dc.description.abstract | İklim değişikliği günümüzün şüphesiz en popüler konularından biridir ve iklimdeğişikliği ile mücadele kapsamında uluslararası anlamda adımlar atılmaktadır.Birleşmiş Milletler ve İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi ve devamında gelenKyoto Protokolü ve Paris Anlaşması bu konuda atılmış büyük ve önemli adımlardır.Bu protokoller ve anlaşmalar sera gazı emisyonlarının azaltımı hedefleriiçermektedir. Sera gazı emisyonlarının azaltımı hedefleri genellikle enerji verimliliğieylemleri ile desteklenmektedir.Bu tez çalışması kapsamında iklim değişikliği, iklim politikaları, Türkiye'nin iklimpolitikalarındaki yeri, enerji verimliliği politikaları incelenmiştir.Avrupa Birliği'nin 2012/27/EU Enerji Verimliliği Direktifinin 7. maddesindetanımlanan Enerji Verimliliği Yükümlülükleri Sistemi (EVYS) enerji verimliliği veçevre politikalarının gerçekleştirilmesi için kurulacak bir mekanizmadır. EVYS'denihai kullanıcıya enerji satışı yapmakta olan şirketlerin bu nihai kullanıcılar üzerindeenerji verimliliği çalışmaları yapma ve belirlenen tasarruf hedeflerine ulaşmazorunluluğu bulunmaktadır.EVYS bu çalışma kapsamında detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. EVYS'nin yapısı,uygulanmakta olduğu ülkelerdeki sistemin işleyişi ve ülkeler arası benzerlikler vefarklılıklar ayrıntılarıyla işlenmiştir. Daha sonra, kurulması planlanan TürkiyeEVYS'si için uzman görüşlerine dayanarak bir sistem yapısı önerisi geliştirilmiştir.Bunun için yerli ve yabancı dokuz enerji uzmanının katıldığı bir anket çalışmasıyapılmıştır.Anket sonucunda enerji uzmanlarının; sorumlu kurumun Enerji ve Tabii KaynaklarBakanlığı (ETKB), sistem yöneticisinin yeni kurulacak enerji ajansı, yükümlükatılımcıların tüm enerji türlerinde hizmet veren ve belirli bir enerji cinsinden satışmiktarı eşik değerini aşan tüm enerji dağıtıcıları ve tedarikçileri olduğu, tüm gönüllükatılımcıların ve borsada yapılacak sertifika ticaretinin sisteme dahil edildiği, enerjitasarrufu hedeflerinin belirli bir yüzdesine ulaşamayan yükümlü katılımcıların cezaaldığı bir ceza sisteminin olduğu ve yükümlü katılımcıların verilecek teşviklerlefinansal olarak desteklendiği bir Türkiye EVYS'sinin yapılandırılması gerektiğinidüşündüğü ortaya çıkmıştır.Anket sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde Netica Bayes Ağı Modelleme Programıkullanılmıştır. Netica'da uygulanan senaryolarla sistemin en önemli bileşenleri analizedilmiştir. Ayrıca, Türkiye EVYS'si için EVYS'yi kurmuş ülkelerdeki uygulamaörnekleri ve Türkiye'nin yapısı göz önünde bulundurularak uygulama önerilerigeliştirilmiştir. | |
dc.description.abstract | Nowadays, climate change is one of the most popular issues. There are manydifferent opinions about climate change. Humanity is giving more attention to theimportance of this issue and designing tasks to prevent it. Though there are somecounter arguments, the latest report published by the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change shows that climate change is real, and 95% human-induced.Considering the climate change statistics and forecasts, it is clear that whole worldface a major problem that will affect all living things.Important steps have been taken internationally to struggle against climate change.The adventure of struggling against the climate change began with the UnitedNations (UN) Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm where climatechange was first discussion in 1972. This adventure continues with the KyotoProtocol and the Paris Agreement which international responsibilities for climatechange were defined.Main indicator in the fight against climate change is the reduction of greenhouse gasemissions. The most effective methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions areincreasing greenhouse gas sinks and afforestation, reduction or more efficient usingof conventional energy resources, dissemination of renewable energy use and energyefficiency actions.Since COP21 to keep the change under 2 degrees has internationally been acceptedand legislative works are carried out on this issue. Energy efficiency and climatepolicies are interwoven in these works. The main objectives of the European Union's(EU) 2020, 2030 and 2050 targets are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increaserenewable energy use and improve energy efficiency.The 2012/27/EU Energy Efficiency Directive that the European Union has enteredinto force 4 December 2012 in order to achieve the specified targets, is one of themajor energy efficiency policies. Article 7 of the Directive requires Member States toestablish Energy Efficiency Obligations Scheme (EEOS) or alternative policymeasures to save a certain amount of energy on final consumers.EEOS is a mechanism in which the companies (distributors, suppliers, retailers, etc.)selling energy to end-users take an obligation to perform energy efficiency actions onthese users. Currently, 13 EU member states are implementing the EEOS.EEOS is a flexible system and thus the application of each country is unique. EEOSgives its parties the freedom to choose how to achieve their goals, so ensures tooptimize the cost/benefit of energy efficiency actions. From the energy supplier tothe distributor, from material and equipment manufacturers to energy serviceproviders, EEOS activates all the rings of the energy supply chain.Turkish Government participate international actions climate change mitigationssince 1994 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).Although Turkey does not have obligations of emission reduction, it presented itsIntended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC. Between2020 and 2030, Turkey aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 21% overthe business as usual scenario.Providing energy efficiency at all stages of the energy supply chain, prevention oflosses and unconscious consumption, reduction of energy intensity are importantcomponents of the energy efficiency policies of Turkey.Turkish Government also conducts new regulations on energy efficiency since 2007Energy Efficiency Law. EEOS would be a proper mechanism in order to reach boththe goals that its own defined and the responsibilities to UNFCCC. In addition, theNational Energy Efficiency Action Plan that entered into force in 2017 alsomentioned clearly on the establishment of Turkish EEOS.This thesis is prepared to view closely Energy Efficiency Obligations Scheme that isplanned to be constructed in Turkey and the structure of countries that implementthis scheme, to reveal the structure of possible Turkish EEOS based on expertsopinion and to develop policy recommendations of it.The structure of EEOS is analysed with the impact of ten variables as ResponsibleAuthority, Managing Authority, Obligated Parties, Energy Type Of ObligatedParties, Target Sector, Threshold Value, Voluntary Parties, Financial Support,Penalty System and Certificate Trading.Proper alternatives for each variable are determined and introduced as an option inthe questionnaire for local conditions in Turkey. Energy experts selected optionswhich are appropriate for these variables, evaluated the effects of these variables onscheme success and interactions between variables.As a result of the expert questionnaire generally accepted scheme is suggested tohold the characteristics as Responsible Authority should be Ministry of Energy andNatural Resources, Managing Authority should be new energy agency, ObligatedParties should be all energy distributors and suppliers serving in all energy types,Target Sectors should be all end use sectors , Threshold Value should be the amountof sales in energy unit, Voluntary Parties should be all options, Financial Supportshould be incentive, there should be a Penalty System which obligated parties whoare unable to reach a certain percentage of their energy saving targets are penalizedand Certificate Trading should be on stock market.Netica Bayes Network Modelling Program is used for the analysis of expertopinions. The most important variables of the scheme are analysed with the scenariosapplied in Netica. According to the experts, it is clear that the most importantvariables of the system are financial support, target sector, obligated parties andenergy type. By taking examples of EEOS and structure of Turkey into considerationapplication recommendations are developed for Turkish EEOS.This thesis study started by giving general information in the introduction chapter. Inthe second chapter, climate change is discussed. In this chapter the causes and theconsequences of climate change and internationally actions are carried out to struggleagainst climate change and the situation of Turkey in these actions are mentioned. Inthe next chapter energy efficiency policies in Europe and Turkey is described, andEnergy Efficiency Obligations System, which is the main subject of this study, is viewed in detail. In the fourth chapter, prepared questionnaire to get experts opinionin order to construct the structure of possible Turkish EEOS is described. In the fifthand final chapter, information about the results of the study is given andrecommendations for Turkish EEOS and further studies are presented. | en_US |