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dc.contributor.advisorSözer, Hatice
dc.contributor.authorGüneş, Onur
dc.description.abstractBu tezin amacı; binaların elektrik tüketimlerinin kendi bünyesinde üretebilmesinde güneş enerjisi sistemlerinin önemi ve şebeke enerjisine olan bağımlılıklarının azaltılma kapasitelerinin araştırılmasıdır. Bu kapsamda, Enerji Piyasası Denetleme Kurumu'nun 28.12.2017 karar tarihli kurur kararına uygun olarak Soma Termik Santrali'nin Lojmanlar'ından seçilen örnek iki katlı bir evin üretim ve gelir analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın başlangıç bölümünde çatı tipi BAPV ve BIPV sistemlerinin dünyadaki durumu, Türkiye'deki durumu, uygulanması aşamasında uyulması gereken standartlar, teknoloji ve teknik altyapı yeterlilikleri, önündeki engeller ve konu ile alakalı literatür araştırmaları yapılmıştır.Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde dünyada ve Türkiye'de BAPV ve BIPV uygulama şekilleri, farklılıkları, birbirine karşı avantaj ve dezavantajları karşılaştırılmıştır ve örnek uygulamalar araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde ise BAPV sistemleri için uygulama metodolojisi oluşturularak nelere dikkat edilmesi ve nelerin analiz edilmesi gerektiği sıralanmıştır. Bu sıraya göre de seçilen örnek evin analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan sayısal çalışmalarda Meteonorm, PVGIS, NASA veri setlerinden faydalanılmış ve `Excel` ile `PVSYST` programları kullanılmıştır. Araştırmalar ve ileriye dönük projeksiyonlar neticesinde elde edilen veriler excel programına aktarılarak degredasyon oranı hesaba katılmış, yıllara sari üretim değerleri hesaplanmıştır.Örnek çalışma özelinde; mevcut binanın güneş görme süresi ve yıl içi değişen iklim koşulları dikkate alınarak iklim veri analizi yapılmıştır. Çatının mevcut uygunluk durumuna göre gölgelenme analizi yapılmıştır ve gölgelenme kaybını en aza indirmek için teknik tasarım belirlenmiştir. Binanın enerji modelinden faydalanılarak tüketim verilerine göre kurulu güç hesapları yapılmıştır. Türkiye özelinde kurgulanan bu proje ile ilgili standart ve mevzuat araştırması yapılmış ve yasal süreçler dikkate alınmıştır. Uygun elektriksel tasarım belirlendikten sonra üretim analizleri yapılmış ve bunun neticesinde performans analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir.Son bölümde ise sonuç ve öneriler yer almaktadır.
dc.description.abstractRenewable energy sources (wind, solar, biomass, wave, hydrogen, geothermal, etc.), which are more sustainable and environmentally friendly due to the fact that fossil fuel reserves will be depleted in the near future and irreparable damage to the environment, have long been the main topic in the energy policies of all countries. The issue of clean energy, which has become a global awareness, has made renewable energy popular. The most distinctive feature of solar technology is that it is the only technology that can be scaled among renewable energies. Scalability has made the use of photovoltaic technology known to everyone and has become widespread with the problem of carbon emissions.BAPV and BIPV applications began to spread throughout the world in the 1990s. Before these years, photovoltaic technology was installed only in the land. However, with the development of technology, increasing the efficiency of solar panels and becoming an accessible technology, the building roofs and facades started to produce electricity.The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of solar energy systems and their capacity to reduce their dependence on grid energy. In this context, the production and income analysis of an example two-storey house selected from the Housing Complex of Soma Thermal Power Plant in accordance with the ruling decision of the Energy Market Supervision Agency dated 28.12.2017 was carried out.In the first part of the study; the world situation of the BAPV and BIPV system, the situation in Turkey, standarts to be followed in the implementation process, technology and infrastructure adequacy, associated with obstacles and issues literature searches were performed. These studies include the ability to meet the electrical demand of BAPV and BIPV systems, building conformity analysis, production analysis, cost analysis, the difference between the roof and façade installation and engineering. The most important feature that distinguishes this study from others to consider the legislation in Turkey, going into technical design details, making appropriate design and production analysis is the creation of the income statement. In other words, engineering, regulation monitoring, analysis, finance and technology are all considered as one and form a methodology for this multidisciplinary structure. Literature research has also been conducted on these subjects.Also in this part of the study, the properties of photovoltaic panel technologies are compared and classified. What should be considered when selecting solar panels for BAPV and BIPV applications is stated.In the second part of the study; total capacities in Turkey and Others has been compared, the annual growth projection has been investigated.From a technical point of view; The difference of these applications from land type solar power plants has been investigated and design criteria have been focused on. Important topics such as location and direction selection, climate data analysis, shading analysis, technology analysis and product selection and assembly criteria are detailed.From a regulation point of view; International and Turkish standarts are detailed. Espacially, Turkish regulation has been investigated. Incentive mechanisms in Turkey, regulations and standarts was investigated and searched for answers to what can be done. Turkey is faced with a lot of changes because of new regulations in the solar industry. This poses a disadvantage both in terms of regulation monitoring and information reliability. This and many other obstacles have been detailed and solutions have been presented.In addition, Application forms of BAPV and BIPV in Turkey and global side, differences between BIPV and BAPV, advantages and disadvantages are compared against each other and sample applications have been investigated.In the third part of the study; the application methodology for BAPV systems has been created. What needs to be considered and what needs to be analyzed are listed. According to this, the analysis of the selected house was carried out.In the numerical studies, Meteonorm, PVGIS, NASA data sets were used for the climate analysis. Excel and PVSYST programs were used. The data obtained as a result of the researches and prospective projections were transferred to the excel program and the degredation ratio was taken into account and the yearly production values were calculated.In the case study; For the location of the sample building, radiation and temperature values were found according to the three different data sets mentioned above. Climate data analysis were performed by taking into consideration the sun hour period of the current building and changing climatic conditions during the year. Location and direction are selected and the roof is divided into 4 different regions. The roof is modeled in 3D by the PVSYST program. Shading analysis is performed after modeling. As a result of these analyzes, it was calculated that considering the western and eastern parts as separate power plants would result in less shading loss and the project was formed in this way. Shading analysis was performed according to the current suitability of the roof and technical design was determined to minimize the loss of shading. Consumption data of the building were taken from the studies of ITU Energy Institute. Electricity production is carried out under three main headings: pumps, various equipments and lighting. The installed power are calculated according to consumption data by utilizing the energy model of the building. Standarts and legislations related to this project were conducted and legal processes were taken into consideration. Since the installed system will be installed within the framework of the roof regulation, the study has been carried out by taking this regulation into consideration. Then, photovoltaic design analysis was performed. These analyzes include technology and product selection. After the selection of solar panel and inverter, electrical design was realized. Optimum design is made for each part of the roof which is divided into 4 different regions. After determining the appropriate electrical design, production analyzes were performed and according to the results, performance analyzes were performed. Since production analyzes were performed according to 3 datasets, production deviations were calculated on a monthly basis. These calculations; is a handbook for the healthier operation of the power plant. Production analyzes include probability calculations. It also offers us P95, P90 and P50. Gauss distribution method is used to make these calculations. The 25-year investment and the degradation of the solar panels every year necessitated the annual degredation calculation. In this calculation, monte carlo simulation method was applied and annual degredation rates were calculated. As a result of the production analyzes, income statement was formed.As a result of the calculations, a production deviation of 11% was found. The first P50 production value of the BAPV system, which is planned to be 29.9kWp, was analyzed as 31,75MWh per year. When degredation is taken into account, it is estimated that 27,50MWh electricity will be produced after 25 years. When monthly settlement occurs; When you start the system in January, a 3-month cash negative position is increased. If the system is activated between April and September, the cash flow from the first month can be positive.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.titleBinaya ekleme fotovoltaik sistemlerin bir konut binası çatısında uygulaması
dc.title.alternativeInstallation of photovoltaic systems on the roof of a housing building
dc.contributor.departmentEnerji Bilim ve Teknoloji Anabilim Dalı
dc.subject.ytmEnergy analysis
dc.subject.ytmEnergy generation
dc.publisher.instituteEnerji Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.disciplineEnerji Bilim ve Teknoloji Bilim Dalı

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