dc.description.abstract | Bu çalışma Türkiye Türkçesindeki zarflar ve zarflaştırma konusuyla sınırlandırılmıştır. Çalışma, Türkiye Türkçesinde sözcük türlerinden biri olan zarflarla ilgili olan Türkçe dil bilgisi kitaplarında yer alan açıklamalar arasındaki farklılıkların ve benzerliklerin ortaya konulması ve zarfların yapısal ve anlamsal sınırlarının çizilmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.Çalışma kapsamında zarflar, zarfların alt türleri ile ilgili görüşler ve bu görüşlerdeki benzerlik ve farklılıklar, edebî eserlerden oluşturulan veri tabanındaki zarf örnekleri ile dil bilgisi kitaplarındaki açıklamaların değerlendirilmesi, zarfların nasıl oluştuğu (zarflaştırma) ve zarf tümleci ile zarf arasındaki ilişkiler olarak dört bölümde incelenmiştir.Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda dil bilgisi kaynakları arasında zarfların açıklanmasında tutarsızlıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar terim kullanımı, zarfların tanımı, zarfın sözcük türü olarak değerlendirilmesindeki görüş ayrılıklarıdır. Bunların yanı sıra dilcilerin vermiş oldukları bilgilerden yararlanarak zarfların anlamsal, işlevsel, dağılımsal özellikleri sıralanmış, zarfı diğer türlerden ayırmaya yarayacak bilgiler verilmiştir. Ancak dilcilerin zarfların anlamına göre alt türlerini farklı başlıklarda ele aldıkları, bu konuda da tutarsızlıkların olduğu saptanmıştır. Özellikle niteleme ve durum zarflarının adlandırılmasında, alt başlıklara ayrılmasında farklılıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Ayrıca zarfların yapısal sınırları konusunda da kaynaklar arasında ayrı görüşlerin olduğu görülmüştür. Bazı kaynaklarda sözcük öbeklerinin zarf olarak kabul edilmesinin zarflarının sınırları açısından sorun oluşturduğu söylenmiştir. Bunların yanı sıra zarfların nasıl oluştuğu açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Zarflaştırmanın, adların ve ad soylu sözcüklerin, addan ve eylemden türemiş sözcüklerin, bileşik sözcüklerin ve ikileme biçimindeki sözcüklerin zarf oluşturma süreçlerini kapsadığından bahsedilmiştir.Bu çalışmada kaynaklarda verilen açıklamalarla veri tabanındaki örnekler karşılaştırılarak zarfların yapısal ve anlamsal sınırlarındaki sorunlarının çözümlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Anahtar Sözcükler: Türkiye Türkçesi, biçim bilgisi, sözcük türü, zarf, zarflaştırma.ÖZETBu çalışma Türkiye Türkçesindeki zarflar ve zarflaştırma konusuyla sınırlandırılmıştır. Çalışma, Türkiye Türkçesinde sözcük türlerinden biri olan zarflarla ilgili olan Türkçe dil bilgisi kitaplarında yer alan açıklamalar arasındaki farklılıkların ve benzerliklerin ortaya konulması ve zarfların yapısal ve anlamsal sınırlarının çizilmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.Çalışma kapsamında zarflar, zarfların alt türleri ile ilgili görüşler ve bu görüşlerdeki benzerlik ve farklılıklar, edebî eserlerden oluşturulan veri tabanındaki zarf örnekleri ile dil bilgisi kitaplarındaki açıklamaların değerlendirilmesi, zarfların nasıl oluştuğu (zarflaştırma) ve zarf tümleci ile zarf arasındaki ilişkiler olarak dört bölümde incelenmiştir.Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda dil bilgisi kaynakları arasında zarfların açıklanmasında tutarsızlıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar terim kullanımı, zarfların tanımı, zarfın sözcük türü olarak değerlendirilmesindeki görüş ayrılıklarıdır. Bunların yanı sıra dilcilerin vermiş oldukları bilgilerden yararlanarak zarfların anlamsal, işlevsel, dağılımsal özellikleri sıralanmış, zarfı diğer türlerden ayırmaya yarayacak bilgiler verilmiştir. Ancak dilcilerin zarfların anlamına göre alt türlerini farklı başlıklarda ele aldıkları, bu konuda da tutarsızlıkların olduğu saptanmıştır. Özellikle niteleme ve durum zarflarının adlandırılmasında, alt başlıklara ayrılmasında farklılıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Ayrıca zarfların yapısal sınırları konusunda da kaynaklar arasında ayrı görüşlerin olduğu görülmüştür. Bazı kaynaklarda sözcük öbeklerinin zarf olarak kabul edilmesinin zarflarının sınırları açısından sorun oluşturduğu söylenmiştir. Bunların yanı sıra zarfların nasıl oluştuğu açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Zarflaştırmanın, adların ve ad soylu sözcüklerin, addan ve eylemden türemiş sözcüklerin, bileşik sözcüklerin ve ikileme biçimindeki sözcüklerin zarf oluşturma süreçlerini kapsadığından bahsedilmiştir.Bu çalışmada kaynaklarda verilen açıklamalarla veri tabanındaki örnekler karşılaştırılarak zarfların yapısal ve anlamsal sınırlarındaki sorunlarının çözümlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Anahtar Sözcükler: Türkiye Türkçesi, biçim bilgisi, sözcük türü, zarf, zarflaştırma. | |
dc.description.abstract | This thesis is limited to the subject of adverbs and adverbialization in Modern Turkish. It is prepared to show the differences and similarities among the statements in Turkish grammar books related to the adverbs, one of word categories, in Modern Turkish and to set the structural and semantic limits of the adverbs.In this thesis, adverbs are examined in four parts as opinions related to the sub-types of adverbs and similarities and differences among these opinions, evaluating the statements in the Turkish grammar books with the examples of adverbs in database composed of literary works of art, the question how the adverbs being occurred (adverbialization) and as the relations between adverbial complement and the adverbs.As a result of examinations, it is discovered that there are some inconsistencies in the expressions of the adverbs among the grammar sources. These are the discrepancies of the opinions among the use of the term, definition of the adverbs and evaluating the adverbs as a word category. Moreover, utilizing the information which the grammarians have given, semantic, functional, distributional characteristics are arranged and some information which are useful for differentiating the adverbs from other types are given. However, it is deduced that the grammarians have examined the sub-types of the adverbs according to the meanings with some different subheadings, there are also inconsistencies about this subject. It is found that there are some differences especially in the naming attributive adverbs and manner of adverbs and in detaching to the subheadings.In addition, it is seen that there are also different opinions among the sources about the structural limits of adverbs. In some sources, it is mentioned that word groups being regarded as adverbs cause some problems as to the limits of the adverbs. Furthermore, the questions how the adverbs being occurred is tried to explain. It is mentioned that the adverbialization, nouns and noun-origin words, words derived from nouns and verbs, compound nouns and reiterative comprise the period of composing the adverbs.In this thesis, it is aimed that the problems of the structural and semantic limits of adverbs be solved by comparing the examples in database to statements given in the sources.Key Words: Modern Turkish, morphology, word category, adverb, adverbialization.ABSTRACTADVERBS AND ADVERBIALIZATION IN MODERN TURKISHThis thesis is limited to the subject of adverbs and adverbialization in Modern Turkish. It is prepared to show the differences and similarities among the statements in Turkish grammar books related to the adverbs, one of word categories, in Modern Turkish and to set the structural and semantic limits of the adverbs.In this thesis, adverbs are examined in four parts as opinions related to the sub-types of adverbs and similarities and differences among these opinions, evaluating the statements in the Turkish grammar books with the examples of adverbs in database composed of literary works of art, the question how the adverbs being occurred (adverbialization) and as the relations between adverbial complement and the adverbs.As a result of examinations, it is discovered that there are some inconsistencies in the expressions of the adverbs among the grammar sources. These are the discrepancies of the opinions among the use of the term, definition of the adverbs and evaluating the adverbs as a word category. Moreover, utilizing the information which the grammarians have given, semantic, functional, distributional characteristics are arranged and some information which are useful for differentiating the adverbs from other types are given. However, it is deduced that the grammarians have examined the sub-types of the adverbs according to the meanings with some different subheadings, there are also inconsistencies about this subject. It is found that there are some differences especially in the naming attributive adverbs and manner of adverbs and in detaching to the subheadings.In addition, it is seen that there are also different opinions among the sources about the structural limits of adverbs. In some sources, it is mentioned that word groups being regarded as adverbs cause some problems as to the limits of the adverbs. Furthermore, the questions how the adverbs being occurred is tried to explain. It is mentioned that the adverbialization, nouns and noun-origin words, words derived from nouns and verbs, compound nouns and reiterative comprise the period of composing the adverbs.In this thesis, it is aimed that the problems of the structural and semantic limits of adverbs be solved by comparing the examples in database to statements given in the sources.Key Words: Modern Turkish, morphology, word category, adverb, adverbialization.ABSTRACTADVERBS AND ADVERBIALIZATION IN MODERN TURKISHThis thesis is limited to the subject of adverbs and adverbialization in Modern Turkish. It is prepared to show the differences and similarities among the statements in Turkish grammar books related to the adverbs, one of word categories, in Modern Turkish and to set the structural and semantic limits of the adverbs.In this thesis, adverbs are examined in four parts as opinions related to the sub-types of adverbs and similarities and differences among these opinions, evaluating the statements in the Turkish grammar books with the examples of adverbs in database composed of literary works of art, the question how the adverbs being occurred (adverbialization) and as the relations between adverbial complement and the adverbs.As a result of examinations, it is discovered that there are some inconsistencies in the expressions of the adverbs among the grammar sources. These are the discrepancies of the opinions among the use of the term, definition of the adverbs and evaluating the adverbs as a word category. Moreover, utilizing the information which the grammarians have given, semantic, functional, distributional characteristics are arranged and some information which are useful for differentiating the adverbs from other types are given. However, it is deduced that the grammarians have examined the sub-types of the adverbs according to the meanings with some different subheadings, there are also inconsistencies about this subject. It is found that there are some differences especially in the naming attributive adverbs and manner of adverbs and in detaching to the subheadings.In addition, it is seen that there are also different opinions among the sources about the structural limits of adverbs. In some sources, it is mentioned that word groups being regarded as adverbs cause some problems as to the limits of the adverbs. Furthermore, the questions how the adverbs being occurred is tried to explain. It is mentioned that the adverbialization, nouns and noun-origin words, words derived from nouns and verbs, compound nouns and reiterative comprise the period of composing the adverbs.In this thesis, it is aimed that the problems of the structural and semantic limits of adverbs be solved by comparing the examples in database to statements given in the sources.Key Words: Modern Turkish, morphology, word category, adverb, adverbialization.ABSTRACTADVERBS AND ADVERBIALIZATION IN MODERN TURKISHThis thesis is limited to the subject of adverbs and adverbialization in Modern Turkish. It is prepared to show the differences and similarities among the statements in Turkish grammar books related to the adverbs, one of word categories, in Modern Turkish and to set the structural and semantic limits of the adverbs.In this thesis, adverbs are examined in four parts as opinions related to the sub-types of adverbs and similarities and differences among these opinions, evaluating the statements in the Turkish grammar books with the examples of adverbs in database composed of literary works of art, the question how the adverbs being occurred (adverbialization) and as the relations between adverbial complement and the adverbs.As a result of examinations, it is discovered that there are some inconsistencies in the expressions of the adverbs among the grammar sources. These are the discrepancies of the opinions among the use of the term, definition of the adverbs and evaluating the adverbs as a word category. Moreover, utilizing the information which the grammarians have given, semantic, functional, distributional characteristics are arranged and some information which are useful for differentiating the adverbs from other types are given. However, it is deduced that the grammarians have examined the sub-types of the adverbs according to the meanings with some different subheadings, there are also inconsistencies about this subject. It is found that there are some differences especially in the naming attributive adverbs and manner of adverbs and in detaching to the subheadings.In addition, it is seen that there are also different opinions among the sources about the structural limits of adverbs. In some sources, it is mentioned that word groups being regarded as adverbs cause some problems as to the limits of the adverbs. Furthermore, the questions how the adverbs being occurred is tried to explain. It is mentioned that the adverbialization, nouns and noun-origin words, words derived from nouns and verbs, compound nouns and reiterative comprise the period of composing the adverbs.In this thesis, it is aimed that the problems of the structural and semantic limits of adverbs be solved by comparing the examples in database to statements given in the sources.Key Words: Modern Turkish, morphology, word category, adverb, adverbialization. | en_US |