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dc.contributor.advisorÖnder, Muharrem
dc.contributor.authorHouran, Othman Saeed
dc.description.abstractislam hukukunun olusumunda F1k1h kaidelerinin acik bir rolii vardir. Cunkil bu kaideler Allah' 111 kitabi ve Hz. Peygamber' in si.innetindeki naslann bi.itiini.inden F1k1h alimlerinin anladiklannm hulasasi mesabesindedir. F1k1h alimlerinin bu kaideleri vaz etmesindeki amac; f1kh111 kendisi i.izerine bina edilebilecegi fetvaya esas bir takun kurallar ve anlasmazhk durumunda kendisine basvurulabilecek bir kisun kaideler olusturmaktrr.Bu kaideler aracihgryla mtiftti fetvasrru verebilecek ve hakim verecegi hiikrne referans olabilecek esaslara sahip olacakur.Bu sebeple dort mezhebe mensub olsun olmasm F1k1h alimlerinin tarnarnr; bu kaideleri rneydana getirmek, bablara ayrrmak ve bunlan feri' meselelere tatbik etme hususuna onern verrnislerdir ki her bir fikrh alimi, bu ilimden elde ettiklerini bir araya toplanus olsun. Bunin fikih ictihadlan bu kaidelere dayamr ve biitiin mezhepler bunlan goz onunde bulundurmaya caba sarfeder. fikrh alimleri arasmda bu kaideler etrafmda tartismalar suregelmistir. Bunun sonucunda bir kisim kaideler i.izerinde ittifak edilirken bazilan da mezhepler arasmda ihtilaf konusu olmustur.Ote yandan F1k1h alimleri; F1k1h kaidleri ile usul kaideleri arasmda aynma gittikleri gibi, kavaidi fikhiyye ile zavabrtifikhiyyeyi de birbirinden ayrrmrslardtr. Cunku bunlardan her biri digerlerinden farkh bir anlama sahiptir.Bu sebeple Islam medeniyetindeki hukukcular; Rasid halifeler donemindeki yargrlama usiillerinde adaletin gozetilrnesine verilen onern ve bunun sonucu olarak ortaya cikan insanlar arasinda adaleti gozetip, kisi hak ve hurriyetini garantiye almaya oldukca onem verrnislerdir. Ozellikle bu durum Osmanli'run son doneminde (Tanzimat donerni) ciplakltgi ile kendini gostermistir. Cunkii bu donemde hukukcular fikrh kaideleri rsigmda Devlet idaresini esas alan kanunlar haztrlamislardrr. Bu fikih koleksiyonunun (Mecelle-i Ahkam-i Adliyye) onernli sonucu; bu koleksiyonun sonunda yer alan, devlet idaresi ve yargilama hukukuna dair maddelere yer verilmis olmasrdrr.Biz bu cahsrnarruzda; Mecelle-i Ahkam-i Adliyye cercevesinde Osmanh Devlet Yonetiminde F1k1h kaidelerinin rolunun boyutlanrn arasuracagrz.Bu sebeple oncelikle; Hanefi Mezhebi basta olmak uzere mezheplerin klasik fikrh kaynaklanndan basvurulmustur. Sonra da devlet idaresi ve yargilama hukuku alanmdaki Osmanh vesikalan uzerinde cahsilrmsnr. Bumm yamnda mahkemelerin ti.irleri ile cograf dagihmlan ve adaletin gerceklesmesi. insan hak ve hi.irriyetinin korunmasmdaki etkilerine de ternas edilmistir.Ayrica bu calismada ki.illi lrkrh kaidelerinden kanun tarzmda alt maddelerin nasil crkanldrgi da Mecelle-i Ahkanu Adliyye cercevesinde arasurrna konusu yapilrmstrr.
dc.description.abstractIslamic legal maxims have a clear purpose in Islamic law that are a summary of what legal scholars understand of the corpus of texts which constitute the Quran and the Sunnah. Some of those principles which find unanimous support among legal scholars become the foundation upon which legal rulings are formed as well as the bases of law that is instrumental during disagreements. They often substantiates legal verdicts and is relied upon to provide support in court rulings.This is why jurists of the four legal schools as well as others have given them much consideration whether from the technical perspective, tracing their origin, arranging them topically, applying them or studying their sources of references. This was in order that every jurist attains as much insight as is possible of this field.All legal reasoning depends on those legal principles, and every Legal School (madhab) sought to define them, while scholars discussed them elaborately until they were able to define those principles which they agreed upon and those they disagreed upon.Likewise scholars differentiated between Legal Principles, Jurisprudential Principles and Legal …… as each differed from the other.Hence legal scholars in the Islamic civilization strove in order to implement the value of justice in juridical organizations by evaluating it in the period of the rightly guided caliphs alongside the results of the respective era's judicial rulings. The endeavor sought to maintain justice while protecting rights and freedoms. This was in order for these qualities to manifest explicitly in the Ottoman Empire particularly in its latter years (during the era of its reforms) and thus they found principles pertaining to the administration of the state. The most distinguished part in this publication, `The Majalla al-Ahkam al-Adliyya`, was the section in the end on judgeship and ruling with regards to judicial authority.This study seeks to show the extent of influence of legal maxims on judicial authority in the Ottoman Empire through `The Majalla al-Ahkam al-Adliyya`.In order to achieve that I will search through authentic legal works of the Hanafi Legal School, as well as the remaining legal schools. Also, an analysis of Ottoman State Administration and Judicial Administration documents to ascertain the type of courts and their geographical distribution will be undertaken, while assessing their impact to achieve the value of justice and the preservation of freedoms within the state.The study also focused on the major legal maxims as well as minor (or more general) ones, with reference to legal topics contained in `The Majalla al-Ahkam al-Adliyya`.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.titleأثر القواعد الفقهية الكبرى في السلطة القضائية مجلة األحكام العدلية أنموذجا
dc.title.alternativeEseru'l- kavâidi'l-fıkhiyye el-kübrâ fi's-sultati'l-kadâiyye Mecelletü'l-ahkâmil-adliyye enmüzecen
dc.contributor.departmentTemel İslam Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı
dc.subject.ytmMecelle-i Ahkam-i Adliyye
dc.subject.ytmOttoman State
dc.subject.ytmOttoman Law
dc.subject.ytmIslamic Law
dc.publisher.instituteSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universityYALOVA ÜNİVERSİTESİ
dc.publisher.disciplineİslam Hukuku Bilim Dalı

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