine teşmiledilemeyecek bir karakter taşımıştır. Yani her Türk Milliyetçisi Turancı değildir. Buolguda göstermektedir ki Turancılık Türk milliyetçiliği için asli değil tali bir olgudur.Turancılık, Osmanlı-Türk düşüncesinde kendi toplumsal-kültürel süreçlerin birsonucu olarak değil dış dinamiklerin tesiriyle yer bulmuştur.
dc.description.abstractThe facts in Western Europe such as industrialization, urbanization, science, rationality, the exchange at political and social structure had also brought together the rooted transformation in traditional structure. The political and social form had arised from these exchanges and transformations that was formed nation and national state. As a result of the ideology of this state and social form nationalism had, been occurred. So result of industrialization, the need of raw material made these societies pushed to be colonist and activity Pan. Thus the ideologies such as Pan-Germanizm, Pan Slavizm had appeared a sort of nationality.On the other side Pan-Turkism had existed against these colonist activities as a reaction. Pan-Turkism generally means that the communities, belonged to Turkish culture, want to establish cultural and political union. Turkish nationalism and Pan-Turanism thoughts had two identical concepts from the last period of the Ottoman Empire. Nationalism had generally included `Pan` charter in Europe and its influenced on the Turkish Nationalism was Pan-Turkism in the Ottoman Turkey. But with establishing of the Turkish Republic, these events had acquired different character and Pan-Turkism had been left by becoming negativeness. This leaving at the formal level had maintaned its presence in the social stratum via NGO, book, magazine etc.The character of the Pan-Turanizm of the Republic term had not to included the whole Turkish Nationalism. That is to say, every Turkish nationalist was not Pan-Turanism. This fact shows that Pan-Turanizm is a secondary fact not fundamental fact for Turkish nationalist. Pan-Turanism had found a place in the Ottoman-Turkish thought with the influence of the external dynamics not to as a result of its own social cultural process.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.titleOsmanlıdan Türk cumhuriyetlerinin bağımsızlığına kadar Türk milliyetçilerinde turancılık algılayışı
dc.title.alternativeThe pan-turanism perception of Turkish nationalist from Ottoman empire to independence of Turkish respublice
dc.contributor.departmentSosyoloji Anabilim Dalı
dc.publisher.instituteSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universitySELÇUK ÜNİVERSİTESİ
dc.publisher.disciplineSosyoloji Bilim Dalı

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