ABSTRACT Human is a creature which is permanently being renewed and redefined in a process of several kind of relations. Since the necessity for riving in a community, it is hard thing person without having any relations with others. The happiness of a person living in a community together with other people depends on the quality of his relations. Thus, it is necessary for the members of the community to learn to be respectful for the views, beliefs and ideas of others, with whom they have relations, to establish a democratic, peaceful, stable and happy community. It is also necessary for them to make consultations and to exchange views in order to solve a problem. In other words, they must set up communications with each other. However, the fact should not be forgotten that in a community whose members are not able to talk, to discuss and to establish relations with each other in a civilized manner, the possibility of struggle and confliet is high among the people who set up relations with each other. It could be said that social events and sacral facts are shaped by the individuals lives. In other words, individual attitudes and behaviors lay behind the social results. Social relations and communications which are established unconsciously by individuals lay behind the wars, struggles and conflicts seen in several regions of the world. All of these show that coexistence of the people depends on the gaining abilityfor setting up good relations and communications with each other. This requires to know and to understand the psychology of human as well as his behaviors. Now, the world sees a period in which a rapid and unseen global changes occur and new developments take place. Due to rapid development and advance in the technology of the telecommunication systems, human is living in a period for passing to information society in which the transfer of the information is accelerated and eased through the worldwide telecommunication systems. The traditional way of life and the solidarity unions leave its place to the organizations whose arms are to hold the people who have different level of education and clatter, and to make them efficient and to get them together to serve for common goals in a positive way. Another aim of this organization is to educate the person, who is a member of information socially now, to provide him the opportunity to get information about himself, his environment and other people. Serving to common goals in an efficient and concerted manner in these organizations depends on the quality of relations and communications established by the members of them. This is related to the ability of having information about psychology and behaviors of the human.