Export demand of cotton yarn in EEC countries
dc.contributor.advisor | Bodur, Muzaffer | |
dc.contributor.author | Gültekin, Z.Beyza | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-12-21T13:39:25Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-12-21T13:39:25Z | |
dc.date.submitted | 1988 | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-08-06 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://acikbilim.yok.gov.tr/handle/20.500.12812/326158 | |
dc.description.abstract | âBSTEâCT in t-he first chapt-er of t/he t-hssis a general view of tha Turkey's foreign irade uithin ths years of 138® and 1988 is över looked. Generaliy foreign t/rade of Turkey, especially sKports are incrsasing through the years».Composibion and tha geographicaî distrib'^tiort of Turkish eKports were also st'udisd. in t-he sscocd chapter Turkey's re l at. i ons with the EEC is g iven chronological l y. Socio econofaic indicators of EEC count»ries and Turkey is coropared and Turkey's forsign Vrad.B wi-th t/hs EEC co'ün'triss is över looked» in t-he third chapt-er cotton and i.f s production is brisfly e^plainsd- Cct-t-on yarns as being t>he raain subject- pf.this t-hesis., is sfcudied İR t^his chapt-er- Froductioa and uorid.trade of cot.t>on yarn is st-udied^ informat.ion on t.he `types of co't'ton yara and me'thods of product-ion of cot-t/on yarn is- g iven. Turkey's s^por'ts of cott^on yarn t-o t h Q SEÇ countries, and r esteri et. i ons imposad by fche EEC ccuntriss ora 'oheir cot.t.on yarn irapoT'ts f r om Turkey is e^plained» in the fourth chapt.er in order to predict. t;he det,srK5inan'ts of e;Kport demand of cott-on yarn to four of fche îit-EEC countries; uhich ara üest Germany, England, Italy and France, a raodei consisting of a dependent and SİK independent» variables was created* The depeadent- var i ab i e is e^cp.or.t» demand of cotton yarn, which is takan as Turksy's cotton yarn anports to the reiated country» Factors that» wers thought. to bs influencing dependent, variafole are; price value of OÎÎQ kg of cot/ton yarn in US do î l arş j quot>a in tons iraposed by the reiat-ed countryr t-otal imports of t*he rsla'ted counfcry in t-cr»s? t>ot^ai production of cofcton yarn in Turkey in tcns, foreign currency rat.er uhich is t.akan as currency of reîated count.ry versus U5 do 11 ar s., and tax reba-tes as percasıt-ages g iven by Turkish governfnent- in order t-o incrsas© e?s:port<s» Kul t. ipi e and s i rop l s regrsssion and correlat/ion raatricies are u'tilîzed t.o OQSİ> t. h e modsl « Ths îîicrost-at. package program f ör personel costtputsr is ussd f ör çal çul at, i ons» Rasult-s of -the roult»iple regression analysis were found t-o be significant. f ör Uest> Gerasany»son?ewhat. significant< for Sngiand» and insignificant for î'taly and France» î n t/hese countries socae ot-her fact-ors such as fashion, prefsranceSf previous sfcocks st.c t>hat> are nofc includsd in t,he rsodel raay be i nf l uent» i a l - în t>he fifth chap-ter i n ter pr stat, i on of th© res-ults of anaîysis is done and tha irapl içations for raarketsrs and acaderaicians arş presented»..i Y | |
dc.description.abstract | âBSTEâCT in t-he first chapt-er of t/he t-hssis a general view of tha Turkey's foreign irade uithin ths years of 138® and 1988 is över looked. Generaliy foreign t/rade of Turkey, especially sKports are incrsasing through the years».Composibion and tha geographicaî distrib'^tiort of Turkish eKports were also st'udisd. in t-he sscocd chapter Turkey's re l at. i ons with the EEC is g iven chronological l y. Socio econofaic indicators of EEC count»ries and Turkey is coropared and Turkey's forsign Vrad.B wi-th t/hs EEC co'ün'triss is över looked» in t-he third chapt-er cotton and i.f s production is brisfly e^plainsd- Cct-t-on yarns as being t>he raain subject- pf.this t-hesis., is sfcudied İR t^his chapt-er- Froductioa and uorid.trade of cot.t>on yarn is st-udied^ informat.ion on t.he `types of co't'ton yara and me'thods of product-ion of cot-t/on yarn is- g iven. Turkey's s^por'ts of cott^on yarn t-o t h Q SEÇ countries, and r esteri et. i ons imposad by fche EEC ccuntriss ora 'oheir cot.t.on yarn irapoT'ts f r om Turkey is e^plained» in the fourth chapt.er in order to predict. t;he det,srK5inan'ts of e;Kport demand of cott-on yarn to four of fche îit-EEC countries; uhich ara üest Germany, England, Italy and France, a raodei consisting of a dependent and SİK independent» variables was created* The depeadent- var i ab i e is e^cp.or.t» demand of cotton yarn, which is takan as Turksy's cotton yarn anports to the reiated country» Factors that» wers thought. to bs influencing dependent, variafole are; price value of OÎÎQ kg of cot/ton yarn in US do î l arş j quot>a in tons iraposed by the reiat-ed countryr t-otal imports of t*he rsla'ted counfcry in t-cr»s? t>ot^ai production of cofcton yarn in Turkey in tcns, foreign currency rat.er uhich is t.akan as currency of reîated count.ry versus U5 do 11 ar s., and tax reba-tes as percasıt-ages g iven by Turkish governfnent- in order t-o incrsas© e?s:port<s» Kul t. ipi e and s i rop l s regrsssion and correlat/ion raatricies are u'tilîzed t.o OQSİ> t. h e modsl « Ths îîicrost-at. package program f ör personel costtputsr is ussd f ör çal çul at, i ons» Rasult-s of -the roult»iple regression analysis were found t-o be significant. f ör Uest> Gerasany»son?ewhat. significant< for Sngiand» and insignificant for î'taly and France» î n t/hese countries socae ot-her fact-ors such as fashion, prefsranceSf previous sfcocks st.c t>hat> are nofc includsd in t,he rsodel raay be i nf l uent» i a l - în t>he fifth chap-ter i n ter pr stat, i on of th© res-ults of anaîysis is done and tha irapl içations for raarketsrs and acaderaicians arş presented»..i Y | en_US |
dc.language | English | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess | |
dc.rights | Attribution 4.0 United States | tr_TR |
dc.rights.uri | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | |
dc.subject | Ekonomi | tr_TR |
dc.subject | Economics | en_US |
dc.title | Export demand of cotton yarn in EEC countries | |
dc.type | masterThesis | |
dc.date.updated | 2018-08-06 | |
dc.contributor.department | Diğer | |
dc.identifier.yokid | 7924 | |
dc.publisher.institute | Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü | |
dc.publisher.university | BOĞAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ | |
dc.identifier.thesisid | 7924 | |
dc.description.pages | 112 | |
dc.publisher.discipline | Diğer |